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Four Functions of a Manager POLC
Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
What did Peter Drucker say about management?
Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right thing
The ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals
What are manager qualities focused on?
The organization
Manager Qualities RASTOP
Maintains stability
Assigns tasks
Position power
What do leader qualities focus on?
Focus on people
Leader Qualities VCPEIP
Promotes change
Defines purpose
Personal power
Contemporary Leadership
The concept of leadership evolves as the needs of organizations change
What has leadership evolved due to? TELS
Economic conditions
Labor conditions
Social and cultural expectations
Four Approaches for Today’s Turbulent Times SAI5
Level 5 Leadership
Servant Leadership
Authentic leadership
Interactive leadership
Where does level 5 leadership come from?
Business bestseller Good to Great by Jim Collins
2 Characteristics of a level 5 leader WH
Professional Will
Personal Humility
Professional Will
Resolve to always continue
Personal Humility
Accept responsibility for failures/success to other people
5 Levels of Level 5 Leadership
Team Member
Level 1: Individual
Capable; contributes talent, skills, knowledge
Level 2: Team Member
Contributing; contributes individually, works well in group
Level 3: Manager
Competent; manages team members and assets to reach set objectives
Level 4: Leader
Effective; Stimulates high standards, champions dedicated to vision
Level 5: Executive
Builds excellence through dedication and humility
Why did servant leadership become popular?
Became popular due to the moral decay of many modern leaders
What is servant leadership based on?
The bible
Servant Leadership
Leader assumes work exists for the development of the worker as much as the worker exists to do the work
What does servant leadership transcend?
Transcends self-interest to serve others, the organization, and society
What do servant leaders give away? PIIRCM
Power, ideas, information, recognition, credit, and money
Authentic Leadership
A type of leadership style in which people act in a real, genuine, and sincere way that is true to who they are
What do authentic leaders do by staying true to themselves?
They inspire trust and loyalty to their followers
What are the three components of the definition of leadership?
People, Influence, Goals
5 Components of Authentic Leadership PVCDL
Pursues purpose with passion
Practices solid values
Connects with others
Demonstrates self-discipline
Leads with the heart as well as the head
Interactive Leadership
Leader favors a consensual and collaborative process, and influence derives from relationships rather than position power and formal authority
What are leadership traits based on?
The Great Man Approach
The Great Man Approach
Theory that history can be explained by the impact of great men, or heroes who are highly influential and unique and because of their natural abilities including excellent leadership skills have a divine inspiration and a major impact on history
Distinguished personal characteristics of a leader
(T/F) Leaders’ traits alone explain effective leadership
False; Leaders’ traits alone don’t explain effective leadership
What should you focus on instead of traits?
Actual leader behavior
Two-Leadership Behaviors
Task-Oriented Behavior
People-Oriented Behavior
What two behviors did the Ohio State studies identify?
Initiating Structure
What is leadership style based on?
Based on a combination of consideration and initiating structure
Findings of Ohio State Studies
There is no one style of leadership that is consistently more effective than another
What did the Michigan studies compare?
Compared behavior of effective and ineffective supervisors
What two types of leaders were identified in the Michigan studies?
Employee-Centered Leaders
Job-Centered Leaders
Employee-Centered Leaders
More effective than Job-Centered Leaders; Display supportive behavior to subordinates
Who is more effective, Employee-Centered Leaders or Job-Centered Leaders
Employee-Centered Leaders
Job Centered Leaders
Less effective than Employee-Centered Leaders; Focus on meeting schedules, cost-management, and production efficiency
What two sides were identified by the Michigan State Leadership Studies Continuum?
Left Side
Right Side
Left Side
Job-Oriented leadership behavior
Right Side
Employee-Oriented leadership
Findings of Michigan State leadership studies continuum
Job satisfaction is high with employee-oriented leader
Situational Model of Leadership
Looks at characteristics of followers in determining appropriate leadership behavior
(T/F) The situational Model of Leadership focuses on leaders rather than followers
False; Focuses on followers rather than leaders
Combination of confidence, commitment, and motivation
Amount of subordinate's knowledge, experience, and demonstrated skill
What will the effective leadership style depend on?
