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ego boundaries
Psychologically the point at which an individual stops and the rest of the world begins; an individual’s sense of the line between herself or himself and others. Ego boundaries range from permeable (a sense of self that includes others and their issues, problems, and so on) to rigid (a sense of self as completely distinct from others).
gender identity
A person’s private sense of, and subjective experience of, his/her/their own gender.
Behavior intended to hurt, embarrass, shame, or intimidate another person. Also see cyberbullying.
invisible hand discrimination
The inadvertent application, in discriminatory fashion, of policies that are not inherently biased.
culture of romance
Created when forces in higher education encourage female students to regard being attractive to men as more important than academics and career preparation
effortless perfection
The pressure felt by many female students at colleges to be beautiful, fit, popular, smart, and accomplished, all without visible effort.
Title IX
The section of the Educational Amendment of 1972 that makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex.
alternate paths model
A relationship theory according to which masculine and feminine ways of creating and expressing closeness are viewed as different from each other and equally valid.
feminine ruler
Measuring closeness or intimacy in a way that gives priority to behaviors more typical of women than of men
male deficit model
A relationship theory according to which men are deficient in forming and participating in close relationships and holds that most men’s ways of experiencing and expressing closeness are not simply different from, but inferior to, those of women.
personal relationships
Connections in which partners are interdependent, consider each other irreplaceable, and are strongly and specifically connected to each other as unique individuals
psychological responsibility
The responsibility to remember, plan, think ahead, organize, and so forth. In most heterosexual relationships, even when physical labor is divided between partners, women assume greater psychological responsibility for the home and children.
second shift
The work of homemaking and child care performed by a member of a dual-worker family after and in addition to that person’s job in the paid labor force.
affirmative action
Collective term for policies that go beyond equal opportunity laws to redress discrimination. Assumes that historical patterns of discrimination against groups of people justify the preferential treatment of members of those groups; focuses on results, not on the intent of efforts to redress inequities; and attempts to increase the number of qualified members of minorities in education and the workplace, commensurate with their availability
A stated intention to achieve a defined representation of minorities or women
equal opportunity laws
Laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Equal opportunity laws seek to protect individual members of groups that have been targets of discrimination; they redress only current discrimination, not historical bias.
maternal wall
Unexamined assumptions held by coworkers and superiors about how women will behave once they become mothers.
glass ceiling
An invisible barrier made up of subtle, often unconscious prejudices and stereotypes that limits the opportunities and advancement of women and minorities.
glass escalator
An invisible advantage that accelerates men’s success in female-dominated spheres of work.
glass walls
A metaphor for sex segregation on the job. Glass walls exist when members of a group, such as women, are placed in positions based on stereotypes of that group. Typically, such positions do not entail advancement ladders.
A more experienced person who helps a less experienced person develop.
A particular number or percentage of women or minorities who must be admitted to schools, hired in certain positions, or promoted to certain levels in institutions.
workplace bullying
Repeatedly acting toward a person or persons in ways that humiliate, intimidate, or otherwise undermine the target’s professional credibility.
agenda setting
Process by which media tell us to what we should attend.
Bechdel Test
An assessment of gender bias in media that asks three simple questions of a film: Does it feature two women, who talk to each other, about something other than a man?
complimentary copy
An article or section of writing about an advertiser’s product or service that is placed in a magazine by the publisher at no cost to the advertiser to increase the market appeal of the product or service.
contextual advertising
Ads embedded in digital content and tailored to specific individuals based on extensive data mining practices by web based companies
It includes text messages, comments, rumors, embarrassing pictures, videos, and fake profiles that are meant to hurt another person and are sent by email or posted on social networking sites.
Person or group that controls which messages get through to audiences of mass media.
immersive advertising
incorporating a particular brand or product into entertainment
product placement
Showing or mentioning a particular brand or product in a show, story, film, or other form of media.
third person effect
The belief that media affect others more than they affect us.
A technique used in audiovisual media wherein viewers hear a voice that makes claims about the product, gives advice, or explains the action.
blaming the victim
Holding a harmed person responsible for the harm inflicted on him or her by another person.
Removal of the entire clitoris. Part or all of the labia minora may also be removed. Also called excision.
Depictions of sexual activities that are agreed to and enjoyed by the parties participating in the activities.
The killing of girls and women.
gendered violence
Physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, or visual brutality inflicted disproportionately or exclusively on members of one sex or gender. Includes gender intimidation, sexual assault, violence between intimates, sexual harassment, genital mutilation, and gender-based murder.
hostile environment harassment
Conduct that has sexual overtones and that interferes with a person’s ability to perform a job or gain an education or that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working environment.
Removal of the clitoris and labia minora and fusing the lips of the labia majora.
informed consent
Consent given by a legal adult with normal mental abilities whose judgment is not impaired by circumstances, including alcohol or other drugs.
intimate partner violence
The use of physical, mental, emotional, verbal, or economic power by one partner against the other partner in a current or past romantic relationship
male circumcision
Removal of the sheath, or prepuce, of the penis.
#MeToo movement
A social movement that encourages survivors of sexual assault and abuse to speak out publicly about their experiences to expose abusers and support other victims and survivors.
Written, oral, or visual material that favorably shows subordination and degradation of individuals by presenting sadistic behaviors as pleasurable, pain as enjoyable, and forced sex as positive. Distinct from erotica, which depicts consensual activities desired by and pleasurable to all parties.
quid pro quo harassment
Actual or threatened use of professional or academic rewards or punishments to gain sexual compliance from a subordinate or student.
rape culture
Common attitudes, beliefs, and practices that ignore, excuse, encourage, or normalize sexual violence.
reproductive violence
Coerced or discriminatory infringement on reproductive rights. It includes force or exploitation that inhibits an individual’s free choice of whether, when, and with whom to reproduce, become a parent, and parent existing children.
sexual assault
Sexual activity to which at least one participant has not given informed consent.
sexual harassment
Unwelcome sexualized conduct that is linked to the target’s academic or professional standing.
Repeated pursuit that is uninvited and unwanted, that seems obsessive, and that makes the target of pursuit concerned for her/his/their safety.
Genital mutilation involving removal of the sheath and tip of the clitoris. Also called female circumcision.