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Apollo 11 Stones

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Apollo 11 Stones

Oldest African art, charcoal on stone, depicts animal silhouette, created by mobile hunters and gatherers.

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Great Hall of the Bulls

Paleolithic rock painting in France, depicts hunting scenes, animals, and battles between man and bull.

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Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine

Bone sculpture from Mexico, altered to resemble a dog head, considered a sacred bone.

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Running Horned Woman

Rock painting in Algeria, shows a woman running with soldiers, adorned with tattoos and ceremonial clothing.

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Beaker with Ibex Motifs

Painted terra cotta from Iran, features goat and dog designs, geometric patterns, found in a cemetery.

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Anthropomorphic Stele

Sandstone sculpture from the Arabian Peninsula, possibly a grave marker or monument to a leader.

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Jade Cong

Carved Jade artifact from China, intricate details, shaped by rubbing with abrasive sand, found in graves.

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Neolithic ceremonial site in the UK, constructed in three phases, associated with astronomy and calendars.

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The Ambum Stone

Sculpture from Papua New Guinea, depicts an anteater, one of the oldest in Oceania, used for grinding food.

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Tlatilco Female Figurine

Ceramic figurine from Central Mexico, features a split personality, emphasis on wide hips and waist.

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Terra cotta Fragment

Terra cotta artifact from the Solomon Islands, stylized human face, used for storing or serving food.

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Temple of Athena Nike

Located in Athens, it was burned down and featured Doric and Ionic columns, influencing classical architecture.

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Grave Stele of Hegeso

A marble grave marker depicting a servant and Hegeso, reflecting patriarchal society in Athens with hierarchical scale.

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Winged Victory of Samothrace

A Hellenistic Greek sculpture of Nike, symbolizing victory and movement, commemorating naval victory.

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Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon

A Hellenistic Greek structure depicting Gods vs Giants, showcasing power and ionic orders.

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House of the Vettii

A Pompeii home owned by former slaves, displaying wealth and social status through decoration.

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Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun

A Roman mosaic depicting Alexander the Great's battle, showing naturalism and Hellenistic influence.

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Seated Boxer

A Hellenistic Greek bronze sculpture of a defeated boxer, emphasizing emotion and naturalism.

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Head of a Roman Patrician

A Republican Roman marble portrait showing verism and seriousness, reflecting the virtue of a public career.

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Augustus of Prima Porta

An Imperial Roman marble statue idealizing Augustus, used for propaganda and referencing Greek style.

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Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater)

An Imperial Roman structure symbolizing power, using concrete and classic orders for entertainment.

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Forum of Trajan

A Roman forum depicting Trajan's victories, emphasizing imperial power and civic spaces.

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An Imperial Roman temple turned church, featuring a dome and influential Renaissance architecture elements.

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Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus

A Late Imperial Roman marble sarcophagus with a narrative of Romans vs Goths, showcasing organized chaos.

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Catacomb of Priscilla

Late Antique European burial site with early Christian art and iconography, depicting scenes from the Bible.

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Santa Sabina

A Late Antique European basilica with depictions of crucifixion, aiming to inspire and impress people to join Christianity.

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A palace complex in Granada, Spain, showcasing wealth with various palaces, gardens, and ornamental elements like geometric forms and reflecting water.

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Annunciation Triptych (Merode Altarpiece)

A painting depicting the Annunciation scene with symbolic details, patrons, and attention to detail by Robert Campin in the Netherlands.

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Pazzi Chapel

A centrally-planned chapel in Florence, Italy, commissioned by the Pazzi family, featuring Corinthian columns, barrel vaults, and Pietra Serena Stone.

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The Arnolfini Portrait

A painting by Jan van Eyck showing wealth symbols, attention to detail, and a double portrait of a married couple during the Northern Renaissance.

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A bronze sculpture by Donatello depicting the biblical story of David and Goliath, showcasing contrapposto and humanistic expressions.

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Palazzo Rucellai

A building in Florence, Italy, designed by Leon Battista Alberti, reflecting Greek and Roman architecture, emphasizing measure, and housing the Rucellai family.

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Madonna and Child with Two Angels

A painting by Fra Filippo commissioned by the Medici family, portraying a simple and playful depiction of Mary, Angels, and Christ.

