Study and Clarify; generate solutions; identify most promising solution; develop and test solution; implement solution
design process steps
Design process: Stage 1
Study and Clarify Problem
have a precise definition of what makes a solution acceptable and what makes one viable solution better or worse than another.
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Study and Clarify; generate solutions; identify most promising solution; develop and test solution; implement solution
design process steps
Design process: Stage 1
Study and Clarify Problem
have a precise definition of what makes a solution acceptable and what makes one viable solution better or worse than another.
Design process: Stage 2
Generating Potential Solutions
maximize the number and variety of potential solutions to our design problem.
Design process: Stage 3
Identify Most Promising Solution
identify the once conceptual solution that we will use as the basis for our final design. Quickly and efficiently moving from a large number of concepts to the one concept that has the most potential to succeed in the project.
Design process: Stage 4
Develop and Test Solution
analyze, refine, and develop the solution selected in the previous stage using engineering tools(prototypes, simulations, calculations), science and math, and consultations with stakeholders.
Design process: Stage 5
Implement Solution
involves the final constructions, communications, and delivery of the solution to the design problem.
new ideas, perspectives, and information may come up which encourages or requires engineers to revisit and revise previous work
Why Use the design process
improves the chance of finding a solution in the time available
improves the quality of the final solution
improves the chance of completing the project on time
improves the chance of completing the project on budget
refers to money, effort, or other resources
the cumulative total of money, effort, and resources we have spent up to a particular time as we complete the project
Costs committed
the sum of money, effort, and resources we have already spent plus those we will need to spend in the future based on our decisions to date
Costs committed > actual costs
the people, groups, or organizations that are influenced by a project or can influence a project
how prominent and important stakeholders are;
refers to a stakeholder’s ability to influence a project; ex. a regulatory body or a group funding a project
describes a stakeholder’s moral or legal right to have a say in the project; stakeholder groups impacted by a project generally have ___
describes how critical or time sensitive a stakeholder perceives their needs in a project to be.
Tertiary Stakeholder
fulfills only one aspect of saliency
Secondary Stakeholder
fulfills two aspects of saliency
Primary Stakeholder
fulfills all three aspects of saliency
Stakeholder needs
capture the wants and wishes of the stakeholders and the things that will increase (and decrease) stakeholder satisfaction
Expressed needs
needs the stakeholders are aware of and freely share
latent needs
needs that would please stakeholders but that they might not be aware of.
threshold needs
needs stakeholders expect but might not think to mention
Target Design Specifications
the combination of requirements and evaluation criteria that give unambiguous, objective criteria to apply in design decision-making.
the collection of minimal thresholds our design must achieve and the qualities or features it must have (or not have) in order to be considered acceptable to stakeholders.
Evaluation Criteria
the attributes of importance to stakeholders that determine satisfaction beyond a design that minimally meets all requirements.
confirming the target design specifications we have set accurately match stakeholder needs; are we solving the correct problem?
checking if our solution being developed addresses the target design specifications; did we solve the problem correctly?
Principles of Concept Generation
focus on quantity, not quality (avoid anchoring)
welcome unconventional ideas
do not evaluate ideas
Fixation (anchoring)
focusing on one idea rather than thinking broadly, should be avoided during concept generation
a high energy approach to concept generation where ideas are quickly shared.
a structured form of brainstorming where each team member contributes in turn to each idea through sketching.
The process of removing any concepts that cannot be made to meet all requirements.
The process of qualitatively comparing ideas in order to narrow down to a small number worth investigating further.
A detailed and resource-intensive process to quantitatively evaluate a small number of ideas.
Individual Voting
ranking method: each team member casts a set number of votes for the concept they believe best address the evaluation criteria
Pairwise comparison
ranking method: comparing each concept against every other concept, one at a time, trying to find the ones that are favoured most often. Favoured - 1, Tie - ½ Loss - 0
criterion-based ranking
each concept is qualitatively evaluated using the evaluation criteria. A concept expected to perform better than average gains a point, below if less than average, 0 if average.
weighted decision matrix (WDM)
a common tool used in scoring based on rating multiple options against each evaluation criterion with a weight applied.
