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What is a crime?
A crime is an illegal act, punishable by law. Therefore crime is legally defined.
What is the age of criminal resposibility?
10 years old in the UK, 12 years old in Scotland
What is deviance?
behaviour which does not conform to societies norms and values.
What did Clinard and Meier develop?
they developed 4 definitions of deviance. Statistical, absolutist, reactivist and normative.
What did Ken Roberts argue?
made a distinction between Culpable deviance, when the individual committing it is held personally responsible, and non-culpable deviance, when deviance results from factors beyond an individuals control.
How is deviance different to crime?
deviance differs from the ‘norm’ and provokes a sense of public disapproval, but that can be viewed differently through different cultures. But whether or not you believe that an act was ‘bad’ it’s still a crime.
Why is crime viewed as a social construct?
Because they reflect the values and concerns of the time period and are devised and enforced by humans
What is social control?
regulating peoples thoughts and behaviour’s in ways that stop or punish deviance.
Types of informal social control?
family, friends, work colleagues
Types of formal social control?
religion, education, mass media, health service, the law