module 1 properties of structures of matter

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what is particle theory

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what is particle theory

all matter is made of continuously moving particles that are held together by forces which vary in strength

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what causes a change in state

gaining or losing energy in the particles

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what is an element (3)

  1. made of only one type of atom

  2. a pure substance that cannot be broken down

  3. homogenous

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what is a compound (4)

  1. two or more elements chemically combined in a fixed ratio by mass

  2. different properties compared to its individual elements

  3. pure substance that can be decomposed into simpler substances

  4. homogenous with definite melting and boiling points

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what is a mixture (4)

  1. two or more elements in any proportion

  2. components keep their own properties

  3. impure substance that can be homogenous or heterogenous (even/uneven spread)

  4. can be physically separated

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what are the separating techniques for solids (3)

  1. sieving

  2. sedimentation

  3. magnetic attraction

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what are the separation techniques for solids and liquids (2)

  1. filtration

  2. centrigugation

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what are the separation techniques for dissolved solids and liquids (3)

  1. evaporation

  2. crystallisation

  3. distillation

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what are the separation techniques for liquids (2)

  1. fractional distillation

  2. separating funnel

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what is the separation technique for gases (1)

  1. fractional distillation

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what is sieving

separating particles of different sizes

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what is sedimentation

separating insoluble solids in liquids

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what is magnetic attraction

separating metals from other metals

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what is filtration

separating liquid (filtrate) from solids (residue)

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what is centrifugation

separating small amounts of solids in suspension through a spinning motion from liquids

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what is evaporation

separating solids from liquid through heating

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what is distillation

separating soluble materials from liquids based off boiling point

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what is a separating funnel separation

separating liquids based on their density

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what is percentage composition

the percentage by mass of each different element present in a compound

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what is an inorganic compound

compounds based on elements other than carbon

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what is an organic compound

compounds based on carbon

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how do you name an inorganic compound (2)

  1. compounds of two elements usually end in -ide, metal name comes first

  2. compounds of two non-metals usually have prefixes, name the most metallic first

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what are the metallic character trends in the periodic table

decreases across a period and up a group

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what are the reactivity trends in the periodic table

decreases across a period

increases down a groups

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what are solids physical properties

  1. malleability

  2. ductility

  3. brittle

  4. hardness

  5. electrical conductivity

  6. resistance

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what is malleability

ability to be shaped without breaking

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what is ductility

ability to be drawn into a wire without breaking

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what is a metal (1-8)

  1. high electrical conductivity

  2. high thermal conductivity

  3. shiny

  4. solids (except mercury)

  5. malleable

  6. ductile

  7. high melting points

  8. high density

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what is a non-metal (1-7)

  1. poor electrical conductivity

  2. good heat insulator

  3. dull

  4. brittle

  5. nonductile

  6. variable melting points

  7. low density

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