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Individual Health
The way an individual interprets their environment, affecting their thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Understanding how one area of concern relates to the whole person to achieve overall harmony.
Dynamic Equilibrium/Homeostasis
The body's ability to maintain internal balance through adaptation to environmental changes.
Physiologic Homeostasis
The stability and constancy of the body's internal environment.
Homeostasis Mechanisms
Characteristics include self-regulating, compensatory, regulated by negative feedback, and may require multiple feedback mechanisms.
Homeostatic mechanisms that automatically respond in healthy individuals.
Mechanisms that counteract abnormal conditions to maintain balance.
A set of interacting identifiable parts or components.
A line that differentiates one system from another or from its environment.
Closed System
A system that does not exchange energy, matter, or information with its environment.
Open System
A system that exchanges energy, matter, and information with its environment.
Information, material, or energy that enters a system for processing.
The transformation of input into a useful form within a system.
Energy, matter, or information produced by a system after processing.
The mechanism that returns some output of a system back as input for self-regulation.
Negative Feedback
Mechanism that inhibits change and counteracts deviations from normal.
Positive Feedback
Mechanism that stimulates change.
Psychologic Homeostasis
Emotional or psychological balance and mental well-being.
Developmental Stage Theories
Categorization of behaviors or tasks based on age ranges, reflecting group characteristics.
Healthy People 2020/2030
Initiatives emphasizing health promotion and disease prevention linked to community health.
Health Promotion
Activities aimed at improving health and preventing disease.
Primary Prevention
Focuses on health promotion and protection against specific health problems.
Secondary Prevention
Early identification and intervention to alleviate health problems.
Tertiary Prevention
Restoration and rehabilitation to return individuals to optimal functioning.
WHO Definition of Health
Complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease.
Individual Perception of Health
Health is highly individualized and influences behavior related to health and illness.
Population Health
Wellness and disease experiences of groups of people based on geographic or common characteristics.
Clinical Model of Health
Defined by the absence of signs and symptoms of disease or injury.
Role Performance Model
Health defined by the ability to fulfill societal roles.
Adaptive Model
Health as a creative process; disease as failure to adapt.
Eudaimonistic Model
Health as the realization of an individual's potential.
Agent Host Environment Model
Predicts illness based on interactions of agent, host, and environment.
Health-Illness Scales
Measure an individual's perceived level of wellness on a continuum.
Biophysical Dimension
Genetic makeup, sex, age, and physiological function.
Psychological Dimension
Emotional well-being and self-perception.
Environmental Dimension
Impact of physical surroundings on health.
Developmental Dimension
Changes in health status across the lifespan.
Socio-Cultural/Spiritual Dimension
Influence of lifestyle, culture, and spirituality on health.
Co-occurrence of mental illness and chemical addiction.
Components of Wellness
Physical, emotional, social, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and spiritual aspects of well-being.
Inflammatory Response
Local and nonspecific defensive response to injury or infection.
Characteristics of Inflammation
Pain, swelling, redness, heat, and impaired function.