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Vivian Sobchack said that the most notable thing about SF film music is ....
its lack of notability
Hermann worked for ____ radio with Orson Welles
Hermann created a radio drama based on the ...
novel The War of The Worlds
Hermann's score that was nominated for the Oscars but lost to another composed music piece he also wrote
Citizen Kane; The Devil and Daniel Webster
The Saucer from the "The Day the Earth Stood Still"
Cost 100,000; 350 ft circumference; had "unearthly beauty" that looked as if it came from another world rather than an Hollywood workshop
bug-eyed monsters
"The Day the Earth Stood Still" was added to the National Film Registry in ____
"The Day the Earth Stood Still" set the stage for future SF films such as ____ and ____
ET and Close Encounters
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Klaatu and Gort
The visiting aliens and his robot
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Arrives in ____
Washington DC
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Salve
Klaatu heals himself with this
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] The reason the president's secretary explains why a meeting with international meetings would be impossible
the global tensions of the Cold War
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Who is Mr. Carpenter
Klaatu in the boarding house
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Reason for Klaatus purpose of his visit to Earth
Earth has developed atomic power and rockets which poses a threat to other planets
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Why is Klaatu's location betrayed to the US government
A man was wooing the young Bobby's mother, Helen
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Hermann's score had a blend of ______ with _____.
conventional orchestral scoring with unearthly electronic sounds
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Music had many instruments including the following
electric violin, electric cello, electric bass, electric guitar, two Hammond organs, two pianos, two harps, two theremins, and many brass and percussion instruments
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] music was mssing
an electric hot water bottle that Alfred Newman had supplied
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] How many times did Hermann use the theremin in the music/cues?
In 24 of 32 cues
Theremins were used regularly in these shows
The Jetsons, My Favorite Martian, The Twilight Zone, and The Outer Limits
The Star Trek theme music for the second season's soprano vocalist mimics the theremin's
eerie timbre
various instruments recorded seperately to be layered on top of each other
musique concrete
1940s term to describe music that composers created by useing recorded real world sounds as their concrete foundation, rather than working with nottation
[The Day the Earth Stood Still] Hermann played some recordings _____
Techniques that Hermann used in [The Day the Earth Stood Still] (3 available)
musque concrete, multitracking, major tritone progression
Prelude and Outer Space are respectively named
R1R1 and R1P1A. R= reel and P=Part
The Prelude lasts ____ seconds and has 4 groups of instruments named __, __, __, and ___.
7 seconds; W, X, Y,Z
[Prelude] The Overall role of the W group
Consists of 2 theremins who both gilssando downward. Theremin #1 Starts high B flat, played triple piano and descends to triple forte G flat.
Theremin #2 begins above G flat and reaches a low Eflat
[Prelude] The overall role of X Group
Plays backward; Two pianos and three chimes begins with a loud E flat major or F major-seventh. Then it starts to decay. However, when reversed the sound seems to make a crescendo. less-familiar timbre
[Prelude]Group Z
Unpitched with two large and small cymbals. Starts with Pianissimo up to triple forte. Sustains sound with cymbal roll. Makes contrasting tone colors by playing half with timpani mallets and two with triangle beaters
[Prelude] The Y Group
Trio of vibraphones; starts two seconds in; Produces polychord, starting with fortissimo and sustains it with a fermata except that it is played backward in the recordin
[Outer Space] The more prevalent style in the 1960s
take small amount of material and maximizes its musical potential; oftenly repeated in a matter of ostinato
[Outer Space]Hermann employs ___ ostinato patterns; said to be a stylistic trait of his
[Outer Space] Hammond organs and pianos play
contrary groups of fourth sixteenth notes every beat, changing harmonies every measure
[Outer Space] The harps play
rest for a measure, then play contrary pattens that reserve direction after two beats
[Outer Space] the vibraphones play
contrary quarter notes for a measure, then sustains a C half diminished seventh chord
[Outer Space] the glockenspiels
play contrary fourth-eithg note patterns twice, then switches to a new contrary patten in the next bar
[Outer Space] The cumulative ostinato rhythms produces a ______
an anxious excitement and motif
[Outer Space] Alien leitmotif
played by the theremins consisting of four whole notes
[Outer Space]'s general clear form?
ternary form
[Outer Space] The A consists of the a and b, each respectively
a- alien; b- Power
[Outer Space] The B does not stand out dramatically since ...
