Midterm 3 - Cog Psyc 110

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deductive reasoning

involves the thinking skills required to evaluate the validity of an argument

(validity referring to a particular quality of this argument such that if the premises are assumed to be true, then the conclusion must also be true)

the form of arguing is the most important, allows us to draw conclusions with certainty

well defined problems

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inductive reasoning

involves the thinking skills required to notice patterns and make generalized inferences based on a number of instances or observations

it is judged based on how likely it is to be true

also includes our ability to reason about things that couldve happened but havent

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syllogistic reasoning

simple deductive arguments that consist of two premises followed by a conclusion

a valid reasoning is one in which the conclusion follows necessarily from the statements, if they are true then by deductive rules, the conclusion must be true as well

ex; All beagles are dogs (first statement), All dogs are mammals (second premise), therefore, all beagles are mammals(conclusion)

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Two-Premise Syllogisms

Quantifier type 

Ex with valid conclusion

Ex with Invalid Conclusion

1. Universal Affirmative 

All A are B 

All beagles are dogs

All beagles are mammals

Therefore, all beagles are mammals

All beagles are dogs

All beagles are mammals

Therefore, all dogs are mammals

2. Universal Negative

 NO A are B

No reptile has fur 

All snakes are reptiles

Therefore, no snake has fur

No cats are dogs

Some dogs are not pets

Therefore, some pets are not cats

3. Particular Affirmative

 SOME A are B

Some foods are veggies

All veggies are plants 

Therefore, some plants are food

Some foods are veggies 

All veggies are plants 

Therefore, some plants are not food

4. Particular Negative 

SOME A are not B

Some cats are not pets

All cats are mammals

Therefore, some mammals are not pets 

Some professors are not psychologists

Some psychologists are musicians

Therefore, some musicians are professors

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conditional (propositional) reasoning

has a formal structure that includes the connective words “if” and “then” as part of the premise (plus some other connective words)

most basic form is to assert a second premise consisting of either affirming the antecedent or consequent or denying the antecedent or consequent

ex: if the first premise is “if P then Q” and for the second premise if we affirm the antecedent “P” the valid conclusion for this argument form is “Q”

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dual process framework

the idea that cognitive tasks can be performed using two separate and distinct processes

includes type 1 and type 2 processing, 1 is automatic and 2 is controlled processing

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when we use inductive reasoning

analogical reasoning, category induction, counterfactual induction, counterfactual thinking, and casual reasoning

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the wason 2-4-6 task

lab task that stimulates the discovery of hypotheses to account for a pattern of observations

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counterfactual reasoning

our ability to reason about things that couldve happened but havent

take the form of what if and if only sentences

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causal reasoning

used to infer cause and effect relationships between events then we can make predictions about or even control our environment

shows evidence of co-occurrence and has the belief that there is mechanism for casual relationship

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analogical reasoning

using the structure of one conceptual domain to interpret another domain

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Philip Johnson Laird and his colleagues proposed a theory of reasoning that proceeds through 3 stages, the first stage in this theory is model ____?

construction of the premises

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conditional reasoning forms

1. modus ponens (valid)

  1. denying the antecedent (invalid)

  2. affirming the consequent (invalid)

  3. modus tollens (valid)

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wason selection problems

same logic problem, but more people will get concrete over abstract

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mental models


Stage 1: Model construction

  • find way to represent statements (ex: all As are Bs, all Bs are Cs)

Stage 2: Conclusion-formulation

  • combining the two premises and the four possibilities gives us

Stage 3: conclusion-validation

  • so to evaluate “All As are Cs” we can remove Bs and get both situations that support the conclusion

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hypothesis generation vs testing

a process beginning with an educated guess whereas the latter is a process to conclude that the educated guess is true/false or the relationship between the variables is statistically significant or not.

