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War Hawks
Expansionists, mainly young Southerners and Westerners in Congress in 1810, advocating for war with Great Britain due to territorial ambitions.
John Quincy Adams
Son of John Adams, served as Secretary of State, negotiated important treaties, faced decline in popularity due to policies regarding Native Americans.
The Great Awakening
A religious revival in the 1730s and 1740s that emphasized passionate Christianity and renewed dedication to religion in the American colonies.
The Second Great Awakening
Protestant religious revival (1795-1835) characterized by camp meetings, increased church membership, and social reforms like temperance and women's emancipation.
The American System
Economic program initiated after the War of 1812, focusing on creating a national bank, federal financing for roads and canals, and protective tariffs.
Tariff of 1816
First high tariff enacted to protect American manufacturers by taxing foreign goods, particularly cloth, encouraging purchase of American-made products.
The Monroe Doctrine
1823 declaration by President Monroe warning European powers to refrain from colonizing in the Americas, viewing such actions as acts of war.
McCulloch v. Maryland
An 1819 Supreme Court case that affirmed federal supremacy over state laws and established the federal government’s implied powers.