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When 1 trait or behavior accompanies another
Correlation is NOT Causation
Correlational Coefficient
Statistical measurement of relationship between two variables
Formula: r = + 0.37
+ = Indicates strength of relationship (0.00 - 1.00)
0.37 = Indicates direction of relationships (positive or negative)
Absolute value indicates strength of of correlation
Scatter Plot
Graph made of points using 2 variables
Slope of points = Direction
Amount of scatter = Strength of relationship
Illusory Correlation
Perception of a relationship where there isn’t one
Experimenter/Hawthorne Effect
When people change their behavior because they know they’re being tested
Independent Variable
Factor manipulated by experimenter
The effect of the IV is the focus of the study
If = I.V. Then = D.V.
Dependent Variable
Factor that may change in response to the independent variable
If = I.V. Then = D.V.
Single Blind Procedure
Participants aren’t informed
Double Blind Procedure
Neither participant nor the person administering the test knows who’s receiving the treatment
Random Assignment
Procedure to assign participants to control and experimental group randomly
Ex: Random number generator
Each participant has an equal chance of being in either group
Experimental Group (Experimental Condition)
Participants exposed to independent variable and compared to the control group
Control Group (Control Condition)
Participants not exposed to independent variable and compared to the experimental group
Confounding Variables
Variables other than the independent variable that effect the dependent variable
Need to be controlled to show cause → effect
Usually eliminated with random assignment
Experimental Differences
Any differences in the experiment’s condition between the control and experimental group
Want minimal environmental differences
Ex: Lighting, temperature, noise levels
Inactive substance with no effect given to control group
If there’s a placebo effect on the show group it shows in the changes in the dependent variable