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confirmation bias

tendency to focus on info that confirms our hypothesis or existing belief

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scientific reasoning

intentional information seeking: asking questions, generating and testing hypotheses, evaluating evidence

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three types of theoretical claims

category claim, event claim, causal claim

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category claim

asserting that certain entities or phenomena belong to a particular category

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event claim

asserting that certain events happen or exist within a specific context or under certain conditions

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causal claim

asserting that one variable influences or causes changes in another variable

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Ludwig Wittgenstein idea of concept

it may not be possible to identify a list of necessary and sufficient features for many categories, especially real-world categories

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family resemblence

points not to a single set of defining features but rather to members of categories connected by overlapping sets of features

concepts are connected by a series of similarities across features, there isnt a set of necessary and sufficient features

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typicality effect

a result where more common members of a category show processing advantages

depends on how well the items features match an abstract combination of the most frequent attributes for that category

typical items are more easily judged as members of a category than atypical

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prototype approach

views concepts as abstract representations, that summarize the common and distinctive attributes of the members of the category that comprise the concept

basically an average of the important features of its members, with varying levels of importance across these features

better represented as schemata than unstructured lists

more typical members of a category share more features

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exemplar approach

proposes that concepts consist of separate representations of examples of the category that we have encountered before

categorization of an object is accomplished by comparing it to all your memories of similar things

most typical items of a concept are those that are similar to many other members of the concept, the more typical the object for a category the more similar it will be to recalled members of that category

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major difference between exemplar and prototype approach

comparisons are being made to memories of actual experiences rather than an abstraction of those experiences in the form of an ideal version of a category member

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conceptual hierarchies

one way to organize concepts

single objects or events are typically members of many different larger or smaller categories

concepts are structured hierarchically according to the level of detail in the label

stored in memory as networks of relationships

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superordinate concepts

categories higher in the figure, higher and broader than those lower

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subordinate concepts

categories lower

lower and more detailed than higher up

can inherit the properties of their superordinate categories

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basic level categories

one level is typically “privileged” over other levels, meaning the labels at this level are special in how we identify and name objects

share common shapes and movements, they allow for faster categorization or pictures, and they are used more frequently in naming of objects

includes objects that share the greatest number of features with other category members

ex: a parent may refer to picture as a dog rather than an animal or specific breed

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cognitive economy

the idea that concept features are stored at the most efficient level of the hierarchy

allows for feature sharing across related concepts and generalization of knowledge to new objects

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distance efforts

predicted by cognitive economy, the more “is a” links that need to be traveled through to compare concepts, the longer the verification times should be

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feature comparison

alternative to hierarchical network view is that relationships between concepts are determined using reasoning processes rather than being retrieved from a semantic network

ex: compare features of unknown “animal” to features you already know about animals to see if it fits

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distributed-only view

theory for how features are brought together for comparison, it suggests that our concepts are directly represented within the connections between these sensorimotor areas of the brain

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distributed-plus-hub view

theory for how features are brought together for comparison, it suggests that there are distinct areas of the brain that function to bind these features together, such that there are conceptual representations stored separately from sensory and motor information

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associative theory of creativity

creative processing is linked to our semantic memory storage of concepts and knowledge, creating new concepts may involve changing the existing concept knowledge structure one currently has

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mental representation used for a variety of cognitive functions, its the smallest unit of knowledge

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process by which things are placed into groups called categories

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definitional approach

concepts are represented by defining features

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hierarchical semantic network model

concepts are arranged in networks that represent the way these concepts are organized in the mind

Collins and Quillian (1969)

includes nodes (represents a concept in the model) and pathways (by which concepts are linked) and hierarchical structures and cognitive economy and shared inheritance

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cognitive economy

principal of networks that properties and facts about a node are stored at the highest level

“is alive” would be stored with the node “animal” rather than each node under “animal”

avoid redundancy

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shared inheritance

all features are shared in same categories in hierarchical structure network model

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spreading activation

how we retrieve concepts

depending on how we’re asked or think of concept, it is a faster way to retrieve information about a concept

