Histology is the area of Biology responsible for the study of tissues.
absorption of substances
Coating epithelia, as the name suggests, coat organs, surfaces, and cavities acting on the protection and, in some situations, on the ________.
Secretion epitheliums
Secretion epitheliums, or glandular epithelia, are derived from differentiation that occurs in the lining epithelium, originating from the glands.
exocrine glands
The exocrine glands have a connection with the epithelium from which they originated.
basal membrane
The basal membrane is permeable to the passage of gases and nutrients, allowing the maintenance of the epithelium.
occlusion zonula
The occlusion zonula is a band that surrounds the cell in its apical region.
columnar epithelium
The columnar epithelium (prismatic) has elongated cells.
Epithelium avascular tissues
Epithelium avascular tissues do not present blood vessels.
Main four types of tissue
Epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous
Epithelial cells receive nutrients and oxygen from blood vessels
in the underlying connective tissue layer
Epithelial tissues have two basic types
coating epithelia and secretor epithelial (glandular)
There is also the pseudostratified epithelium, tissue with only one layer of cells, which appears to be formed by more than one cell layer
due to the variation in the size and position of the nucleus