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atlanta compromise
A belief that Black and White southerners shared a responsibility for making their region prosper. He thought African Americans should focus on working hard at their jobs and not challenge segregation and discrimination
frontier thesis
The argument by Frederick Jackson Turner that the frontier experience helped make American socity more democratic; emphasized cheap, unsettled land and the absence of a landed aristocracy.
battle of little big horn
Sioux leader sitting bull led the fight against general George Custer and the 7th cavalry. The Sioux wanted miners out of the black hills, and had appealed to government officials in Washington to stop the miners. Washington doesn't listen. When custer came to little bighorn rivers sitting bull and his warriors were ready and killed them all!
social darwinism
The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.
new south
After the Civil War, southerners promoted a new vision for a self-sufficient southern economy built on modern capitalist values, industrial growth, and improved transportation. Henry Grady played an important role.
horatio alger myth
the belief that due to limitless possibilities anyone can get ahead if he or she tries hard enough
Tuskegee Institute
Booker T. Washington built this school to educate black students on learning how to support themselves and prosper
J Pierpoint Morgan
an american financier who moved in to take control of the bankrupt railroads and consolidate them.
alexander graham bell
Invented the telephone
Carnegie Steel
A steel producing company created by Andrew Carnegie to manage business at his steel mills in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area in the late 19th century. Significance: had a monopoly in the steel industry. vertical integrations.
head of Standard Oil, made lots of money
vertical integration
Practice where a single entity controls the entire process of a product, from the raw materials to distribution
Horizontal Integration
Type of monopoly where a company buys out all of its competition. Ex. Rockefeller
Ida B Wells
editor of Memphis Free Speech; campaigned against lynching and Jim Crow laws
Chinese Exclusion Act
(1882) Denied any additional Chinese laborers to enter the country while allowing students and merchants to immigrate.
Dawes Act
1887 law which gave all Native American males 160 acres to farm and also set up schools to make Native American children more like other Americans
Eugene V. Debs
Leader of the American Railway Union, he voted to aid workers in the Pullman strike. He was jailed for six months for disobeying a court order after the strike was over.
Railroad Strike of 1877
Railroad workers throughout the U.S. went on strike to protest the lowering of their salaries in Ohio; when more than a hundred people died during violence related to the strike, Hayes used federal troops to suppress the uprisings.
ghost dance movement
Leaders believed it could return prosperity to American Indians
WE Du Bois
demanded an end to segregation and the granting of equal civil rights to all Americans