a tireless missionary that popularized Christianity through performing miracles in christian Anatolia
helped make Christianity a popular religion of salvation in the Roman empire
principal figure in development of Christianity into an independent religious faith
devout jew from Anatolia that accepted the teaching of Jesus
chinese philosophy with orgins in the zhou dynasty ]
policy of noncompetition
broke off from Catholic Church
gave shape to a distinct form of Christianity
spread mostly through eastern europe and russia
capital of byzantine empire
founded by emperor constantine
-"dwelling of the chief"
best known kingdom of east and central africa
home of stone structure called Great Zimbabwe
East Asian ethnic group known for invading
nomadic people
standard currency of the mediterranean basin
made from byzantine gold
a commercial federation of guilds and market towns
dominated trade in northern Europe
founded by Abu Al Abbas
reached peak under Haruun Al- Rashid
arabic dynasty
capital damascus
expanded to spain and india
islamic prophet
considered final prophet of islam
creator of quran
people who adhere to islam
a monotheistic abrahamic religion
tight wrapping of young girls feet with strips to prevent growth
painful way to oppress women
self established king of northern germany
Crowned emperor by pope john Xii
leader of "holy roman empire"
" house of Islam"
term for an Islamic world
a ritual postration
subjects bowed before emperor and touched forehead to the ground
mongol ruler
chingis khan grandson
most talented conqueror
supported all religions
-" city of the khan"
served as mongol capital
Islamic holy book -believed to contain divine revelations of Allah
presented to muhammad
leader of roman empire
divided rome into two parts and hired co emperors
helped end roman civil unrest
warrior king of huns
made huns virtually unstoppable
invaded hungary, rome, gaul, and italy
dynasty following the tang dynasty
helped china improve economy, agriculture, and industrial production
Muslim leader and crusader
recaptured jerusalem
began when pope john Xii crowned otto emperor
the empire fell out of power and was neither holy nor roman
african people who origially lived in present day nigeria
migrated to sub-saharan africa
very influential linguistically
kingdom of west africa
converted to islam
dominated trans saharan trade
an order of mendicants founded by st francis
purpose was to live in poverty and serve religious needs of community
two brother dispatched to keep order
ran southern parts of the kingdom of vijayanagar
generals during the han dynasty
seized power held it briefly until lost to a rival
most popular branch of islam
believes that only a descendant of ali can lead
italian merchant
first to land in the americas
traveled to china
people who lived in delhi sultanate
empire that stretched over india
leader of mali, west african kingdom
helped it reach its peak
the capital of mali
benefited from trade
attracted merchants seeking gold
central african state that began trade with portuguese
suffered from slave trade -converted to christianity
considered the great city of islam
located in modern iraq
formerly constantinople
renamed when it fell to the turks
ruler of byzantine empire
known as bulgar slayer