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• Experiences resulting from stimulation
of the senses
• The set of processes by which we
recognize, organize, and make sense of
the sensations we receive from
environmental stimuli
• What we sense (in our sensory organs) is
not the same as what we perceive (in
our minds
perception problem
Understand what is going on out there
(outside the brain)
perception importance
Necessary in order to know how to act
to achieve goals
the inverse problem of perception
The inverse problem: how to determine
the distal stimulus from the proximal
genes - perception
learned on
timescale of
environmental context - perception
info learned now
proximal stimulus
the stimulus itself
the energy or matter that impinges on the sensory receptors
distal stimulus
an object or process out in the world
sensory receptors
specialized cells to transduce (convert) external phenomena (light, sound, pressure, etc…) into neural signals
neural pathway
from sensory receptors via thalamic nuclei to cerebral cortex
hierarchy of cortical areas
attemot to construct useful representations of distal stimulus
mental representation of the distal stimulus
conversion of light into neural signals → retina
specialized cells for transduction
two types of photoreceptors
rods and cones
1 type of rod, 3 types of cones
cones are concentrated in the _______ and provide greater visual _____
fovea; acuity
primary visual pathway
ganglion cells → LGN (thalamus) → primary visual cortex
visual fields
both visual fields on both retinas
partial crossover at optic chiasm
left visual field in
right V1
right visual field in
left V1
changes in air pressure
ear drum (tympanum)
converts changes in air pressure into mechanical vibrations
vibrations travel through _____ of middle ear (ossicles) to oval window of ______
bones, cochlea
fluid filled tubes with basiliar membrane
inner ear
pressure waves travel down the cochlear and back out towards the round window
hair cells along the basiliar membrande in cochlea detect…
__________ ______ cause hair cells (cilia) to sway
pressure waves
location of maximal excitation along the basilar membrane depends on
sound frequency
where are frequencies located in the organziation of the basialr membrane
high frequencies near the base
low frequencies near the apex
primary auditory pathway
Auditory nerve → Cochlear nuclei (medulla) → Superior olivary nucleus (pons) → Nucleus of lateral lemniscus (pons) → Inferior colliculus (midbrain) → Medial geniculate nucleus (thalamus) → Primary auditory cortex
conduction deafness
Damage to outer/middle ear (e.g., ossicles);
Disrupts sound transmission to the cochlea
sensorineural deafness
damage to cochlear hair cells or auditory nerve
primary auditory cortex damage
Often unilateral damage; Impairs sound
higher order auditory cortex damage
- Deficits in understanding speech and melody
• Difficulty interpreting emotional intonation
(e.g., praise vs. sarcasm)
somatosensation types: (4)
detects pressure, vibration, distortion
detects hot and cold
detects harmful chemical, mehanical or thermal stimuli
detects mechanical forces on muscles, tendons and joints
primary somatosensory pathway
dorsal root ganglion → gracile cuneate nuclei (medulla) → ventral posterior nuclei (thalamus) → primary somatosensory cortex
perception inverse problem
Working backwards from what we sense (proximal stimulus) to figure out what's our there in the world (distal stimulus)
sensory adaption
• A decrease in sensitivity of sensory receptors to a constant stimulus
Allows sensory systems to be less responsive to unchanging stimuli
The influence of context on perception begins very early in the sensory pathways
The proximal stimulus is represented on a _______ scale, not an
absolute scale.
visual adaption: Ganglion cells adjust ______ ____ to match ambient light
firing rate
visual adaption: response shifts
brighter envirnomental require stronger stimuli to trigger firing
visual adaption function
detect relative brightness, not absolute values
weber’s law
helps understand how people perceive different stimuli.
The law reveals that perception of stimuli is relative, not absolute.
people don't perceive stimuli in terms of their absolute intensity but rather their intensity relative to other stimuli.
auditory adaption
reduced sensitivity to repeated or continuous sounds
• Adapting to background noise (e.g., air
• Detecting volume changes in quiet vs.
noisy environments.
weight and webers law
JND in Weight: ~2% of the
object’s weight
• Heavier objects require greater
changes to detect differences.
sound and webers law
just noticeable difference (JND) of ~5% change in sound intensity,
for a listener to perceive a difference in loudness, the change in sound intensity must be at least 5% of the original sound's intensity.
somatosensory adaption: SA
slow adapting
somatosensory adaption
RA: rapid adapting
receptive fields
Area of sensory surface to which a neuron responds
higher-order neurons have _____ receptor fields
higher-order neurons respond to more ________ sensory stimuli
receptive field of photoreceptors
area on retina
smaller receptive field for receptors in centre
receptive fields: retinal ganglion cells recieve input from
multiple bipolar and amacrine cells
each successive neuron after photoreceptors recieve input from ______ photoreceptors
AP of ganglion cell
At rest, ganglion cell is
firing at some baseline
No change when light
is outside the receptive
field if our ganglion cell
Light at centre of
receptive field =
increased firing rate
No change when light
is outside the receptive
field if our ganglion cel
When light is in the
inhibitory surround,
ganglion cell responds
even less
receptive field of a hair cell
freuency of sound
receptive field of a mechanoreceptor
area on skin
receptors on surface of skin
smaller receptive field
receptors deeper in skin
larger receptive field
Somatosensory center-surround receptive fields
lateral inhibition:
process where activated neurons inhibit the activity of neighboring neurons. This means that when one neuron is stimulated, it can suppress the response of adjacent neurons.
