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bloody Sunday
9 January 1905
Potemkin mutiny
June 1905
General strike
20 September-2 October 1905
St Petersburg Soviet formed
October 1905
October manifesto
17 October 1905
first Duma
April - July 1906
second Duma
February - June 1907
third Duma
November 1907- June 1912
fourth Duma
November 1912 - February 1917
Lena Goldfields strike
Russia defeated at battle of Tannenburg
August 1914
Nicholas II takes leadership of Russian armed forces
August 1915
Assassination of Rasputin
International women day protests
23 February 1917
army mutiny
27 February 1917
Petrograd soviet issues order number 1
1st March 1917
Nicholas II abdicates which forms provisional government
2nd March 1917
Lenin returns to Russia
3 April 1917
April Theses
4 April 1917
June offensive
May 1917
July days
3-7 July 1917
Lenin flees to Finland
5 July
Kornilov revolt
August 1917
Trotsky elected president of Petrograd soviet
25 September 1917
Lenin returns to Russia in secret
10 October 1917
Bolsheviks take over winter palace
25-26 October 1917
elections for Constituent assembly
November 1917
early Bolshevik decrees
November - December 1917
Constituent assembly dissolved
January 1918
treaty of Brest-Litovsk
March 1918
Trotsky becomes War commissar
war communism begins
June 1918
Tsar and family executed
17 July 1918
Bolshevik victory in the civil war
Kronstadt Naval mutiny
28 February 1921
New Economic Policy (NEP)
Lenin dies