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Brutal, Barbaric, Violent, and Carried on into Romanticism
Long narrative poems about heroes, based on historical facts
Written in Old English, hero who kills Grendel and his mother
Phrases or quotes with hyphens, used in Beowulf
Connected to the biblical character Cain, attacks the Danes for twelve years
Beowulf's Battle with Grendel
Fights without weapons, rips off Grendel's arm and hangs it in the mead hall
Beowulf's Battle with Grendel's Mother
Fights underwater, kills her with a giant's sword
Beowulf's Death
Fights a dragon, his sword melts, Wiglaf helps him, Beowulf dies from a neck wound
Canterbury Tales
Written by Geoffrey Chaucer in Middle-English, contains twenty-two stories
A long religious journey, pilgrims travel to Canterbury Cathedral to worship Thomas Beckett's relics
Tabard Inn
Meeting place for the pilgrims, owned by Harry Bailey
Pilgrim's Stories
Each pilgrim tells two stories to pass the time, the best storyteller wins a free meal
Characters in Canterbury Tales
Knight, Prioress, Oxford Cleric, Cook, Summoner, Merchant, Franklin, Wife of Bath, Shipman, Doctor, and more
The Pardoner's Tale
Three men encounter death under an oak tree, theme of greed
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Christmas Eve, Green Knight challenges someone to chop off his head, Gawain accepts and passes the test of honor
A Modest Proposal
Solution to overpopulation, suggests eating children to solve the problem
The Passionate Shepherd to his Love
A shepherd invites a lady to live with him, offers simple pleasures
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
A cynical response to the shepherd's invitation, does not believe in love