Ap WH Unit 5 Review:

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Charles Fourier

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Charles Fourier

________- People should live harmoniously in society rather than struggle in a class system.

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Baron Montesquieu

________- Influenced American politics by writing about and praising the British government use of checks and balance, and separation of powers in Parliament.

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Toussaint LOverture

________, a Haitian who learns the way of the enlightenment, joined the rebellion against slavery.

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________: Led by slaves that had no rights prior to revolutions.

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________ is the first country to start protecting the rights of the workers, voting rights till very late.

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Robert Owen

________- Communal ownership of property, education for children who worked, community rules to govern life.

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Giuseppe Mazzini

________ and his idea of Italian Resurgence (risorgimento), combined the Cavours ideas, encouraged revolutionary fervor and Italy was unified.

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American Revolution

________:* Rooted in Enlightenment Philosophy and ideas of** free- market economy** (Anti- Mercantilism)

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Spinning ________- James Hargreaves- A weaver can spin more than one thread at a time.

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________ and Revolutions:* Enlightenment ideas clashed with conservative traditions leading to an age of revolutions around the world.

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________ is known as the "father of factory.

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Specialization of Labor

________- Each person has a specific job.

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Investor demand

________ for faster production encouraged the growth of factories.

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________ in general helped people move from rural to urban areas more easily* For first time, farmers, manufacturers, miners, & customers domestically and internationally were connected.

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________: Industrialization in ________ was slow in the 1800s, French revolution, small population (no one to work in factories)* Germany: Originally slow due the numerous small states, once unified in 1871, became massive producers of steel & coal.

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Leisure Activities

________: Riding bicycles.Wanted to escape from harsh reality of factories.

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________:* LOuverture produced the Haitian constitution in 1801 that gave all people equality and citizenship.

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________ worked because they could use rivers to generate power, and mass production.

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Unilever Corporation

________:* British and Dutch venture* Made soap in Australia, Switzerland, and US* Took palm oil for soap from British West Africa and Congo (another example of corps.

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In ________, businesses were sold to zaibatsu, or powerful family businesses in ________.

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Utopian socialism

(________ is not what Marx wanted)* Henri de Saint- Simon- Engineers, scientists, and business should work together to provide jobs, create spaces worth working in, and create useful products.

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________ was rich and well versed in Enlightenment ideas.

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Scientific Revolution

The Enlightenment- A movement taking ideas from humanism, the Renaissance, as well as the ________ that valued reason over faith (Empiricism)

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French Revolution

________:* Ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity popularized by the Enlightenment Philosophes encouraged the ________.

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Hong Kong

________ and Shanghai Banking Corporation:* British owned bank opened in the colony of Hong Kong in 1865* Finance, corporate investment, and banking* One of the first international banks* Helped finance trade a grow the global economy* De Beers Diamonds:* Transnational corporation* Cecil Rhodes was an investor in the trans- African railroad* Goal to connect all British colonies in Africa.

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Slavery trade

________ was made illegal in the early 1800s in most places* As Europe became more industrialized serfdom lost its importance* Peasant revolts also led to reform.Elizabeth the I in England ended serfdom in 1574.France did so in 1789.Russia did so in 1861.

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Assembly Line

________- Henry Ford- Moving line made for quick production of a good in a factory.

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Company Control

________- "When British East Indian Co. controlled India.High taxes made it difficult for Indians to mine and work metals resulting in mines being closed.

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Cult of Domesticity

Middle- class women:"________- "advertisers glorifying the "housewife "(perfect children, clean house, and much more taxing to woman who worked and took care of the house)

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Zionism- After centuries of anti- semitism around ________, Jewish people pushed to have their own homeland.

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New Zealand Wars

________:* Great Britain annexed New Zealand in 1840 resulting in an increased control over Maori tribes (iwi) and a desire for the land.

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Olympe de Gouges

In 1791 ________ wrote "the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen "to point out that womens rights had not been addressed in the hugely significant "Declarations of the Rights of Man and the French Citizen "that had encouraged the French Revolution.

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Great Britain

________ was the first place to industrialize on a large scale.

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Italian Peninsula

In the 1880s, the ________ was divided into local kingdoms and city- states.

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Water Frame

________- Richard Arkwright- Water Powered the spinning wheel.

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National Assembly

Commoners made up 97 % of French society but did NOT make up 97 % of the Estates- General which upset the commoners and encouraged them to make the ________, their own governing body* 3rd estate says we represent the interest of everyone.

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Otto von Bismarck

________ unifies all European states, blood and iron* He won all 3* Nationalism grew and Prussia gained territory* 1871- Bismarck establishes the kingdom of Germany* Germany and Italy both become new world powers, and we see the seeds of growing nationalism that will lead to WWI.

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Coal power

________ could be used anywhere (ships or trains), was not dependent of wind* replaced wind sailing ships* Iron:* Coal allowed iron to manufactured, which was a huge improvement in the manufacturing process* The Second Industrial Revolution: 19th and 20th Centuries- the developments in steels, chemicals, precision machinery, and electronics.

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Karl Marx

________:- Offered ALTERNATIVE views of society* German scholar and author who wanted socialism* Wrote "Communist Manifesto* "Capitalism is basically feudalism because some are rich and some are poor* Proletariat= working class (poor)* Bourgeoisie= middle class and upper class- investors who owned machinery and factories* Bourgeoisie always exploited proletariat* Under Socialism, social classes would not exist* Proletariat would take control of means of production* Wealth would be shared equally* Marx is not Russian he is German* the book is a success because the lower wage workers loved this concept, the government doesnt* Communist revolution could lead to disruption of capitalism* original idea of Marx was to disrupt capitalism at all costs.

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Bolivar Revolutions

________:* Desires for independence grew amongst the Creole class first.They did not want help from the "masses "(mestizos, indigenous, mulattos) because of what happened in Haiti.

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a movement in Europe from about 1650 until 1800 that advocated the use of reason and individualism instead of tradition and established doctrine

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utopian socialism

socialism achieved by voluntary sacrifice

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