Purpose: sharpens sensory perception by emphasizing the center of a stimulus while reducing the influence of surrounding stimuli. It allows for better localization of sensory inputs and improves contrast.
spatial organization of sensory information, where the arrangement of sensory receptors on the body or sensory surface is preserved and mapped onto the primary sensory cortex.
cortical magnification
amount of cortical area dedicated to a body part or sensory modality is proportional to the density of sensory receptors in that area.
Areas of the body with a higher concentration of sensory receptors (e.g., fingertips, lips) are represented by a larger area in the sensory cortex. This allows for more detailed processing of sensory information from these regions.
the small central region of the visual field projects to a large part of
primary visual cortex
visual cortical magnification
disproportionate allocation of cortical area in the brain to processing sensory input from sensitive/ precise areas
Changes in neural organization
Occurs from the molecular to the systems level
Synaptic plasticity: Changes in the strength of synapses
Cortical reorganization: Changes in topographic maps
Reorganization of retinotopic map
Lesion of the visual field (in both eyes!) leads to reorganization in primary visual cortex
perception of sound in absence of auditory stimulation
causes of tinnitus
Damage to either cochlea
or structures along auditory pathway or
somatosensory structures or limbic system
or reorganization of tonotopic map
reorganization of tonotopic map
increased spontaneous firing of neurons and changes in
frequency representation → Phantom perception (tinnitus)
reorganization of somatotopic maps and phantom limbs example
Example: After amputation of arm, pursing of lips causes perceived sensation in missing arm
When a person who has had their arm amputated purses their lips, the sensory stimulation in that area of the face can activate the restructured brain region. Because of the reorganization, this stimulation can lead to the perception of sensations in the missing arm.
some individuals continue to feel sensations in the area the limb once was: phantom limb sensation
hierarchal organization
lower-order sensory neurons (those closer to sensory receptors) to higher-order neurons (those farther from sensory receptors)
receptive fields get LARGER
sensory features more COMPLEX, abstract, MORE SPECIFIC
multi-sensory integration increases
hierarchical organization, how does processing proceed?
processing proceeds in serial (sequentially), parallel (simultaneously) and is recurrent (loops)
Hierarchy in visual system
V1 (striate cortex) → V2 (extrastriate cortex) → visual association cortex (V3, V4, V5, MST) → Multimodal association (VIP)
cortical columns
• Organization of orientation
feature detectors in columns in
• For each location in visual field,
for each eye, you have a column
of detectors (neurons) tuned to
all orientations
• Organized by eye (ocular
dominance columns) and by
orientation (orientation
specialized cells for processing colour
Hierarchy in auditory system
• Primary auditory cortex =
A1 = Core
• Secondary auditory cortex
= A2 = Belt
• Tertiary auditory cortex =
auditory association cortex
= Parabelt (PB), etc...
• Multimodel association
cortex = T2/T3, PP, etc..
auditory: directional feature dectors in _______ ________ __ _____
superios collilculus of ferret
Auditory directional feature detectors - Interaural Time Difference (ITD)
The slight difference in sound
arrival time between the
two ears helps determine
the horizontal location of
a sound source
used to localize sound horizontally
Auditory directional feature detectors - coincidence detectors
Neurons fire only when signals from both ears arrive simultaneously.
Hierarchy in somatosensory system
• Primary somatosensory
cortex = S1= BA 1, 2, & 3
• Secondary somatosensory
cortex = S2 = PV
• Tertiary somatosensory
cortex = somatosensory
association cortex = BA 5,
MIP, AIP, etc...
• Multimodal association
cortex = VIP, etc...
Somatosensory orientation feature detectors in S2
respond to touch along a specific direction in specific part of skin
Complex somatosensory feature detectors - Motion-sensitive neurons:
respond to any motion in receptive field
Complex somatosensory feature detectors - orientation-sensitive neurons
respond to motion along a particular axis
Complex somatosensory feature detectors - direction sensitive neurons
repsond to motion in a particular direction
visual what and where streams
dorsal pathway - where
ventral pathway - what
visual WHAT stream - ventral pathway
Face sensitive cells in fusiform face area (FFA) within IT
Damage to FFA = prosopagnosia (inability to perceive faces)
visual WHERE streams - dorsal pathway
Intraparietal sulcus (IP)
• Anterior (AIP) : Represents space for hand movements
• Medial (MIP): Represents space for arm movements
• Lateral (LIP): Represents space for eye movements
• Ventral (VIP): Represents space for facial movements
Damage to IP = Spatial attention deficits/ neglect
V5 (motion detection) damage
Akinetopsia (motion blindness)
Stimulus driven
Feedforward connections
Depends on proximal stimulus and genetic “hard-wiring” of sensory systems
Driven by goals and expectations
Feedback connections
Depends on past experience, internal state, environmental context
perception depends on bottom-up or top-down influences?
top-down likelihood principle
We perceive the world in a way that is “most likely” based on our past experience
Interactive Activation Theory: McClelland and Rumelhar
model of letter and word perception
integrates bottom-up and top-down processes
bottom up processing the word CAT example
Feature detectors → features excite or inhibit letters → letters compete with other letters and excite or inhibit words
top down processing CAT example
words compete with other words and excite letters
The right visual field is processed by which retina(s) and which hemisphere(s) of primary visual cortex?
both retinas, left primary visual cortex