four categories of medicine that help prevent and treat illness
medicines the prevent diseases medicines that fight pathogens medicines that relieve pain/symptoms medicines that manage chronic conditions, help maintain/restore health, regulate body systems
medicine that prevents disease
medicine that fight pathogens
medicines that relieve pain/symptoms
aleve, cough syrup
medicines that manage chronic conditions, help maintain/restore health, regulate body systems
propanolol - heart rate regulation
role of FDA
new medicines need to pass standards set by FDA
do not regulate herbal and dietary supplements
over the counter
medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription
medicines dispensed only with written approval of licensed physician or nurse-practitioner
medicine misuses
lose weight
stay awake while studying
fit in with peers
addictive drug found in tobacco leaves
drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, and other organs
cancer-causing substance
thick, sticky, dark fluid produced when tobacco burns
effects of tar
damages lungs
damage (cilia) hair in lungs
carbon monoxide
colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas
short term effects of tobacco
brain chemistry changes
respiration and heart rate increase
taste buds are dulled and appetite is reduced
bad breath, yellowed teeth, smelly hair, skin, and clothes
long term effects
Chronic bronchitis
Lung cancer
Coronary heart disease and stroke
weakened immune system
benefits of living tobacco free
healthy heart
healthy lungs
reduces risk of premature death
long term effects of smoking
lung cancer
coronary heart disease
weakened immune system
risks of second hand smoke
coronary heart disease and stroke lung cancer sids nasal irritation stroke
alcohol is
a depressant
short term effects of alcohol
slow reflexes
reduced ability to judge speed and distance
reduced concentration
influences on alcohol effect
body size
rate of intake
binge drinking
5 or more drinks in one sitting
alcohol poisioning
severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to alcohol overdose
psychological dependence
condition in which a person believes that a drug is needed in order to feel good or to function normally
physiological dependence
condition in which the user has a chemical need for a drug
alcohol and family
economic hardship
disease in which person has physical or psychological dependence on alcohol
benefits of alcohol free life
weight loss
better liver
better brain function
blood alcohol concentration
amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage
substance abuse
unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for non medical purposes
effects of substance abuse
stop pursuing interests
risky behavior
sexual activity
pyschoactive drug
chemicals that affect central nervous system and alter brain activity
4 main pyschoactive drug
communicable disease
disease that is spread from one living organism to another or through the environment
piece of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat
how is bacteria harmful
cause diseases
how do pathogens spread
direct contact with infected person
child birth
puncture wounds
contact with infected animal
physical barrier
skin block pathogens from invading your body.
chemical barrier
enzymes in tears destroy those invaders
immune system
network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals that fights off pathogens
inflammatory response
reaction to tissue damage caused by injury or infection
activie immunity
body develops natural active immunity when exposed to invading pathogens
passive immunity
Artificial passive immunity happens when you receive an injection prepared with antibodies that are produced by an animal or a human immune to the disease
sexually transmitted disease
highly communicable infections that are contracted through sexual contact
Individuals show no symptoms, or the symptoms are mild and disappear after the onset of the infection.
std that damages immune system
later, more severe phase to immune system
best way to avoid contracting an STD/drug abuse
set personal limits
avoid dating someone who does risky things
avoid situations with high pressure
avoid people who mkae fun of safe decisions
refusal skills
be clear about decision