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Two + people interacting interdependently to achieve a common goal
Formal Group
Established by organization to facilitate the achievement of organizational goals (Work on project)
Informal Group
Emerge naturally in response to common interests of organizational members (playing on a soccer team)
5 Stage Model of Group Development
Forming - What’s the purpose
Storming - Conflict arise
Norming - Norms are agreed
Performing - Energy towards a goal
Adjourning - Group disperses after goal
Practical Learnings from Stage Model
Monitoring & troubleshooting group development
Helpful for new groups to understand the development process together
Strong teams can shorten processes and not even go through storming and norming
Punctuated Equilibrium Model
A group development model that shows how groups with deadlines are affected by first meetings and crucial midpoint transitions
Punctuated Equilibrium Model
Phase 1 - First meeting to midpoint
Midpoint Transition - Half way point (realization moment)
Phase 2 - Decisions and approached are made
Practical Learnings of the Equilibrium Model
Prepare carefully for the first meeting
As long as people are working, don’t look for radical progress
Manage midpoint carefully
Have resources before phase 2
Don’t change deadlines
Group Structure
Size of the situation broken down into 3 types (additive, disjunctive, conjunctive)
Additive Task
Group performance = Individuals performance in the group
Disjunctive Task
Group performance depends on best member of group
Conjunctive Task
Group performance is limited by worst group member
Diversity of Group Membership
Diverse groups take longer however they better for cognitive and problem solving tasks
Collective expectations of people’s behavior (dress codes, reward allocation, performance, social interaction)
Positions in a group that have a set expected behaviors attached to them (3 types - ambiguity, conflict, status)
Role Ambiguity
Unclear regarding job roles
Role Conflict
Incompatibility between roles
Status Effect
Rank, prestiege
Group Cohesiveness
The degree to which a group is especially attracted to its members (threat/competition, success, member diversity, size, toughness of initiation)
Consequences of Cohesiveness
More participation
More conformity
More success
Social Loafing
Putting in less physical/intellectual effort because you rely on other group members to carry you
Counteract Social Loafing
Make individual performance more visible
Make work interesting
Increase feelings & Feedback
Reward group performance
Strong sense of shared commitment (Synergy)
Collective Efficacy
Each team member believes they can effectively perform their task the other team members believe in each other
Team Reflexivity
Circular relationship building; interdependence; trust-building
Types of Teams
Self-Managed - Low or no supervision
Cross-Functional - Multiple expertise (HR, accounting, marketing)
Virtual - Technology team
Group Decision Making
Decision quality
Decision acceptance & commitment
Diffusion of responsibility
Disadvantages of Group Decision Making
Groupthink - Group pressure which damages mental efficiency
Improving Decision Making
Devil’s Advocate
Whistle Blower
Devil’s Advocate
Someone that’s assigned to point out weaknesses in a plan
Whistle Blowing
Not assigned, but they still identify problems
Genuinely believe in what they argue
Handle Risk
Risk Shift - Making risky decisions
Conservative Shift - Making less risky decisions