________ sang in rome but all male roles because women were banned from singing in church.
________- part of the opera where the plot moves ahead, meant to imitate speech and advance the storyline.
________ used meis ideas to criticize the theory and practice of vocal counterpoint and proposed a revival of the greek ideal of the union of music and poetry through monody.
________- performed for the public, lots of instruments with a story that's kind of just an excuse for showy music, opposite plotpublic opera.
Basso continuo
________ /figured bass- chording instrument plus bass instrument, present in every baroque piece, lots of improvisation.
Imitation of speech
________ was most important because how you speak reveals your underlying emotion.
________- solo singing with accompaniment.
________- monteverdi referred to it a lot in his first practice, deliberately broke rules regarding ________ as a way of expressing the text.
________ worked at st. mark's and continued to write operas and other dramatic works.
roman opera
In ________, solo singing increasingly fell into two clearly defined types- recitative and aria.
________- instruments were more important, performed for nobility, barely an opera, massive instrumentation.
intense emotions
Cantus durus- no sharps or flats, explored the sharper regions, harsher /________.
firm bass
Homophonic, typically consisting of a(n) ________ and a florid treble, held together by unobtrusive harmonies.