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Birth of Venus

A painting by Botticelli depicting the birth of Venus with modesty, wind sprites, and mythological elements during the Italian Renaissance.

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Last Supper

A painting by Leonardo da Vinci showing the biblical event with individualized features, linear perspective, and the use of Sfumato technique.

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Adam and Eve

An engraving by Albrecht Durer symbolizing the four humors, human-animal connection, and the biblical story of Adam and Eve.

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Sistine Chapel ceiling and altar wall Frescoes

Artworks by Michelangelo in Vatican City depicting biblical scenes, idealized beauty, and muscular autonomy.

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Schools of Athens

A fresco by Raphael in the Vatican showing famous philosophers, linear perspective, and a tribute to human knowledge.

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Isenheim Altarpiece

A devotional artwork by Matthias Grunewald depicting Christ's life progression and serving as the central object in an Isenheim hospital.

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Entombment of Christ

An altarpiece by Jacopo da Pontormo showcasing Mannerism characteristics and rejecting Renaissance traditions.

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Allegory of Law and Grace

A woodcut by Lucas Cranach the Elder reflecting Protestant Reformation ideals and the role of law and grace in relation to God.

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Venus of Urbino

A painting by Titian representing sensuality, realism, and symbolism like fidelity and beauty during the Renaissance.

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Frontispiece of the Codex Mendoza

An artwork from the Viceroyalty of New Spain containing information about the Aztec empire and their capital, Tenochtitlan.

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II Gesu, including Triumph of the Name of Jesus ceiling Fresco

A church in Rome with Baroque frescoes, Jesuit influences, and a basilica plan in response to the Protestant Reformation.

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Architecture in the Realist Period

Characterized by authority with scrolls, barrel vaulting, and Corinthian columns.

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Lively Painting Techniques

Utilizes movement, color, and shadow to create an illusion of three-dimensionality.

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Hunters in the Snow

Painting by Pieter Bruegal depicting an unsuccessful hunt, focusing on landscape and everyday activities.

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Mosque of Selim II

Ottoman mosque showcasing dome, Qibla, buttresses, minarets, and abundant windows.

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Baroque Style in Art

Features theatrical action, diagonal lines, gritty realism, and contemporary clothing.

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Henri IV Receives the Portrait of Marie de’ Medici

Painting by Rubens portraying ancient mythology and Roman gods/goddesses.

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Self-Portrait with Saskia

Etching by Rembrandt depicting an intimate moment with depth created through hatching.

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San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

Borromini's architectural masterpiece with motion, geometric structure, and "secret" windows.

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Ecstasy of Saint Teresa

Bernini's Baroque sculpture representing a spiritual vision and the connection between heaven and earth.

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Angel with Arquebus

Painting symbolizing the power and political influence of the Spanish government during the Counter Reformation.

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Las Meninas

Velázquez's painting from the perspective of the king and queen, emphasizing illusion of depth and naturalism.

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Woman Holding a Balance

Vermeer's painting symbolizing wealth, piety, and self-knowledge during the Baroque period.

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The Palace of Versailles

Architectural marvel symbolizing the power and importance of King Louis XIV.

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Screen with the Siege of Belgrade

Spanish adaptation of Japanese folding screen with political undertones.

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The Virgin of Guadalupe

Painting based on a divine theme, emphasizing sacredness through decoration with mother of pearl.

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Fruit and Insects

Still life painting by Rachel Ruysch symbolizing the natural world and mastery of detail.

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Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo

Painting depicting inter-ethnic mixing in New Spain and social hierarchy perceptions.

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The Tete a Tete

Hogarth's painting satirizing aristocratic marriages during the industrial revolution.

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Portrait of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Cabrera's painting of the first feminist nun, showcasing her intelligence and assertive gaze.

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A Philosopher giving a Lecture on the Orrery

Wright's painting reflecting Enlightenment ideas and the Scientific Revolution.

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An early photographic process using iodine sensitized silverplate and mercury vapor, highlighting the artistic value of the subject matter.

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Liberty Leading the People

A Romantic painting symbolizing revolutionary beliefs, featuring Liberty as a personification of freedom and a mix of classes fighting for liberty.

