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Two major roots of English drama?
through the study of, adaptation and performance of classical Greek and Roman Drama
through the plays written and performed by professional acting troupes
Importance of Gorbudoc?
considered the first true english tragedy
Who was the major pre-shakespearean playwright?
Christopher Marlowe
What types of Dramas did Christopher Marlowe write?
Historical Tragedies
Christopher Marlowes most revived work?
Doctor Faustus
Who was the major Elizbethan playwright?
William Shakespeare
3 types of Shakespeare plays?
Examples of Shakespeare Tragedies
Romeo and Juliet
King Lear
Shakespeares greatest tragedy?
Examples shakespeare comedies?
taming of the shrew
merchant of venice
as you like it
Example of a Shakespeare history?
The Richard and Henry plays
Problems performing Shakespeare plays
There are long (Hamlet was 5 hrs)
Require large male casts
Major roles are difficult
language is difficult to understand and speak
small book containing a single play
a large book with a collection of scripts
Good quartos
authorized publications based on the scripts held by the acting company
Bad quartos
unauthorized publications based on the memory of an unhappy actor no longer apart of the troupe
Why was it necessary for an Elizabethan acting company to have a patron?
acting wasn’t a respected occupation if an actor was not serving a noble/royal family they were considered a rogue/vagabond, they were punished/ put to death
Who was the patron for the Kingsman?
King James l
Held economic interest in the acting company
shared in the company’s profits/losses
held economic interest in the theatre
shared in the theatre profits/losses
actor, musician, stage manager, wardrobe keeper
Private Theatre
small expensive indoor theater
Public Theatre
Name of the first professional english playhouse?
Theatre (wasnt the usual term to define it)
When was the first english theatre built and who built it
James Burbage
When did the globe theatre open?
Who built the globe theatre?
Lord Chamberlins men
How was shakespeare involved in the globe theatre?
it was the company he wrote for and part owned?
The first play shakespeare wrote for the glove theater?
Julius Caesar- 1599
courtyard where the audience stood
part of the stage where most of the action occured
The inner below
a small stage at the rear of the forestage
the inner above
curtained discovery area above the inner below on the second level
The heavens?
The roof over the forestage
Poorest Individuals; paid one penny to stand in the pit (wealthy paid and additional penny to sit in the galleries)
What is the meaning of a flag flown over a theatre?
There would be a performance at the theatre that afternoon; the color of the flag=type of play shown
Who were the kings men?
Leading acting company from 1603-1642
Who was the kingsman leading actors?
Richard Burbage
Who was the kingsmens resident playwright?
Were women allowed to perform?
No, young men played the womens parts
How did gender impact the playwrights?
They included very few females roles in their plays
Most trusted member of the acting company who would collect the money from the audience