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inner cell mass forms
the embryo
outer trophoblast will form
the placenta
Syncytial trophoblast cells
secrete enzymes that allow blastocyst to penetrate the uterine lining and become buried in the endometrium
amniotic fluid
cushions and protects the embryo from trauma and extreme temperatures and keeps the fetal tissues moist
yolk sac
provides nourishment to the embryo while the placenta is being established
what forms the chorion ?
the extraembryonic mesoderm and trophoblast layers
in the third week of development a process known as gastrulation occurs and divides into three primary germ layers, what are they?
epiblast becomes
hypoblast becomes
gives rise to epidermis, glands and nervous tissue
form muscle , blood, bones , heart and kidneys
gives rise to the epithelial lining and glands of digestive , respiratory
forms part of they urinary bladder and contriubutes. to the stalk
mesoder forms a connecting stalk between the embryonic disc and developing chorion which will become:
the umbilical cord
what is ectopic pregnancy
implantation that occurs outside of the uterus
where location does not support its growth
what is placenta previa ?
when the placenta attaches low in the uterus
may be covering the opening of uterus
Dizygotic twins
two eggs are released during ovulation and is fertilized by different sperms, sharing 50% of genes
this is known as faternal twins
Monozygotic twins
a single fertilized egg splits into two embryos
sharing 100% genetic material
known as identical twins
what is breech presentation?
the fetus in the longitudinal, lie with the buttocks or lower extremity entering the pelvis first
false labour pains
knwon as braxton hicks
contractions are unpredictable and dont follow a patter
this does not lead to cervical changes
True labour pains
contractions become regular and occur predictable interval
causes cervix to dilate