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everyday, recreational, sports and exercise
types of physical activities
during free time. gives you fullfillment
sports and exercise
a set of physical activity. planned
Park Nicollet Medical Foundation
introduced the physical activity pyramid
aerobic activities, recreational activities
3-5 times a week
strength & flexibility activities, leisure activities
3-2 times a week
cut down on
limit or avoid
lifestyle physical activity
physical activity pyramid
visual guide that helps you become healthy and guide you what physical activith you do
a state of being safe and away from harm or danger
safety tips
precaution that is taken in order to ensure that something is safe and not dangerous
proper clothing
for you to move comfortably during an exercise
cold weather
removable layers
high temperature
light colors clothing
fluid intake and replacement. to replace the fluid that we loss through sweating
14-22 oz (2 hrs before exercise)
how much water we should drink before exercise
6-12 oz every 15-20 mins
how much water we should drink during an exercise
sports drink
what other drink we should intake other than water
16-24 oz
how much water we should drink after an exercise
movement experiences and posture
good and poor posture
good posture
allows you a rapid and smooth transition to the next movement
poor posture
may be an indication of a weak core muscle and may affect how well you retain from exercise
proper clothing, hydration, movement experiences and posture
safety tips in doing an exercise