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Tyrosine kinases
subset of kinases important for growth, cell division, and metabolism.
The first proto-oncogene and an example of a tyrosine kinase.
Insulin receptor structure
heterodimer (a2b2) stabilised by disulfide bonds
where on the insulin receptor does insulin bind and what happens?
binds alpha2 subunits which transmit signal to beta2 → TK activation
The process where a receptor phosphorylates its own tyrosine residues after ligand binding
Signalling complex
form when phosphorylated Tyr residues recruit and phosphorylate signalling molecules like IRS-1.
pairing of receptors when ligand binds → activation loop moved
The insulin receptor is already a heterodimer. What happens instead of dimerisation when insulin binds?
Alpha subunits intertwine bringing the beta subunits closer together
How has the conformational change of insulin receptors been observed?
receptor incorporated into nanodisc. High res cryoelectron microscopy used to look at structural changes when insulin added
Trans autophosphorylation
receptor chain A phosphorylates specific tyrosines in receptor chain b. Phosphorylated tyrosines act as docking sites for signalling molecules
SH2 domains
Domains which bind phospho-tyrosine residues. Encoded by single exon
features found in all SH2 domains
pocket which P-Tyr fits
Specificity in SH2 binding
each SH2 domain has different specificity pocket
Why can the same receptor have different functions in different cell types?
different downstream effectors - signalling complex is different
hormone produced by fat cells which binds cytoplasmic TK JAK2. Used in mouse obesity models
What happens after leptin receptor homodimerises and autophosphorylates?
JAK2 recruited. STAT3 phosphorylated and dimerises. Dimer enters nucleus → transcription
JAK in breast cancer stem cells (BCSC)
regulates BCSC lipid metabolism via STAT3 pathway. Promotes breast cancer and chemoresistance (Wang et al, 2018)
JAK inhibition in BCSC
reduces fatty acid oxidase activity and decreases BCSC self renewal
PLC-γ activation (non tyrosine receptor route)
active GPCR alpha subunit activates phospholipase C
phospholipase C cleaves PIP2 → IP3 and DAG
IP3 binds ER Ca channel receptor → Ca release
DAG and calcium activate PKC
PLC gamma activation by TK receptors
PLC gamma recruited to receptor via SH2 domain and is phosphorylated by TK receptor domain
G protein
activates signalling pathway
inactive form
control of Ras-GTP:Ras-GDP
controlled by relative activity of Ras-GAP and SOS proteins. Key control is recruitment of these proteins to receptors by SH2 domains
MAPK cascade
RTK phosphorylates Shc
Shc recruits Grb2, SOS and Ras
Ras GTP activates Raf1 kinase (MAPKKK)
Raf1 kinase phosphorylates MEK 1 or 2 (MAPKK)
MEK 1 or 2 phosphorylates ERK 1 or 2 (MAPK)
Ras negative feedback
production of ERK 1/2 inhibits upstream signalling components Raf1 and SOS
forms Ras GDP stopping the pathway
How are JNK and p38 MAPK pathways activated?
mainly via environmental stresses and proinflammatory stimuli