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In the nineteenth century, Edwin Chadwick gained fame as
An advocate of improved public sanitation
What was Georges Hausmann's contribution to nineteenth century life?
Rebuilding paris
What was a result of improved economic conditions in the nineteenth century?
Married women were not expected to work outside the home
Which of the following characterizes early nineteenth century British cities?
Nearly all land was used for buildings, which meant parks or open areas were almost nonexistent.
What was a central component of the improvements in sanitation in the nineteenth century?
Excrement from outhouses could be carried off by water through sewers at low cost
What was the breakthrough implication of Louis Pasteur's work?
Diseases were caused by specific living organisms that could be controlled.
How did the electric streetcar affect the urban environment?
Cities could expand as even people of modest means could travel quickly and cheaply to new, improved, and less congested housing.
What was the flaw in Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's theory of evolution?
His assertion that characteristics parents acquired in the course of their lives could be passed on to their offspring by heredity.
How did wages in the late nineteenth century?
Real wages rose for the mass of population, and the gap between the rich and the poor increased.
How did the expansion of the industrial Revolution affect the work life of the middle class?
The middle class established a range of new professions, which required specialized knowledge and advanced education.
As the nineteenth century progressed, the upper middle class
Tended to merge with the old aristocracy
Why did middle-class families spend considerable portions. Of their income on food?
They gave frequent, large dinner parties as their favored social activity.
What was one of the social functions of the labor aristocracy' strict moral code?
To maintain their unstable social and economic position
What did the middle class generally agree was the correct attitude toward behavior and morality?
Always adhere to a strict moral code
How did the urban working class change in the latter half of the nineteenth century?
The sharp distinction between highly skilled artisans and unskilled manual workers broke down as semiskilled groups of workers became more prevalent
How did the culture of sports change in the late nineteenth century?
Cruel sports such as cockfighting declined, while commercialized spectator sports became popular
Why did illegitimacy rates decline after 1850?
The higher incidence of marriage for expectant mothers
Which of the following describes late nineteenth century prostitution?
it was a stage of life for many poor young women, which they moved beyond as they established their own homes and families.
As a result of the idea of seperate spheres, middle-class married women who sought to work outside the home
Found that they could not gain well paying jobs, and their wages were less than men's for the same work.
How did the goals of middle-class feminists differ from those of socialist women?
Middle-class women fought for the right to vote, while socialist women argued that women's liberation could only occur as part of a working class revolution.
What benefits could a wife produce at home that could not be purchased at the market?
Improved health, better eating habits, and better behavior
What caused the revolutionary reduction in the size of European families?
The family's desire to improve its economic and social position.
How did the nature of marriage change by the late nineteenth century?
Married couples increasingly developed stronger emotional ties and based marriage decisions on sentiment and sexual attraction.
Which of the following marked changes in child rearing practices?
Women had fewer children.
After years of scientific investigation and reflection, Charles Darwin concluded that
All life had gradually evolved from a common ancestral origin
One of the most important scientific and technological developments in the nineteenth saw a form of commercial energy useful in communications and manufacturing developed from
Max Weber, the most prominent and influential late-nineteenth century sociologist, argued that the rise of capitalism was directly linked to
Protestantism in Northern Europe
Gustavo Flaubert tells the story of a frustrated middle-class housewife who has a sordid and adulterous love affair in his masterpiece,
Madame Bovary
What was the core concept of Social Darwinism?
The human race was driven by an unending economic struggle that would determine the survival of the fittest
In the late nineteenth century, masturbation was
Viewed with horror
Realist writers fit within the late nineteenth century glorification of science because they
Attempted to observe and record life in an objective manner
Why did social scientists develop statistical methods to test their theories?
They sought to analyze the massive sets of numerical data that governments had collected
What was Count Leo Tolstoy's central message in War and Peace?
Human love, trust, and everyday family ties are life's enduring values.
Utilitarianism was Jeremy Bethan's ideas that social policies should promote
The greatest good for the greatest number
In almost every advanced country around 1900, the wealthiest 20 percent of households recived
50 to 60 percent of all national income
What was the clearest sign that a family was middle class?
Having servants
What was the second industrial revolution?
The burst of industrial creativity and technological innovation that promoted strong economic growth toward the end of the nineteenth century.
What set white-collar workers apart from other elements of the lower class?
They were fiercely committed to the middle-class ideal of upward socially mobility.
What was companionate marriage?
Marriage based on romantic love and middle-class family values
What characterized the middle-class single family home?
A special drawing room used to entertain guests
In his pioneering work of quantitive sociology, Suicide, Emile Durkheim concluded that ever-higher suited rates were caused by widespread feelings of
Stephan Zwieg on Middle Class Youth and sexuality: how does Zwieg describe the situation faced by young middle class men in what he termed the "Pre-Freudian era"?
For a young middle class man, prostitution was the major possibility for an erotic life outside of marriage.
First impressions of the World's Biggest City: how did the anonymous man from the country view life in London?
He was struck by how competitive were in London
Max Weber Critiques Industrial Capitalism: what does Weber mean by " a shell as hard as steel"?
The material goods produced by industrial capitalism have become all important, driving out the "spirit" of capitalism that made this productivity possible.