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the process by which our brain organizes and interprets sensory information, transforming it into meaningful objects and events
bottom-up processing
a way our brain makes sense of information by starting with the small details and then building up to a complete perception
top-down processing
a way our brain makes sense of information based on the larger context, prior knowledge, and expectations
selective attention
the process of focusing on a specific aspect of information while ignoring others
cocktail party effect
our ability to focus on a single conversation in a noisy environment, like a crowded party, while tuning out other stimuli
inattentional blindness
an individual fails to notice an unexpected stimulus in their visual field when their attention is focused on something else
change blindness
the failure to notice large changes in one's environment when the change occurs simultaneously with a visual disruption
mental frameworks that help us organize and interpret information in the world around us
perceptual set
a tendency to perceive or notice some aspects of the available sensory data and ignore others
gestalt psychology
we perceive whole objects or figures rather than just a collection of parts
refers to the ability to distinguish an object (figure) from its surroundings (ground)
binocular depth cues
visual information that requires both eyes to perceive depth and distance
retinal disparity
when each eye sees a slightly different picture because of their separate positions on our face
when our eyes move inward toward each other to focus on a close object
monocular depth cues
visual indicators of distance and space that can be perceived using just one eye
relative clarity
a depth cue where objects that are clearer and more detailed are perceived as closer, while objects that are hazier or less clear seem farther away
relative size
a visual cue where objects closer to us appear larger, while objects further away appear smaller
texture gradient
the way we perceive texture to become denser and finer as it recedes into the distance
linear perspective
a depth cue where parallel lines appear to converge as they recede into the distance
when one object overlaps another, leading us to perceive the overlapping object as closer
perceptual constancies
our brain's ability to see objects as unchanging, even when the image on our retina (like size, shape, or color) changes
shape constancy
our ability to perceive an object as having the same shape, even when our angle of view or the distance from which we see the object changes
size constancy
our perception that an object remains the same size, even when its distance from us changes, causing the image on our retina to grow or shrink
color constancy
ability to perceive colors of objects as stable under varying lighting conditions
apparent movement
the perception of motion when there isn't any actual movement
the first stage of memory, where perceived information is transformed into a format that can be processed and stored in the brain
the process of retaining information in the brain over time
the process of accessing and bringing stored information back into conscious awareness
multi-store model
describes memory as a three-part system that includes: Sensory Memory, Short-term Memory & Long-term Memory
sensory memory
the initial stage of memory where sensory information is stored for a very brief period. It acts as a buffer for stimuli received through the senses and retains impressions of these stimuli for a few seconds at most
iconic memory
type of sensory memory that briefly holds visual images. It captures a precise copy of a visual scene for a fraction of a second before it fades
echoic memory
type of sensory memory that retains auditory information. It holds sounds for about 3-4 seconds, allowing the brain to process spoken language and other auditory stimuli
short-term memory
temporarily holds a small amount of information, typically for about 15 to 30 seconds. It has a limited capacity
long-term memory
the stage of memory where information is stored indefinitely, with a virtually unlimited capacity. It allows for the long-term retention of knowledge, skills, experiences, and facts
working memory
form of short-term memory used for temporarily holding and manipulating information. Short-term and long-term memories combine
phonological loop
component of Working Memory responsible for processing and storing verbal and auditory information. It consists of two parts: Temporarily holds words and sounds for a few seconds, Rehearses and refreshes information in the phonological store through subvocal repetition
long-term potentiation
ong-lasting increase in signal transmission between neurons that results from their simultaneous activation. Considered one of the major cellular mechanisms that underlies learning and memory.
