notes: most sources say that there is no need to memorize the CODE for all of these algorithms, but to just know their functionality
selection sort
âsearch-and-swapâ method. Find smallest, swap with arr[l0], second smallest, arr[0], and so on
Number of comparisons does not depend on initial arrangement of elements
insertion sort
checks if one behind is smaller, then swaps if it is (âinsertsâ itself there)
-wrost case: array is inticially sorted in reverse order
-best case: array is already sorted in increasing order
merge sort (ALWAYS recursive)
âdivide and conquerâ
break into half, merge sort left half, merge sort right half, merge the two subarrays into a sorted array
-major disadvantage: needs a temporary array that is as large as the orriginal array. Could be problem if space is a factor
- Best, worst, and aerage cases have similar run times bc merge sort is not affected by the initila ordering of the elements
quicksort (recursive)
if there are at least two elements in the array, partition the array, quick sort the left subarray, and quick sort the right subarray.
partition method: splits array into 2 subarrays w/pivot element chosen at random from array (or is just 1st element and placed so that all items to the left of the pivot are less than or equal to the pivot, wheraes those to the right are greater than or equal to it
fastest run time: array should be partitioned into 2 parts of roughly the same size
pivot is the smallest or largest element: 2 subarray is empty, and quicksort will turn into a slow, recurisve version of selection sort and is very inefficient
worstcase: partitioning algorithm repeateldy divides array into pieces of size 1 and n-1
sequential sort
starts at element 1, compares with every other element until key is found or there are no more elements io examine in the list
best case scenario: key is in first ot
worst case: key is in last slot or not in list
average: there will be n/2 comparisons (n is number of elements)
binary search
must be sorted array
split in half, find mid, if key is higher then look at elements after mid
best case: key is found on the first try (middle)
worst case: key is not in array or is at an enpoint of the array
what is it about static methods on the implicit parameter this?
static methods have no implicit parameter this
what is it about parameters and values?
all parameters in Java are passed by value
2 different constructros in same class, amount of parameters
they can have the same number of parameters, as long as they are different object types
which has higher precedence, && or ||?
-unary (!, ++, â, etc)
-equality (== or !=)
-assignment (+=, -=, etc)
linear search
-basic array traversal
-data does not have to be in order
-loops through entire array (or arraylist) and returns index position if key is found
- if key is not found, returns -1
What happens if s.substring(s.length()) is called?
An empty string is returned, NO EXCEPTION IS THROWN
What happens if a class has no constructor?
Compiler makes default, no argument consuctor, which will look like this:
public class() {