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Gothic Revival

A style exemplified by the Palace of Westminster, combining Romantic Victorian ideals with modern construction techniques in response to industrialization.

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A movement led by Gustave Courbet, rejecting neoclassical norms and focusing on depicting the common man and social statements.

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An art style exemplified by Claude Monet's The Saint-Lazare Station, focusing on shape, color, and less on realism, capturing modern scenes.

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A movement seen in Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night, emphasizing marks over light, experimenting with varying light and weather depictions.

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A movement initiated by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, characterized by abstracting and simplifying forms, as seen in Les Demoiselles d’Avignon.

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Represented in Gustav Klimt's The Kiss, using gold leaf and Byzantine style to create a modern icon with ambiguous expressions.

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Analytic Cubism

Early Cubism style depicted in Georges Braque's The Portuguese, featuring fragmentary views and overlapping planes to create abstraction.

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Modernist Photography

Alfred Stieglitz's The Steerage marks the transition from pictorialist to modernist photography, focusing on formal aspects and artistry over symbolism.

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Matisse's Style

Light and Airy paintings with complementary colors, idealistic paradise, and happiness, characterized by patterning and flattened space.

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Kandinsky's Abstract Art

Depicts the natural world in an abstract way, aiming for a "piece of music" experience with sound and color, leading to abstract impressionism.

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Kirchner's Self-Portrait

Reflects Die Brucke movement, painted during WW1 recuperation, expressing anxiety with jarring colors and nightmarish qualities.

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Kollwitz's Memorial Sheet

Depicts grief over WW1 loss, themes of war and poverty, using woodcut to show martyrdom and working-class struggles.

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Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye

Represents modernist architecture, focusing on functionality and clean living, inspired by ancient buildings and utilizing every space.

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Mondrian's Composition

Inspired by Cubism, uses primary colors and asymmetrical balance to represent human evolution and progress.

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Stepanova's Propaganda Art

Depicts the 5-year plan's success through photomontage, aiming to sway people for the USSR's political system.

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Oppenheim's Surrealist Object

Surrealist piece inspired by a conversation with Picasso, revolutionizing human experience through odd assemblies.

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Fallingwater Architecture

Organic architecture blending nature and home, featuring cantilever construction and large windows, considered a modern architectural masterpiece.

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Kahlo's The Two Fridas

Surrealist self-portrait expressing emotional pain through symbolism, featuring a bond between two forms and references to her divorce and health issues.

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Chiapas, Mexico

Example of classic Maya architecture with exemplary relief sculptures and a major influence of the Jaguar, commissioned by Shield Jaguar II.

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Great Serpent Mound

Effigy mound in Ohio representing celestial knowledge of Native Americans and the largest serpent effigy mound in the world.

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Templo Mayor

Aztec main temple devoted to gods Tlaloc and Huitzilopochtli, showcasing the sophistication of Aztec culture.

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Ruler's feather headdress

Aztec headdress made of quetzal and cotinga feathers, believed to be worn by a king.

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City of Cusco

Incan capital known for its organized building techniques and mix of Spanish Baroque features with Incan materials.

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Maize cobs

Metal alloy sculptures from Incan City of Cusco used in ritual activities as offerings to deities.

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City of Machu Picchu

Incan architectural complex divided into terraces, showcasing Incan building techniques and culture.

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All-T’oqapu tunic

Incan tunic representing diverse groups with elaborate designs and royal depictions.

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Bandolier bag

Lenape beadwork bag influenced by European materials and worn by men in ceremonies.

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Transformation mask

Kwakwaka’wakw ceremonial headdress symbolizing transformation and ancestral worship.

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Painted elk hide

Eastern Shoshone artwork depicting daily life scenes to appeal to tourists and affirm native identity.

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Black-on-black ceramic vessel

Puebloan ceramic vessel by Maria and Julian Martinez, known for its abstract geometric style.

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Conical tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe

Symbol of power and prestige of Great Zimbabwe rulers, possibly used for rituals.

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Great Mosque of Djenné

Largest mud-built structure in Mali, serving as a religious and community center.

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Wall plaque from Oba’s palace

Benin brass plaque depicting Oba lineage and mixing African and European cultural elements.

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Sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool)

Ashanti symbol of royalty and soul of the Ashanti people, protected and revered.

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