What was Italy like from 1870? Key facts
Economically backwards - little inferstructure
(Attempted) Resorgimento
Only 2% had the vote - dominated by liberals
No national identity - only 2% spoke Italian!
‘Brain Drain’ as people migrated to US
Italian political system 1870
Noble families in decline, middle class on the rise
New state was liberal
Constitutional monarch
Italy divided into 69 areas and these were controlled by ‘prefects’
What is trasformismo?
Where politicians would bribe ‘factions’ to ensure their vote to power
What are the challenges to the political system?
Socialism - better conditions for working class
Pope did NOT support the liberal state due to the removing of the Papal States so he encourages Catholics to not support
Nationalists - demanded an empire, an aggressive foreign policy and entry into WW1
What was the north and south divide?
North = more prosperous, mainly liberal - more people voted as 80% of south were illiterate!
South = poor, felt ruled by the north