A list of terms you need to know for the Unit 4 exam.
An area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs
Multi national state
multiple people groups in a nation
A zone where no state exercises complete political control
an invisible line that marks the lines of a states territory or land
Ethnic boundaries
Usually language or religion
Antecedent boundary
created before people moved there and influenced landscape
Subsequent boundary
Created after people have moved there and influenced the landscape
Superimposed Boundary
placed by powerful outsiders on a established landscape, usually ignoring cultural spatial patterns.
operational dispute
two countries next to each other disagree on a major issue involving the border
locational dispute
the definition of the border isnt questioned but the interpretation of the border is
definitional dispute
confusion over the language used in a treaty’s outline of the boundary
allocation dispute
usually involve a natural resource and who has the rights to the resource
compact shape of state
the distance from the center of the boundary is similar throughout the country
strengths, easy communication between all regions
weaknesses, small size doesnt prevent civil wars
elongated shape of state
a long an narrow shape
weaknesses, may suffer from poor internal communication
Prorupted shape of state
a compact state with a large projecting extension (panhandle)
Perforated shape of state
A state that completely surrounds another one
weaknesses, may face problems of dependence on or interference from the surrounding state
Fragmented shape of state
several discontinuous pieces of territories
landlocked state
does not have a direct outlet to a sea because it is completed surrounded by other states
states with very small land areas
a country where citizens elect leaders and can run for office
a country that is run for the interests of the leaders not the people
not fully democratic or fully autocracy
an effort by one country to establish settlements in a territory and to force its political economic and cultural ideas on that territory
a policy if extending a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force
cold war
a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats propaganda and other measures short of open warfare.
force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide
transnational corportations
a company that conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many states
centripetal forces
something that unites a state together
centrifugal forces
something that creates tension that could break up a state
unitary states
most power is in central governments, works best in nation states.
federal states
local governments that have ability to adopt local laws, usually in multi national states.
the movement of power from the central government to regional governments within the state
when a powerful country indirectly controls a less developed country through political and economic means
occurs when a collection of nation states and their citizens relinquish some sovereign rights to a larger scale body that exercises authority over its member states
regional trading bloc
a multi country agreement that reduces or eliminates taxes to promote the free flow of goods and services across international borders.