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Elimination - Geminal
Uses xs NaNH2 and H2O, X2 are on the same carbon - made into alkyne
Elimination - Vicinal
Uses xs NaNH2 and H20, X2 are on opposite carbons - made into alkyne
Hydrohalogenation - 2 equivalents
Markovnikov addition, uses xs HX
Hydrohalogenation - 1 equivalent
Markovnikov addition, uses HX, 1 equivalent
Acid catalyzed hydration
Markovnikov addition, addition of H-OH, uses HgSO4, H20 and H2SO4, forms an enol that taut to ketone
Anti-Markovnikov addition, forms an aldehyde, uses R2BH and H202 and NaOH
Halogenation - 1 equivalent
Anti (trans) addition, uses X2 and CCl4
Halogenation - 2 equivalents
uses X2 and CCl4
Formation of a carboxylic acid or CO2 (CO2 is formed from terminal alkyne, any other alkyne forms a carboxylic acid)
Formation of a Nu: and E+ (terminal C: -), uses NaNH2 and whatever group needs put on the end
Dissolving metal reduction
Anti (trans) addition, alkyne to alkene, uses Na* and NH3
Addition of H2, alkyne to alkane
Hydrogenation with poisoned catalyst
Cis alkene, uses H2 and lindlar catalyst