“a canary is a bird” > bird

“a canary is an animal” > bird > animal

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category size effect

Collin + Quillian confirm spreading activation & hierarchial model by showing that bigger properties (concepts) take longer to retrieve

“a canary has skin”

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semantic priming effect

the finding of faster recognition times to words preceded by related targets

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problems with Collins and Quillian’s model

cant explain typicality effect, judging false statements and reverse category size effect

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feature comparison model

a concept is represented as a list of defining characteristic features

ex: robin vs bird - each list has defining characteristic and features that they share and overlap

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Collins and Loftus model (1975)

modified semantic hierarchical model which was basically a less strict version of the model

however this is unfalsifiable and so not perfect

can explain “judging false statement” idea and typicality effect

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often negative and could be a cognitively efficient way to interact in social context

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connectionist model

how concept is represented in brain

based on connection and weight of connections

Neural networks are simplified models of the brain composed of large numbers of units (the analogs of neurons) together with weights that measure the strength of connections between the units. These weights model the effects of the synapses that link one neuron to another. Experiments on models of this kind have demonstrated an ability to learn such skills as face recognition, reading, and the detection of simple grammatical structure.

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mental recreations of sensory information from the outside world and can be visual, auditory, olfactory, or tactile

also is important in cognitive/bx tasks such as problem solving, navigation, sports performance and mind wandering

can be helpful in defining a problem, determining the resources available, and possible constraints as well as exploring possible strategies and solutions for the prolem
The human imagination: the cognitive neuroscience of visual mental imagery  | Nature Reviews Neuroscience

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the two primary ideas about how images are stored and manipulated

one idea is that mental images are represented spatially, in the same way that objects or scenes are perceived when looking

the other idea is that mental images are represented propositionally

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spatial representation

the idea that visual information is represented in analog form in the mind

the description of images as spatial proposed by Kosslyn illustrates representational cognition

ex: a video showing twelve blackbirds flying and landing on top of a large tree

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mental scanning

when participants are given a task in which they have to access different locations of a scene or object represented in their minds, they would show longer response times in a task that involves “moving” longer distance across that scene or object

relates to spatial coding

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tactic knowledge

implicit assumption of participants will have when asked them to scan images. they will act in the way they assume researcher wants

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demand characteristics

want to behave in the ways participants think the experimenter wants

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propositional representation

the idea that visual information is represented non spatially in the mind

knowing the purpose of each of the parts allows you to interpret the sentence and understand the ideas presented in it

it is consistent with ideas about the way language is represented in the mind

suggested that accessing a spatial mental image doesnt necessarily mean that this is the mode in which our mind is representing the image

very difficult to test

ex: “twelve blackbirds flew through the cloudless sky and landed at the top of a large oak tree”

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concreteness effect

people remember more concrete items on a list than abstract words

relates to dual coding

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picture superiority effect

people remember pictures better (and more accurately) than labels

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dual-coding theory

pictures produce automatic encoding in two modalities whereas words only produce one modality

words produce only a verbal code when studied but pictures produce the image (analog/depoctive) code and verbal code, both of these codes are automatically encoded into memory when they are studied

this results in 2 separate and distinct cues that can be accessed at retrieval and provides a better opportunity for one to retrieve a studied picture compared with a studied word that can be retrieved by the verbal code

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bizarreness/distinctiveness effect

info that evokes unusual or distinct image is better remembered than typical image

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method of loci

the more bizarre the images created when using the technique, the better they are remembered

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peg-word mnemonic

specific words that rhyme with numbers are used as place holders in an ordered list, (one-bun, two-shoe etc)

they are then associated with items you wish to remember in order

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prospective cognition

our ability to make predictions about how things will occur in the future

imagery allows knowledge to be generated about specific events, which then allows for predictions to be made about those events aka, allows for various solutions to problems from the knowledge gained in the mental stimulation problem

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rule-based strategies

used to solve problems, involves using a propositional representation of how to solve the problem

