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patriarch/property marriage
a model of marriage in which women and children are owned by men
breadwinner/homemaker marriage
a model of marriage that involves a wage-earning spouse supporting a stay-at-home spouse and children
ideology of separate spheres
the idea that the home is a feminine space best tended by women and work is a masculine space best suited to men
promoting child-bearing and stigmatizing choosing to go child-free
partnership unions
a relationship model based on love and companionship between equals
the production of unjust outcomes for people perceived to be biologically female
the production of unjust outcomes for people who perform femininity
hegemonic masculinity
the form of masculinity that constitutes the most widely admired and rewarded kind of person in any given culture
second shift
the unpaid work of housekeeping and childcare that faces family members once they return home from their paid jobs
ideal worker norm
the idea that an employee should devote themselves to their jobs wholly and without the distraction of family responsibilities
shared division of labor
one in which both partners do an equal share of paid and unpaid work
specialized division of labor
one in which one partner does more paid work than childcare and housework and the other does the inverse
time-use diary
a research method in which participants are asked to self-report their activities at regular intervals over at least twenty-four hours
ideology of intensive motherhood
the idea that children require concentrated maternal investment
feminization of poverty
a concentration of women, trans women, and gay, bisexual, and gender-nonconforming men at the bottom of the income scale and a concentration of gender-conforming, heterosexual, cisgender men at the top
glass escalator
an invisible ride to the top offered to men in female-dominated occupations
job segregation
the sorting of people with different social identities into separate occupations
androcentric pay scale
a positive correlation between the number of men in an occupation relative to women and the wages paid to employees
male flight
a phenomenon in which men start abandoning an activity when women start adopting it
stalled revolution
a phrase that refers to a sweeping change in gender relations that started but has yet to be fully realized
freedom/power paradox
women have more freedom than men but less power, and men have more power than women but less freedom