chunking (grouping)
memory strategy that involves grouping individual pieces of information into larger, meaningful units
effortful processing
type of memory encoding that requires active work and attention to embed information into long-term memory
automatic processing
the unconscious encoding of information about space, time, frequency, and well-learned tasks
levels of processing model
proposes that the depth at which information is thought about affects how well it is remembered
shallow encoding
a basic level of processing that focuses on surface characteristics of information, such as the sound or appearance of words, without engaging with its meaning
deep encoding
thoroughly processing information by focusing on its meaning and connecting it to existing knowledge
organizing information into a system of ranked categories or levels
techniques used to improve memory. They help in recalling information by associating it with simple cues like patterns, vivid images, or rhymes
method of loci
mnemonic technique that involves associating items to be remembered with specific physical locations
explicit memories
involves conscious recall of facts and experiences
semantic memory
ype of explicit memory that involves the recall of general facts and knowledge about the world
episodic memory
type of explicit memory that involves the recollection of personal experiences and specific events
autobiographical memory
type of memory that encompasses events and experiences from an individual's own life
prospective memory
remembering to perform a planned action or recall a planned intention at some future point
implicit memories
This type of memory does not require conscious thought and is crucial for performing everyday tasks automatically
procedural memory
type of implicit memory that involves the recall of how to perform tasks or skills automatically
massed practice “cramming”
learning strategy where content is studied intensively over a short period without breaks
spacing effect “distributed practice”
the phenomenon where learning is more effective when study sessions are spaced out over time, rather than crammed into one session
maintenance rehearsal
learning technique that involves repeatedly reviewing information to keep it in short-term memory
elaborative rehearsal
memory technique that involves deep processing of information by adding meaning or connecting it to existing knowledge
serial position effect
the tendency to remember items at the beginning (primacy effect) and end (recency effect) of a list better than those in the middle
primacy effect
cognitive phenomenon where individuals tend to remember items presented at the beginning of a list better than those that follow
recency effect
phenomenon observed in memory recall where the most recently presented items in a list are recalled more clearly and accurately than the items in the middle
retrieval cues
stimuli that help bring previously learned information to mind. They play a critical role in the process of retrieving memories and can be External Cues: Environmental factors or objects that trigger memories. Internal Cues: Thoughts or feelings associated with the original learning.
type of memory retrieval that involves accessing information without the aid of cues (retrieve information from memory spontaneously.)
type of memory retrieval that involves identifying information when it is presented. It includes: Familiarity: Sensing that something has been encountered before. Identification: Matching new information with stored knowledge (e.g., recognizing the correct answer on a multiple-choice test).
context-dependent memory
when you remember information better in the same environment where you first learned it.
state-dependent memory
the phenomenon where memory retrieval is most effective when an individual is in the same state of consciousness as they were when the memory was formed
mood-congruent memory
the tendency to recall information that is consistent with one's current mood
testing effect
phenomenon where long-term memory is enhanced when some of the learning period is devoted to retrieving the information through testing
the awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes, especially in relation to learning and memory
the forgetting curve
graphical representation of the rate at which memory fades over time
encoding failure
occurs when information does not enter long-term memory due to inadequate processing at the time of encoding
proactive interference
occurs when older memories inhibit the ability to learn and remember new information; more likely to occur when the old and new information are similar
retroactive interference
occurs when new learning impairs the recall of previously encoded information; Especially impactful when the old and new information are closely related
tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
common memory experience where an individual feels confident that they know a word or a name, but cannot immediately recall it
source amnesia
the inability to remember where, when, or how previously learned information has been acquired (lost context), while retaining the factual knowledge
anterograde amnesia
memory disorder characterized by an inability to form new memories following the onset of the amnesia, although memories from before the event remain intact; Older memories, formed before the amnesia, are usually preserved
retrograde amnesia
memory disorder that involves the loss of memories formed before the onset of amnesia; Individuals can still learn new information and create new memories
infantile amnesia
the phenomenon where people cannot recall personal memories from the early years of life, typically before age 3-4
Alzheimer’s disease
progressive neurological disorder that leads to memory loss, cognitive decline, and behavioral changes
distressing thoughts and memories are unconsciously blocked from entering conscious awareness; Serves to protect the individual from psychological distress by keeping painful memories out of the conscious mind
constructive memory
the process by which memories are not merely retrieved but actively constructed
misinformation effect
happens when new, incorrect information influences how we remember past events
thinking about one's own thinking processes
executive functions
cognitive processes that allow individuals to generate, organize, plan, and carry out goal-directed behaviors and experience critical thinking
convergent thinking
cognitive process that focuses on finding a single, correct solution to a problem by applying logical steps
divergent thinking
A thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions
Step-by-step procedures or formulas for solving problems that guarantee a correct solution
Mental shortcuts or "rules of thumb" that simplify decision-making by reducing the cognitive burden
“Aha!” moment
hill climbing
Move progressively closer to goal without moving backward
subgoals or means end analysis
break large problem into smaller, more manageable ones, each of which is easier to solve than the whole problem
working backwards
Start with a solution/goal and figure out how to get there
trial and error
One solution after another is tested; time consuming
Put problem aside and engage in an unrelated task before coming back
expertise/ AI
Usually computer programs used to solve specific problems; however, sometimes this involves rigid sets that could hinder finding solutions
availability heuristic
A mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a person's mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method, or decision
representativeness heuristic
cognitive shortcut wherein individuals make judgments about the probability of an event under uncertainty based on how much it resembles existing stereotypes or typical cases
A mental image or best example of a category that aids in recognizing and categorizing objects or concepts
Cognitive frameworks or blueprints that help organize and interpret information based on past experiences and knowledge
“Adding to Existing" The cognitive process of fitting new information into existing schemas
The cognitive process of modifying existing schemas or creating new ones in response to new information