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Product Context
Created in 1936 to sell more reasonable cost to appeal to working families
1930s, chocolate → only affordable to wealthy people
Post-rationing period (1950s) → luxuries, acceptable part of grocery shopping
Creator Mackintosh → aimed to make QS more accessible to working families
Historical context
Brand icons → Regency Era → elegance in Fine Art and Architecture
Similar to 1950s in terms of social; cultural development
Social; cultural context
supported drastic change in entertainment; arts accessibility; affordability
Gold frame → halo effect around man; product
persuasive to audience
Alliteration of “delicious dilemma” →make you more attractive if buying them
“delightfully different” →memorable + connotes taste & variety in tin
adjectives ‘delicious’ + ‘dilemma’ → chocolate being luxurious
Layout and design
Purple logo → royalty and sophistication
bright colours + high key lighting → positivity & fun
rich colour palette → upper class
serif font → formality
gold frame → luxury, richness, power
Man in centre of frame (protagonist) wearing suit → dominance + wealth
tin in middle of frames/repeated images of chocolate → informs demographic; encourages them to buy product
two women are seen beside man kissing him →reinforces stereotypes of women being damsels in distress →them needing chocolate/man needing women (doesn’t relate to male gaze theory cause focus ain’t on bodies)
Regency figures (woman wearing purple, man wearing soldier suit)→ period of culture and prosperity/ intertexual reference to other ads →connotes success