Scientific Revolution
People and scientists start to question life and the universe. Rene Descartes and Francis Bacon are very influental during this time.
Scientific Method
apporach based on observation experimentation and reasoning
Francis Bacon (1561-1621)
Thought to build knowledge using inductive reasoning. Specific to Broad
Inductive Reasoning
Specific to general. little parts of information to support general claims. (Used by Bacon)
Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
invented and used deductive reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
General to Specific. Opposite to Bacon. Lead by Descartes
Issac Newton(1643-1727)
Combined inductive and deductive reasonings. General to broad to general to broad etc. Wrote Principa (focused on heliocentric model)
Natural laws
goal was to have general principle of how the world works. based on mathinamtical proofs or formulas
greek or arrangement of the stars and a form of study of the universe beyond earth.
Branch of Astronomy focused on the structure and orgins of the universe
Medieval vs. New Worldview
Med; Potelmy was unchallenged and geocentric model was the reigning champion New: Catholic Church condemns Galileo and stops science in italy for 200 years challenged 1400 year old ideals
Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543)
Polish Mathematician natural philosopher studied physical world found ancietn freek who questions geocentric belivied in heliocentric
Geo:earth centered and everything revolves around it including the sun Helio:Sun centered and it is more of a modern view
Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)
German Astronomer found eliptical orbits and not circular orbits; suppored copernicus of the heliocentric model
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Published work withe Kepler first european to build and use teliscope; proved planets were not etherial bodies but similar to earths compostition. Church rejected his work, found for heresy, and put on house arrest till death
Paracelsus (1493-1531)
observations and experiements developing the theory of disease based on imbalances in energy thought to be remeided with chemicals
Andreass Vesalius(1514-1564)
anatomical research and dissection of the human body. Wrote On The Farbic of the Human Body (1543)
William Harvey(1578-1657)
corrected galens ideas on the circulatory system. body is an integrated system. experiment shows heart is the starting point for circulation and blood.
medical and renaissance approach to chemistry focused on discovering method to turn common metals to gold. (transformatuon and view of the world of divinity)
stidy of heavenly bodies as they influenced human activity
the theory of knowledge especially with regard to its methods validity and scope; investigation on what distinguishes justified belief from opinion
Galen vs. Humoral Theory
Galen: 2 different systems of blood 4 humors and those humors caused disease (dissected animals for information) Humoral: system of medicine detailing makeup of the human body
Enlightenment (1648-1815)
Aka Age of reason period of intellectual history set in motion by application of the scientific method to political social, economical and religious institutions.
focused on innate reasoning. concept that people are able to gain knowledge independently of the what they observe. Humans have the ability to recognize and understand the world thought reason. Used by France and Descartes.
Based that human knowledge comes from what they senses expierence. Used by England and Fracis Bacon
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
wrote in reaction to what he saw. lived during the english civil war and charles I death propmted Leviathan (1651) wanted to create a government with people and security for all. Wrote Leviathan and established the social contract. (Give people individuall freedom for security. Government must be powerful)
John Locke(1632-1704)
Belueved that humans posses natural rights that come from the creato. Beliefs shared by puritan ideals. (positive views of human nature). Wrote 2nd treatises of government in 1689 and Concerning Human understanding (1690). (Influenced Thomas Jefferson, governments duty to protect the civilians, and peoples right ot revolt in the upset of power.)
Natural Rights
Laws put in place by "the creator". These rights are independant from society and government. (used by John Locke)
Social Contract
Benificial agreement between the citizens and the governing party. (Locke thought that governemtn protected natural rights, if they failed the civilians could replace the government).
Tabula Rasa
Aka Blank Slate this document contrasted hobbes. Locke thinks humans are not dangerous ot others. People are not good nore bad but motivated by self intrest.
French for philosophers they were 18th century intellectuals who popularized enlightentment beliefs. They critized acient regime. Upperclass controlled for their benefit
Jean-Jacques Rosseau (1712-1778)
influential french philosopher borrn in geneva. thougtht tha people in their natural state are free and happy. Wrote Social Contract (1762) and Emile or Treatise of Eduaction (1762). (Influenced french revolution and belived that women take care of the children)
Women during the Enlightenment
most belived that women are to marry and take care of the children. Stated that women are lower than men and that it should not be challenged. Trandition and conservative
Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)
Challenged Rousseau. Equal access to education, citizenship, and financial independance. Could make women even or more prosperous then men. Wrote A vindication of the rights of women.
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Aka Francous-Marie Arouet he was a brilliant writer and historian who advocated for tolerance. He wanted freedom of religon, and speech. His slogan was "Écrasez l'infâme!" or "Crush the infamy". Wrote treatise of toleration (1763), Letters on the English (1734), Candide (1759).
Montesquieu (1689-1755)
Aka The Baron de Montesquieu he was a french lowaayer and writer that thoguth the middle ages were good. He was an aristocrat that were focused on the land. Created 3 brancehs of the government and had the Check and Balances. Wrote Spirit of Laws (1748) and influenced the constitution.
Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
Facinated by the natural world could be catalouged and describes. People tried to censor his works but he ended up writing Encyclopedie (1746).
Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)
Italian philosopher that starts and criminal justice reform. He was inspired by Montedquieu and Voltaire. Wrote On Crimes and Punishments (1764). (Criminal Justice, Abolition of Tourture, and right punishment)
Place where people could spread enlightenment ideas. They could buy a coffee, a newspaper, and could talk about their ideas. People started to form and meet with their groups. At this time it was mostly men.
French discussion groups hosted by influental women in their house. These gatherings were often of both genders and Solonniers had finanical support to those around them.
Marquis de Condorcet (1743-1794)
early champion of social science and human rights. Strong advocate for women and demanded equal education and political rights.
Specialized groups funded by wealthy individuals by promoting knowledge in science, technology, and arts. Louis XIV and Charles II founded some of the Academies. (Louis for show, Charles for help and learning)
Lending Libraries
Exposed reading in Europe and America. They tried to collect informatino and eduacate all.
Masonic Lodge
all male free masons that grew to be the largest secret society. Adopted religious orders but no christian affiliation. Porvided moral and ethincal framework. 9 signers of the Decleration of Independance were freemasons. (Could be described as a cult)
Print Culture
People try to express themselves by printing. Governments or authorities censor these people and what they print. They often faced their printers being broken or being arrested.
Republic of Letters
Network of letter, Journals and other Publications that texchanged among enlightment thinekers that transcended national boundris and disrupted censorship.
Noble Savages
a person who lived in a joyfull state of nature that was yet unspoiled by civilizing forces. (Proposed by Rosseau)
Ignoble Savages
Living in a backward condition intellecutally and morally inferior to european society. (Proposed by George Louis Leclerc de Button)
Natural Religion
argured that god exists in natural not seperated from it. Could be discovered in scientific studies and most often challeneged the Church.
Belief that god had created the world and put it into motion. Accepted god but rejected organized religion.
Complete rejection of god and religion.(thoguht to be created by Diderot)
Baron d'Holbach (1723-1789)
French Philosophernand contributer to Encyclopdie. He was an outspoken Atheist that wrote The System of Nature (1770). (Proposed a godless universe)
all knowledge and beliefs should be thought about with doubt.
David Hume (1711-1776)
Philosopher who advocated skepticism and disputed the after life. He wrote An enquiry conerning Human Understanding (1748), and Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.
Founderd by John Wesley that worked with intesnse personla revelation. Uses Personal experiences with god and appeals to the working class.
began with christina lutherans. They wanted a personal expeirence with god and the importance of the bible. They liked education and would go on missions. (Individual behavior with god and all believers are lay priests with the church)
argued that land and labor were sources of wealth. Protection of life, liberty, and property.
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot (1727-1781)
advisor to King Louis XV of france and advoccated for Laissez-Faire. She thought that the economy would be best if individuals were free to do what they would contribute. She rejected mercantilist ideas.
french for leave it alone or polocy of non-interference
Francois Quesnay (1694-1774)
Doctor and economic theorist. He thought that economic strengths come from agriculture.
Adam Smith (1723-1790)
looked for natural laws of economic behavoir thought people were naturally social. Wrote An Inquity into the nature and causes of wealth of nations (1776)
Smith's Critism of Mercantilism
overregulation in an attempt to accumulate gold. Argued that the weath came from productivity and not from gold.
Invisible Hand
Used as an idea that the "hand" was all controlling and guided economic desicions. Individuals made own descisions and it all balanced out. (Idea created by adam smith)
prevents buisness for misusing influences and taking care of the disadvantaged.
Pierre Bayle (1647-1706)
French Philosopher, author, and lexicographer. He wrote Historian and Critical Dictionary (1697)
Enlightened Absolutism
approach to governing that strengthened power and further their goals. Most did not oppose the monarchy.
Enlightened Despot
18th century ruler embreassed enlightenmentideals so they could further theur ideals and gain power.
reforms of the enlightened despots
wanted to weaken church and the aristocracy. Weakened power of noble, less tax exemptions for the clergy, and increasing religious protection
Frederick WIlliam I
improved Prussias military by moderizing it. He used muskets and Cannons. Not an amazing example of an enlightened despot
Fredercik II (Frederick the Great)
Son of Frederick WIlliam I, he expanded prussia, created prussia common law, continued serfdom, interested in arts rather than war.
Maria Theresa
Limited landlord power, mandated public education, traditional catholic, no religious reforms
Joseph II
Austrian Emporer, who was related to the Habsburg empire. He was considered and enlightened absolutist. His reforms inculuded: limiting the powers of the catholic church, freedom of press, abolishing serfdom, signing the edict of toleration (freedom to jews protestants, and greek orthodox). He ended his reign thinking that he failed.
Edict of Toleration 1782
This protected the freedom of Jews, Protestants, and greek orthodox. This occured in Austrua under the rule of Joseph II
Cathrine the Great/Cathrine II
allied with Joseph II, tried to counter prussias growing military. She was the Russia Queen
Religious Tolerance
Argued by Locke by his natural rights and seperation of the church and the state. Religious Toleration: Toleration Act 1629 (England) Decleration of the rights and the citizen 1789 (France) Accepted other groups in Prussia (1740-1786) Religious toleration to christian and jews (Austria, Joseph II)