Sensitivity Analysis
a process where weights and scores are adjusted in a WDM to assess the consistency of the results
a physical or virtual model that represents all or part of a design
Focused Prototype
a prototype that represents only a limited number of elements of the final design
Comprehensive Prototype
a prototype that represents all elements of a final design
Physical prototype
a prototype that physically exists in the same way as the final design
Virtual prototype
a prototype that is not a full physical manifestation of the final design
waterjet pros and cons
pros: cuts almost any material
cuts flat, 2D shapes
nearly impossible to control the depth of cutting
material will get wet
laser cutter pros and cons
pros: can cut materials with sub-millimetre accuracy through materials of different thicknesses
cuts flat, 2D shapes
produce gas and particulates
requires lots of powers to cut thicker materials
3D print pros and cons
pros: 3D, creates objects as directly shown in CAD
materials are limited
cannot be too thin or have unsupported structures
considerations of what the person or group your communication is directed to already known, needs to know, and wants to know
your objectives and goals behind your communication. which may be…
Inform: describe review, instruct, explain, demonstrate
Persuade: convince, influence, recommend, change, justify
considerations for your communication including the format used, location, time, and other special factors.
states the key point and then supports that with data, visuals, and other evidence.
the extent we are using to view a system, from small to large.
Spatial Scale
a scale based on the physical extent of a system.
Temporal Scale
a scale based on time, from now to the distant future
Organizational Scale
a scale based on organizational structures (such as with government), from local/municipal to international
a problem or system free of randomness; the output for a given input will always be the same
Simple System
a system with a small number of elements and predictable behaviour (deterministic)
Complex System
a system with multiple interacting elements, randomness, and feedback (non-deterministic)
the capacity of human civilization and the earth’s natural systems to co-exist indefinitely
3 dimension of sustainability
environment, society, economy
a solution that meets both societal and environmental goals
a solution that addresses both environmental and economic goals
a solution that addresses both societal and economic goals
context (sustainability)
the relevant factors in a problem that influence our stakeholder consultation and the suitability of a potential solution
four principles of sustainability
Avoid removing materials from the earth at a rate faster than they are naturally replenished
Avoid making things and releasing substances at a rate faster than they naturally break down
Avoid degrading ecosystems at a rate faster than they can naturally regrow
As a society, move towards happiness, well-being, and meeting the needs of all people
Causal Loop Diagrams
a diagram of system consisting of variables (nodes) and feedback loops.
Reinforcing Loop
a feed-back loop in which an initial change in a variable is amplified through one cycle of the loop (positive)
Balancing Loop
a feedback loop in which one cycle of the loop counteracts (opposes) an initial change to one variable in the loop (negative)
Process to become an engineer
engineering student → engineering graduate → engineering in training → professional engineer
P. eng seal
assures the work being done meets the standards of a competent engineer. and signifies responsibility for that work
iron ring
serves as a reminder to engineers of their obligation to uphold the high standards of engineering, to act ethically, and to protect the public
Force distributed uniformly across a cross-sectional area
order of yield, ultimate tensile strength, and stress to avoid permanent deformation
stress < yield strength < ultimate tensile strength
Elastic Deformation
change in shape due to applied force is temporary
Plastic Deformation (yield)
change in shape due to applied force is permanent
organized and agreed-upon principles of conduct for a group; the study of standards of right and wrong
widely held societal values regarding right and wrong
Subjective beliefs and standards individuals use to judge right from wrong and good from bad
Duty Ethics
relatively inflexible ethical theory that says we should all behave the same way in all circumstances; we should always do what is good and right according to societal values, morals and codes of ethics; the ends do not justify the means.
maximizes benefits for the greatest number of people, minimizing harms, and fairly distributing both.
Rights Ethics
decisions should be based on protecting the rights of others
a difficult decision where no alternative is clearly preferable - each has some consequence
Conflict of Interest
a situation where you could personally benefit from work you do for your client or employer
Gradual Escalation
a process for resolving dilemmas in which small, low risk actions are attempted first and then followed by larger actions as needed
easy to follow and understand, using appropriate language choices and structure
is factually accurate, and is free from formatting, spelling, grammatical, and other errors
is brief and to the point, but without loss of meaning
is detailed, specific, and vividm with the intended message evident
contains the information the audience needs, including what is expected of them
is polite, friendly, and sincere; shows general respect for the audience
is empathetic and mindful; takes the specific audience and their reaction into account
3 types of feedback
Appreciation: acknowledge a job well done
Coaching: help someone improve
Evaluation: rate someone’s performance against standards
technical memo
a form of concise written communication used within an organization
elevator pitch
a very short (and often impromptu) presentation used to generate interest and a follow-up meeting on a topic
Biomedical Engineering BME
lies at the intersection of engineering, biology, medicine, life sciences, computer sciences(computation), and mathematics.
Chemical / Biomedical Engineering CHBE
integrates mainly chemistry with biology, physics, and math
design and implement processes to change raw materials into vital everyday products
Civil Engineering
oversee the deign, construction, and maintenance of both human and naturally built environments
involved in earthquake, structural, transportation, and municipal infrastructure
Computer Engineering
design, test, and implement software and the hardware of devices and the integration of computers into larger systems
focuses on designing and integrating complete systems consisting of hardware and software elements