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Baby’s breath
Gypsophila elegans
What are the characteristic of baby’s breath?
Very Steamy
Not floral
Great filler
It can by dyed
It is related to coronation family
What is the usage in Baby’s Breath?
It can be used for pinning the clothes, which is known as boutonniere.
Leather Leaf
Rumohra adiantiformis
What are the characteristics of leather leaf?
Its consumes with bunder
Its flat
Trangeler shape
It feels like leather
What are the usage of leather leaf?
It is used for bundle vase and highlight flower arrangement or other greenery.
Floral Wire
What is the characteristics of floral wire?
It comes in different length and weight
I came in color
It comes in 8 as the lowest thicke’s floral wire and 16 as the highest thin floral wire
The lower the number, the thicker it is
The higher the number, the thinner it is
What are the usage of floral wire?
It is used for studies
Not a movement floral arrangement
Wire Cutter
What are the characteristics of wire cutter?
Not used for the flower cutter for the wire
What are usage of wire cutter?
It is used for cutting wire
Flower Cutter
What are characteristics of flower cutter?
It has a safe tool to protect the sharpness of the center
What are the usage of flower cutter
It is used for the flower to be cut from the stem