When did Jesus come to bethany?
six days before the passover
During the dinner, what did Martha do?
During the dinner, what was Lazarus doing?
reclining with him at table
Describe what Mary anointed Jesus' feet with
an expensive ointment, made from pure nard
What did Mary wipe Jesus' feet with?
her hair
What was the house filled with?
the fragrance of the perfume
What does John 12:4 say about Judas?
he was one of Jesus' disciples and he was about to betray him
How much was the perfume that Mary anointed Jesus with worth?
300 denarii
Did Judas care about the poor?
Why did Judas say that the ointment should have been sold and given to the poor?
Because he was a thief
What was Judas in charge of?
the moneybag
Why did Jesus say to leave Mary alone?
so that she may keep it for the day of Jesus' burial
Who did Jesus say you always have with you?
the poor
What was another reason that the crowd went to the feast that Lazarus gave for Jesus?
to see lazarus whom he had raised from the dead
Why did the chief priests make plans to kill Lazarus?
because on account of him many of the Jews were going away and believing in Jesus
When did the large crowd that had come to the feast hear that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem?
the next day
What did the crowd greet Jesus with?
palm branches
What did Jesus sit on?
a young donkey
Fear not, _____ __ _____!
daughter of Zion
When did his disciples understand these things? (john 12:16)
when Jesus was glorified
Which crowd continued to bear witness?
the crowd that had been with hi when he called Lazarus out of the tomb
Why did the crowd go to meet Jesus? (John 12:18)
because they heard he had done this sign (raising Lazarus from the dead)
After seeing that the crowd went to meet Jesus, what did the Pharisees say to one another?
you see that you are gaining nothing
Why did the Pharisees say to one another, "You see that you are gaining nothing"?
because the world had gone after him
Who were among those who went up to worship at the feast?
some greeks
Who did some Greeks say "We wish to see Jesus" to?
Where was Philip from?
Bethsaida in Galilee
who went with Philip to tell Jesus that some Greeks wanted to see him?
The hour has come for who to be glorified?
the son of man
what happens if the grain of wheat does not die?
it remains alone
What happens if a grain of wheat dies?
it bears much fruit
Who loses his life?
whoever loves it
Who keeps his life for eternal life?
whoever hates his life in this world
Where will Jesus' followers be?
where Jesus is
what will the father do to those who serve Jesus/
he will honor them
When Jesus said, "Father glorify your name!", what did the voice from heaven respond?
I have glorified it and I will glorify it again
what did the crowd that stood there and heard the voice say?
that it had thundered while others said that an angel had spoken to him
What will happen at the Judgement of this world?
the ruler of this world will be cast out
What did Jesus say he would do when he would be lifted up from the earth?
he would draw all people to himself
From where did the crowd hear that the Christ remains forever?
the law
Why should we walk while we have the light?
lest darkness overtake us
Who does not know where he is going?
The one who walks in the darkness
what will happen when we believe in the light?
we become sons of light
Why did the people still not believe Jesus/
so that the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled
What 2 questions does Isaiah ask in his 1st prophesy?
Who has believed what he heard from us and to whom has the arm of the Lord ben revealed
According to Isaiah, what would have happened if the people's hearts were not hardened?
They would understand and turn
Why did Isaiah say these things?
because he saw his glory and spoke of him
Why would the authorities who believed in Jesus not confess it?
for fear of the pharisees
What did the authorities love more than the glory that comes from God?
the glory that comes from man
Who does whoever believes in Jesus believe in?
him who sent Jesus
Did Jesus come to judge the world?
What is the Father's commandment?
eternal life