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Directional Terms
Directional terms help medical professionals explain where different body parts are located in relation to one another. These terms describe the anatomical location, so they are different from the anatomical planes of the body.
Superior (cranial)
Towards the head or upper part of the body
Inferior (caudal)
Towards the lower part of the body
Anterior (ventral)
Towards the front of the body
Posterior (dorsal)
Towards the back of the body
Towards the midline of the body
Towards the outside of the body
Towards the trunk of the body or the origin of the body part
Away from the trunk of the body or the origin of the body part
Located close to the surface of the body
Located inside the body
Body Planes
A body plane is the division of the body into two different parts. Body sections are slices of the body in a particular plane. Thus, body planes and body sections are important categorizations for identifying where body parts are located
midsagittal ( also known as the lateral plane)
plane that divides the body into equal left and right halves.
dorsal plane is also known as the transverse plane
divides the body into upper and lower halves
The frontal plane is also known as the coronal plane
separates the body into front and back
Body Cavities
The anatomical planes of the body are just one way to describe the location of different body parts. The medical profession also describes the anatomical location using body cavities. A body cavity is a fluid-filled space within the body that holds organs.
Dorsal cavity
The dorsal cavity is located at the back of the body
EX: The dorsal cavity is divided into two smaller cavities that contain the brain and spine
Cranial cavity
The cranial cavity is the superior portion of the dorsal cavity
EX: Brain
Spinal cavity
The spinal cavity is located posteriorly to the cranial cavity
EX: Spinal cord
Ventral cavity
The ventral cavity is located at the front of the body and can be further divided into the thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities
EX: Heart, lungs, reproductive and digestive organs
Thoracic cavity
The thoracic cavity is located superiorly in the ventral cavity and contains the heart, lungs, trachea, esophagus, and associated nerves and blood vessels
Pleural cavity
The pleural cavity is located within the thoracic cavity
EX: Lungs
Pericardial cavity
The pericardial cavity is located within the thoracic cavity
EX: Heart
Which type of specialized cell carries oxygen throughout the body?
Red blood cells
The peripheral nervous system is comprised of sensory neurons and which other type of neuron?
Motor neurons