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First recorded use of the word "China"
Term for porcelain or ceramic ware originally made in China
From the dynasty that nified China; "yellow-colored" barbarian tribe from the north
central country, as they believes that they were the "Center of Civilization"
Cathay or Cathai
It is a historical/poetic name for China that was used in Europe
Largest country in Asia
Largest country in the world
Yellow River (Huang He)
Also called "The Great Sorrow" because each spring the rivers would overflow their banks.
Yangtze River (Chang Jiang)
Third longest river in the world at 2432 mi
Pearl River (Zhu Jiang)
848 mi long river in China
North China
Dominated by the alluvial plains along the Yellow River.
Gobi Desert
This desert lies to the North of China
South China
This region is drained by the Yangtze River. Its climate is warm and humid
Mount Everest
It is the highest point along the Tibetan Plateau
Mount Everest
It is the highest mountain in the world
Outer China
It is the huge area to the north and weat of China Proper
Part of Northeast China included in Outer China
Wood-frame Construction
It is the most distinctive architectural feature
It is the principal material in China
These are the materials used in roofs
Limestone and Sandstone
It is used in threshold, stairs, balusters, engineering works
Silk Road
It is the trade route in China
Silk Road
It led to the establishment of extensive trading which made China the largest economy
True or False:
The People's Republic of China is officially an atheist state.
5 Religions recognized by the government of China
It was a new code of social conduct and philosophy of life
Middle Way
It is a key concept originating in China that describes their philosophy of life
It is founded by Lao Tzu, which offered a doctrine of universal love as solution to social disorder
It controlled the planning of societies, cities, and design of the building
Feng Shui
It is based on the belief that forces exist in every locality and this affects the energy flow within space, buildings, towns, and cities.
Yin and Yang
It is a taoist idea that describes nature as two balancing forces. It also refers to the interaction of two energies.
2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Lucky numbers in China
This number is categorized as unlucky even though it is an even number, because its pronunciation rhymes with the Chinese word "Si" meaning "death"
Lo Shu Magic Square
It is also called Bagua Chart
The sum of the numbers in every direction in every row of the Lo Shu Magic Square
Number of days it takes for the new moon to become a full moon
Lo Shu Magic Square
This symbolizes the natural order of the universe. This pattern was also used to control the river tides
They rule the country under one family
They are Chinese rulers that are based on the Confucian Model
They are also called Son of God
Ancient China
Early Imperial China
Latter Imperial China
Republic of China
People's Republic of China
Dynasties in China
Zhoukoudian Cave
It is the first evidence of human habitation
Homo Erectus
They are estimated to have lived approximately 300,000 to 550,000 years ago
Peking Man
Anothe term for Homo Erectus
Zhou Dynasty
They emerged in the Huang He Valley overrunning the Shang
Zhou Dynasty
It is called "Mandate of Heaven"
"Mandate of Heaven." It is the notion that the ruler "the son of heaven" or governed by divine
Qin Dynasty
It is the first Chinese Empire. They standardized the language and writing; and its currency as a circular copper coin with a square hole in the middle.
Great Wall
It was built in the north, to protect against invasions, later developed by the Ming Dynasty
Huge Palace
It was built for Qin Shi Huang
Teracotta Warriors
It is the mausoleum of the first qin emperor
Around 8000
How many terracotta warriors are in 3 main chambers?
Gaozu (Liu Bang)
He iverthrew the Qin Emperor and assumed power
Golden Age of China
It is the period of prosperity, with the country embracing Confucianism
It is the first religion that came to China
Higly educated ministers
Government Administrators
Things Emperor Gaozu invested in during his reign
Tang Dynasty
It is the second largest and longest enduring empire after the Han Empire
It is the dominant religion during the Tang Dynasty
It became the national religion at the end of the Tang Dynasty and banned all other religions
Wu Chao
She is the only female empress in China
An important development during the Five Dynasties
Five Dynasties
The practice of binding women's feet began during this time
Foot Binding
It was first practiced among the elite in the wealthiest parts of China, which suggests that binding the feet of well-born girls represented their freedom from manual labor and, at the same time, the ability of their husbands to afford wives who did not work
Northern and Southern Song Dynasty
-Use of gunpowder
-Foreign trade expanded greatly
- Educationa dn the examination system became central to the upper class
Yuan Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Qing Dynasty
Latter Imperial China Dynasties
They are first of only two times that the entire area of China was ruled by foreigners
Kublai Khan
He established the Yuan Dynasty
Genghis Khan
He placed on the official record of Kublai Khan as the founder of the dynasty
Ming Dynasty
It is one of the greatest eras of orderly government and social stability
Ming Dynasty
This dynasty is when the repair and completion of the Great Wall of China happened. And also the establishment of the forbidden city
Qing Dynasty
It is the last imperial dynasty of China
Boxer Rebellion
It is a violent anti-foreign, anti-Christian Movement by the "Righteous Fists of Harmony" or Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists in China
Xinhai Revolution
It brought an end to the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China
Concept of Bilateral Symmetry
Horizontal Emphasis
Materials and Construction
Basis of Ancient Chinese Architecture
Bilateral Symmetry
It is applied in both complexes and farmhouses
Secondary Elements
These are positioned either side of main structures to maintain bilateral symmetry
Even numbers of columns
Odd numbers of Bays
Main door located at the central bay
These are included in the building design in accordance to the concept of bilateral symmetry
It is an empty space surrounded by buildings connected with one another either directly or through verandas
Open Courtyards
It is a common feature in many types of Chinese Architecture
Sky well
This is common in the South. It is essentially a relatively enclosed courtyard formed from the intersections of closely spaced buildings. It offers a small opening to the sky through the roof space from the floor up
Temperature Regulation
Maximum exposure of the windows + walls to the sun
Collect rainwater from the rooftops
Function of Enclosure
This refers to the placement of buildings within a site based on its importance
True or False:
Doors facing the front are considered more important than those facing the sides
True or False:
Buildings facing away from the front are the least important
True or False:
More private location + higher exposure to sunlight = reserved for elders
East and West
Buildings facing these directions are generally for junior members of the family
Buildings near the front are reserved for these people
True or False:
Back-facing buildings in the back of the properties are used for celebratory rites and for the placement of ancestral halls and plaques
Imperial Palaces
Residences of Royal Relatives
Mandarin (Bureaucrat) Residence
Wealthy Businessmen
Ordinary People
Hierarchy exists in the type of architecture for the different members of society:
Front Part
This part of the imperal palace is for the Emperor to handle official businesses
Rear Part
This part of the Imperial Palace is the residence for emperors and concubines
East Part
This part of the Imperial Palace is where the shrines for the ancestors is
West Part
This part of the Imperial Palace is where the shrines for agricultural deities are
Yin-Yang Principle
Overall Arrangement of Imperial Palace = traditional Chinese requirements + ___
Residences of Royal Relatives
It is less solemn and much smaller in size and scale compared to Imperial Palace
Maximum number of engraved beasts in the Residences of Royal Relatives
This number symbolizes the emperor's supreme sovereignty
Prince Gong's Mansion
It was constructed in 1777 during the Qing Dynasty for Heshen.
He was a prominent court official who was tried and found to be corrupt, so the mansion was seized and given to Prince Qing, the 17th and youngest son of Qianlong Emperor
Mandarin (Bureaucrat) Residence
This place was also retsricted by a set of rules, as all buildings were legally regulated. It contains Guardian Lions