The effective leadership style will depend on the willingness and ability of followers
Charismatic Leader
Articulates a clear, appealing vision, and provides inspirational motivation to stimulate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice
What is the source of a charismatic leader’s impact?
Lofty Vision
Lofty Vision CCUT
Ideal future is credible yet not readily available
Ability to communicate the vision
Ability to understand and empathize
Empowering and trusting subordinates
Transactional Leaders
Individuals who clarify the role and task requirements of subordinates, initate structure, provide appropriate rewards, and display consideration for followers
Transformational Leaders
Distinguished by their special ability to bring about innovation and change by creating an inspiring vision, shaping values, building relationships, and providing meaning for followers
What does effective transformational leadership result in?
Effective transformational leadership results in performances that exceed organizational expectations
The 4 I’s of Transformational Leaders
Idealized Influence
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Individual Consideration
Idealized Influence
Describes leaders who are exceptional role models for followers and as a result leader's influence is trusted by followers
Inspirational Motivation
Describes leaders who motivate followers to commit to the leader's vision and as a result followers have high motivation to reach the goals of the organization achieved through intrinsic motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Describes leaders who encourage innovation and creativity through challenging the normal beliefs or status quo
Individual Consideration
Describes leaders who act as coaches and advisors to followers. Leader motivates followers to reach goals that benefit not only the organization by the follower as well
What do the 4 I’s help transform followers into?
Four I's help transform followers into better, more productive and successful individuals
Ability to influence the behavior of others
The effect that a person's actions have on the attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors of others
The ability to influence people toward the attainment of goals
What are the 3 types of position power? LRC
Legitimate Power
Reward Power
Coervice Power
Legitimate Power
Power that comes from the formal position in an organization and the authority granted by that position
Reward Power
Results from the authority to bestow rewards
Coercive Power
Stems from the authority to punish or recommend punishment
2 Types of Personal Power ER
Expert Power
Referent Power
Expert Power
Power that results from special knowledge or skill
Referent Power
Results from characteristics that comes from identification with respect and admiration for, and desire to emulate the leader
The forces either within or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of actions
What is a managers job?
A managers job is to channel motivation toward the accomplishment of organizational goals
Intrinsic Rewards
The internal satisfactions and positive feelings that a person receives in the process of performing a particular action
Extrinsic Rewards
Something given by another person and includes promotions, praise, and pay increases
Do effective managers want people to recieve intrinsic or extrinsic rewards?
Content Theory of Motivation
People have a variety of needs that motivate specific behaviors in an attempt to satisfy the need
Content Theories
Emphasize the needs that motivate people
4 Content Theories META
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
ERG Theory
Two Factor Theory
Acquired Needs Theory
What 3 categories of needs does ERG Theory identify? ERG
Existence Needs
Relatedness Needs
Growth Needs
Existence Needs
The needs for physical well being; physical, safety
Relatedness Needs
The needs for satisfactory relationships with others; social
Growth Needs
The needs for satisfactory relationships with others; Self-Esteem, Self-Actualization
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Low to High) PSBES
Physiological Needs
Safety Needs
Belongingness Needs
Esteem Needs
Self-Actualization Needs
Physiological Needs
Heart, air, base salary
Safety Needs
Safe work, fringe benefits, job security
Belongingness Needs
Work groups, coworkers, clients, supervisors
Esteem Needs
Recognition, approval, high status
Self-Actualization Needs
Opportunities for advancement, autonomy, growth
Hertzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
There are two factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction, all of which act independently of each other
(T/F) Job dissatisfaction is not the opposite of job satisfaction
Hygiene Factors
Focus on lower-level needs and involve the presence or absence of job dissatisfiers. An increasing in hygiene factors causes a decrease in job dissatisfaction but can never increase job satisfaction
Influence job satisfaction based on fulfilling higher level needs
Acquired Needs
Certain types of needs are acquired during the individual's lifetime
3 Types of Acquired Needs AAP
Need for achievement
Need for Affiliation
Need for power
Need for Achievement
The desire to accomplish something difficult; a trait of an entrepreneur