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scenographic imagery

what one would see walking through the environment

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abstract imagery

a map-like image overview of the environment

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used by 2 different working map representations, scenographic and abstract

the effectiveness of each imagery may depend of the complexity of the environment, the means of following instructions, individual differences in sense of direction or other factors

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types of nonvisual imagery

kinesthetic imagery, internal imagery (muscular imagining) and motor imagery

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motor imagery

a mental rep of motor movements

benefits in sports performances

may also be related to social skills and interactions

ex: imagining yourself jumping over a small fence

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mental rotation

shepard and metzler (1971), cooper and shepard (1973)

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imagination inflation effect

imagining events can increase the confidence that the events actually happened

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the different aspects of visual imagery

seeing an embedded property of a shape

visualizing with high resolution

mentally amalgamating separate shaped to form a whole

mentally rotating a pattern in an image

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Perky (1910)

studied how images can be affected by sensory input

findings: sometimes ppl cant tell difference between actual sensory image and mental image

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IDEAL framework

Identify the problem

Define and mentally represent the problem

Explore possible solution strategies

Act on the solution

Look back and learn

represents one way to describe the typical sequence of cognitive processes involved in solving problems

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Identifying a problem

problem solving describes a problem as a situation in which there is a difference between a current or initial state and a desired goal state

it is also the process of developing a solution designed to move from the initial state to the goal state in the context of potential constraints (limits within which you must work, including big picture issues like rules or laws that shouldnt be broken)

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problem identification

first step in the problem solving process

includes defining characteristics of a problem: the initial state, a goal state, constraints, and a sequence of cognitive operations

they are goal-directed and require metacognition to monitor the process

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cognitive operations

retrieving, identifying, organizing and elaborating mental representations

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well-defined problem

one where the goal and constraints are known and, by correctly applying specific procedures, the correct solution can be fond

ex: sudoko, algebra problems, logic truth tables, geometry proofs

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ill-defined problems

includes multiple possible ways to move from the initial state to the goal state and may lack a clearly defined goal state, and may have too many constraints or not enough

basically they are challenging because they can be difficult to mentally represent and generate solutions for

ex: arranging your day to fit everything in

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defining a problem

the process of determining which features of a problem solving situation are relevant and which are irrelevant

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exploring solutions

includes domain-general strategies and domain-specific solutions (ex: mnemonic for PEMDAS, please excuse my dear aunt sally)

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problem space

a mental representation of the initial and goal states, possible subgoals, constraints, and operators (the actions that can be performed to change a state)

ex: think of searching through your apartment for your keys

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strategy guaranteed to solve a problem

typically used for well defined problems

ex: relating to searching through the “problem space” i.e your apartment, “searching every square inch” is this term

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problem-solving strategy that doesn’t guarantee a correct solution, but it works well enough most the time, aka "rule of thumb”

this search only considers part of the space

typically used in ill-defined problems, for solutions that are deemed “good enough” (aka satisfying)

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trial and error strategy

aka generate test strategy

a strategy that involves generating possible solutions, trying those solutions, trying those solutions, and then repeating the process

works well when there is few possible solutions to consider or when there is only one correct goal state

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think-aloud protocol

verbalizing what one is thinking about while performing a task

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means-ends strategy

guides the search through the problem space by repeatedly comparing the current state of the problem to the goal state, identifying the differences and developing subgoals

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hill-climbing strategy

involves selecting the operator the results in a change most similar to the goal state

aka most direct route to a goal


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working-backward strategy

involves searching through the problem space backward, starting from the goal state

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factors that hinder effective problem solving

incorrect problem definition, mental set, functional fixedness, failing to notice analogous solutions

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functional fixedness

focusing on how things are usually used while ignoring other potential uses

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analogical transfer

occurs when we notice that it is possible to use the same solution for two different problems with the same underlying structure

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isomorphic problems

where the underlying features are the same,

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Gick and Holyoak (1980)

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the “aha” phenomenon

solvers struggle to find a solution and have often stopped consciously thinking about the problem when the correct solution suddenly emerges into consciousness

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