two of the ostinato rhythms are still driving forward
B-movie catoegory
low-budget films, intended to serve as the second half of a double-feature screening
MGM's first major science fiction movie is ___
Forbidden Planet
MGM was impressed with Block's _____________ from the Forbidden Planet proposal
the invisible monster imitation
Cyril Hume
retitled work to Forbidden Planet and set the story in 2453; added terms such as hyperdrive, blaster, three laws of robotics , and positronic
[Forbidden Planet] Newly acquired visual effects
blasts from the ray guns, an electric forcefield, and an invisible monster
[Forbidden Planet] The Disney Productions best animator that was loaned and the result of his addition
Joshua Meador and the fragmentary red outline of the monster roars
[Forbidden Planet] Clothed the sole female character in
a very short mini-skirt
[Forbidden Planet ] Budget
1.9 million
[Forbidden Planet] debuted in
Charlotte, North Caroline at the Southeastern Science Fiction Conference during the beggining of March 1956
[Forbidden Planet] added tot eh National Film Registry in
[Forbidden Planet] resembles Shakespeare's play
The Tempest
[Forbidden Planet]C-57D
A United Planets star cruiser that has been traveling for over a year to search for survivors from an expedition that had been sent twenty years prior to the planet Altair IV
[Forbidden Planet] Dr. Edward Morbius
says the planet, Altair IV ,is unsafe so turn the ship around
[Forbidden Planet] Krell
creatures with technology far advanced beyond that of humans; are able to generate matter simply from the power of their minds
[Forbidden planet]a sample of "Krell Music is filled with a
hypnotic sine waves and gentle loping rhythms that create an air of ethereal contemplation
[Forbidden Planet] Doc Ostrow
attempts to try equipment that expands intellect, but instead is fatally injured by the brain boost
[Forbidden Planet] The unseen monster attacking Adam's crew in generated by ...
Morbius's subconcious mind that is unhappy that is threatening his research and his devotion to his daughter
[Forbidden Planet] How did the Barrons get some work that paid
they crashed the New York Gallery opening reception and introduced themselves to MGM president
[Forbidden Planet] How much did the couple get paid
5,000 for the bae fee to be then netting up to $25,000
[Forbidden Planet] The Barrons persuaded MGM to ship copies of the film to _____
New York
[Forbidden Planet] Bebe Barrons first reported that the circuit sound for the ID/Beast was ___ and so she lowered its frequencies about ____ times
high pitched; 70
[Forbidden Planet] When Johnny Green listened to the part of the love scene between Adams and Altaira, he described original as ____
"I didn't want the end of the Earth, I wanted love"
[Forbidden Planet] was the first ______ for a commercial feature film
all-electronic score
[Forbidden Planet] was released immediatley without refining the rough cut since ....
the film editor was unable to persuade the executives to give him any more time due to the popularity from a small teaser revealed to the public
[Forbidden Planet] The screen critic who declared the Film to be a "Wonderful Trip in Space"
New York Times screen critic
[Forbidden Planet] Louis saw that the Muscians Union refused them due to ... t
them precieving their electronic creativity as a threat
[Forbidden Planet] The irony between the Barrons and the Musicians Unions
some members would contact them for guidance
[Main Titles (Overture)] Release year and composers
1956; Bebe and Louis Barron
[Main Titles (Overture)] The Barrons used motifs to differentiate _____
the various types of equipments in use such as tools used by humans, the Krell Technology, and Robby the Robot
[Main Titles (Overture)] The leitmotif of human technology
the noisy sounds that seem to be extensions of equipment
[Main Titles (Overture)] The leitmotif of the Krell technology
dense clusters of glissandi, roaring, humming, grinding; multilayered and complicated
[Main Titles (Overture)]The leitmotif of Robby the Robot
discrete plops, short reverberated impulses with uniform echo rhythms; friendly sounds
[Main Titles (Overture)] The Flute-like tone motif
Pulls us deeply into deep space
[Main Titles (Overture)] The deep brash sound that is compared to a trombones with metal mutes motif
Concides with the text of the title; howling is unsettling
[Main Titles (Overture)] 3. spurts of clicky percussive sounds motif
whimsical; concides with Robby's title card that foreshadows his non-threatening nature
[Main Titles (Overture)]4. two layers of siren sounds that seem to be conducting a dialouge motif
grows frenzied reaching a climax
[Main Titles (Overture)] The last two sounds motifs
revisits timbres heard earlier, particularly the howling and the bells
[Main Titles (Overture)] The first keyboard-controlled
analog instrument that resembled a theremin that was controlled by a keyboard; oscillators generated raw sound waves, and sounds are modified with knobs and levers; monophonic
The Mong Synthesizer caught the ears of the general public when ....
Wendy Carlos released an album titled Switched-On Bach
The Beatles used a Mong in their Album
Abbey Road
What rock group toured with the Moog
Emerson Lake and Palmer
The Minimoog
1970; the portable version of Moog; included a pitch wheel that bends the pitch; had vibrato
Digital synthesizer
1980s; allowed users to pre-program their desired timbres
established in 1983; founded due to the problem that digital devices needed the ability to talk to each other, a method to transfer data between equipment
Yamaha DX-7
had MIDI capabilites; released in 1983 for $2,000; 30 pounds
affordable sampler or recorder
are digital recordings of external sound, allowing musicians to record and edit samples
Digital Audio Workstations [DAWs]
labels a variety of equipment and softwares that can come in many configurations; A common denominator that is the workstation allows users to edit and process audio workstations; concentrates on sound
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers; developed a series of numbers that you may have seen along raw film footage
SMPTE timecode
a group of four numbers; the first number refers to the hour of the film or reel number; the second indicates minute; third is second; last refers to the frame
US television customarily uses a speed of ____ FPS
Chariots of Fire
Vangelis; 1981; heavily relied on a Yamaha CS.80 analog synthesizer
film noir
style and genre of film making that flourished in the mid-twentieth century; 'noir' is black; filmed black and white; protagonist is a detective
The Blade Runner's storyline is drawn from a ______
1968 novel by Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep
[Blade Runner] viewers came to admire its....
troubling questions about life, memory, and beauty
an imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one.