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What is the difference between correlation and regression
Correlation looks for symmetric relation between variables
Correlation assumes bivariate normality
Regression examines how one or more variables (X) can predict another variable (Y)
Regression assumes residuals are normally distributed and that the predicting variables are measured without error
How is cronbachs alpha used to measure internal reliability
Determines the internal consistency or average correlation of items in a questionnaire to measure it’s internal reliability
Should range between 0 and 1 and shouldn’t be negative
An alpha > 0.7 is considered good
What do you look for in correlation and regression
Looking for the relation (usually linear) between variables so we can draw a straight line through the data
What is an acceptable value for cronbachs value
Larger than 0.7
0.8 > alpha > 0.7 is acceptable
0.9 > alpha > 0.8 is good
What is a residual
The difference between a particular value of Y and itx predicted value
What is a regression line
A line of best fit which accounts for the data we have
What is regression
A way of predicting the value of one variable from another
Hypothetical model of the relationship between 2 variables
Equation for regression line
Y = b0 + b i x i
Y- the regression line
b i, gradient of the regression line
Direction/strength of relationship
b 0, intercept, value of Y when X=0
Point at which the regression line crosses the Y axis
How do we calculate the model (the regression line)
This is a prediction of what we should be able to find
Fit the model that best describes the data
This minimises the error in the model
“Line of best fit”
Best does not necessarily mean good
How reliable is this regression line model
The regression line is only a model based on data
This model may not necessarily reflect reality
How can we test the model
F test ANOVA
SSt, total variance in the data
SSm, improvement due to the model
SSr, error in the model
If the model results in better prediction than using the mean, then we expect SSm to be much greater than SSr
We would want the ANOVA to be significant
How can we test the model using R squared
Can use the proportion of variance accounted for by the regression model
How can we use regression to make predictions
Regression is used to make predictions based on available data
What are outliers
Exceptional or Atypical values
We can identify this by examining residuals
Large residuals means there is a serious mismatch between the observation and prediction
Any standardised residual larger than 3 is considered too large