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use of government resources to reward individuals for their electoral support
Pendleton Act 1881
Set up by the Civil Service Commission, it created a system where federal jobs were awarded based on competitive exams
McKinley Tariff 1890
Raised the tax on foreign products to a peacetime high of 48 percent.
Wilson-Gorman Tariff 1894
provided a moderate reduction in tariff rates and levied a 2 percent income tax.
Gilded Age
period of ostentatious displays of wealth, growing poverty, and government inaction in the face of income inequality
Specie Resumption Act of 1875
Congress sided with creditors and investors when it passed this act which withdrew all greenbacks (paper money not backed by gold or silver) from circulation.
Greenback Party
formed by supporters of paper money not backed by gold or silver.
Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890
Increased the coinage of silver but it was not enough to satisfy the farmers and miners.
Farmer's Alliance
Group of discontented farmers elected senators, representatives, governors, and majorities in state legislatures in the West.
scientific management
Theory using efficiency experts to examine each work operation, then find ways to minimize the time needed to complete the work
Ida Tarbell
muckraker and magazine editor, exposing the corruption of the oil industry with the series 'The History of the Standard Oil Company'
Jacob Riis
wrote 'How The Other Half Lives', which showed the terrible conditions of the tenement houses of the big cities where immigrants lived during the late 1800s
National Consumer League
attempted to mobilize the power of women as consumers to force retailers and manufacturing to improve wages and working conditions
Pure Food and Drug Act
Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs, it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the 'patent' drug trade
Federal Reserve Act
created a central banking system, consisting of twelve regional banks governed a Board. Attempt to provide the United States with a sound yet flexible currency.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
mission was to abolish all forms of segregation and to increase educational opportunities for African Americans.
Direct Primary
nominating process where voters directly select the candidates who will run for office
League of Women's Voters
Civic organization dedicated to keeping voters informed about candidates and issues.
Hard money
Paper money backed by gold
Margaret Sanger
founded an organization that became Planned Parenthood. They advocated for birth-control education