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Bessemer Process
process of making steel from iron ore
Steel vs Iron
it is more durable and it is cheaper to produce
Innovations in Chemistry
anti-pain medication, dynamite
Dynamite Inventor
Alfred Nobel
Impact of Electricity
people can see during nighttime; elongates working hours
Electricity Discoverer
Thomas Edison
Interchangeable Parts
the same product made of different materials; better quality vs lower quality; different price points for the same product
Assembly Line
more efficient way of production where each person contributes to one part of a product.
Advancements in Transportation
gas powered engine; automobiles, planes, boats
Advances in Communication
Telegraph, Telephone, Radio
Telephone Inventor
Alexander Graham Bell
Telegraph Inventor
Samuel Morse
owning a part of a company
businesses owned by multiple investors
a company that is the sole owner of a product; apple is the only technology store because they buy out every small company that has a similar product
a company that owns every step of production; they get all of the money that goes into making, packaging, selling, and transporting an item.
Improvements in Medicine
people believe in germs, finding cures, vaccines, pasteurized milk
Improvements in Hospital Care
anesthesia, sanitary measures, anti-septic, sterilized tools, more successful surgeries but people still died of infection.
City Planning
planning how a city looks and its skyline; finding where everything should go in relation to other buildings
Improvements in Safety and Sanitation
street lamps, police and fire protection, sewage systems
Life in the Slums
tenement housing, homelessness, dirty, alcoholism spreads
Lure of City Life
excitement in entertainment, tourism, new forms of work
Labor Unions
groups that advocate for workers
Voting Rights
men only
Improved Standards of Living
wages went up, good healthcare, benefits with more money; But the middle/lower class gap is large
New Class Structure
Rich, Middle, Poor
Middle Class Values
strict social behavior; kids are seen not heard
Ideal Home and Family
Mom, Dad, Child, Dog; cookie cutter/white picket fence family
Temperance Movement
trying to ban alcohol; and by association abuse in the home
right to vote; worldwide issue for women
Women's Campaigns
to allow women in all job fields and get an education
Important Women Advocates
Sigourney Truth and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Improvements for Public Schools
teachers are trained, open for girls and boys, everyone goes to school no matter the social class
Higher Education Growth
universities expand; in the 1860's a few women were able to attend college
Modern Atomic Theory
each element has their own atomic make-up
Questioning Earth's Age
study of rocks, fossils, and early humans; there was no conclusion
Charles Darwin's Belief
natural selection or survival of the fittest
Natural Selection as Excuse
racism; Darwin says that one race is better fit for life than the others
expressing yourself in different ways; imaginative, unrealistic
German composer; created instrumental music
Goal of Realism
to capture real life in a painting
Charles Dickens
he wrote stories about the realistic life of the poor and norms of society
long visible brush strokes, no harsh lines of color or blending; paintings of nature or the realistic life of people; Claude Monet
small invisible brush strokes, definite shapes, blending; Vincent Van Gogh