-The state’s role is to maintain order, enforce contracts between individuals, and protect its citizens from outside attack. -Anything more- risk of infringing people’s liberties. -Some support the idea of social Darwinism, which is the ‘survival of the fittest’ principle applied to society.
people will rise and fall in society depending on their own merits and efforts -not the responsibility of the state to help those at the bottom of society, for example through welfare.
laissez-faire capitalist economy, which allows for personal freedom and provides benefits for all of society.
cautious of a strong state- supporting a limited state
Do not place society before the individual
State cannot force people to be good
Help individuals help themselves
women should be entitled to the same civil liberties as men.
women would be able to experience a life of genuine liberty free from the constraints of patriarchy.
extend towards women being allowed to have a career outside of the home, an argument that was well ahead of its time