Microeconomics Definitions

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The amount of good/service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price in a given period of time

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Law of Demand

there is an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded, ceteris paribus

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Market Demand

the combination of all the individual demand for a good/service

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The amount of a good/service that producers are willing and able to supply at a given price at a given time period

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Law of Supply

price and quantity supplied have a positive relationship, ceteris paribus

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Producer subsidy

an amount of money paid to the firm by the government for each unit produced

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Joint Supply

Occurs when the supply of 2 goods stem from the same source (beef and leather)

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a place that brings producers and consumers together to exchange goods and services

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consumer sovereignty

the economic power exerted by the consumers in a market

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in a market occurs when demand = supply

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in the market occurs whenever there is excess demand/ supply in a market, demand =/= supply

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The Price Mechanism

the interaction of demand and supply in a free market. this interaction determines prices which are means by which scarce resources are allocated between competing goods and service.

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Consumer surplus

the difference between the amount the consumer is willing to pay for a product and the price they paid (between the demand curve and price to equilibrium line)

<p>the difference between the amount the consumer is willing to pay for a product and the price they paid (between the demand curve and price to equilibrium line) </p>
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producer surplus

the difference between the amount the producer is willing to sell a product for and the price they actually sell it at (between the supply cure and the price to equilibrium line)

<p>the difference between the amount the producer is willing to sell a product for and the price they actually sell it at (between the supply cure and the price to equilibrium line)</p>
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allocative efficiency

Occurs at an output level where marginal utility (marginal benefit MB) is equal to marginal cost MC; Resources are allocated so consumers and producers receive maximum possible benefit, no excess demand or supply. (Pareto efficiency, no one can be made better off without making someone else worse off)

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Productive efficiency

occurs at an output level where average costs are minimized, there is no wastage of scarce resources and a high level factor productivity

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Price Elasticity of Demand

shows how responsive the change in quantity demanded is a change in price

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Total Revenue Rule

In order to maximize revenue firms should increase the price of products that are price inelastic and decrease the price of products that are price elastic

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Price discrimination

charging different customers different prices for the same product due to different PEDs

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Merit goods

goods/service that are beneficial to society but free market does not produce enough of.

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Demerit Goods

goods/service that detrimental to society and free market produces too much of it

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Income elasticity of demand

how responsive the change in quantity demanded is to a change in income

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Price Elasticity of Supply

how responsive the change in quantity demanded is to a change in price

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the act of transferring an asset from public to private ownership and control

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taking possession of private property

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Progressive tax system

a system that applies higher levels of income tax to higher levels of income

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welfare benefits

money paid by the government to people who are ill, poor, or unemployed

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Indirect Tax

tax paid on the consumption of goods/ services

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specific tax

a fixed tax per unit of output

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Ad Valorem Tax

a tax that is a percentage of the purchase price

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a producer subsidy is per unit amount of money given to a firm by the government to increase production and or increase the provision of a merit good

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price ceilling

a maximum price of a good/service set by the government below the existing free market equilibrium price and sellers cannot legally sell the good/service at a higher price

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Price floor

a minimum price of a good/service set by the government above the existing free market equilibrium price and sellers cannot legally sell the good/service for less

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Market Failure

when there is a lack of allocative efficiency from the POV of society. Market failure can occur despite the price mechanism

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externa impacts on a third party not involved in the economic transition between the producer and consumer

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Marginal Private Benefit (MPB)

The additional benefit received from the consumption or production (output) of one additional unit of output

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Marginal Social Benefit (MSB)

The benefit to society received from the consumption or production (output) of one additional unit of output. It is the sum of the private benefits plus the external benefits

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Marginal Private Cost

The additional cost incurred through the consumption or production (output) of one additional unit of output

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Marginal Social Cost

The cost to society incurred through the consumption or production of one additional unit of output. It is the sum of the private costs plus the external costs

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Socially Optimum Output

The socially optimum output occurs at the level of output where the marginal social benefit (MSB) = marginal social cost (MSC)

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the ability to innovate by developing new methods, organizes the 3 other factors of production

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man made factor of production, something that was itself produced eg. machinery; Resources that can produce a future stream of benefits

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human input, the physical and mental effort contributed by people to the production of goods and services

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Free good

any good that is not scarce and therefor has no opportunity cost

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economic good

a good that is scarce and therefor has an opportunity cost of its consumption

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