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Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
A disaster on March 25, 1911, where a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company resulted in the deaths of 146 workers, highlighting workplace safety issues and labor needs.
A movement aiming to bring about significant change in American society and politics during the early twentieth century.
Journalists in the Progressive era who exposed corruption, social injustices, and the harsh realities of urban life.
An economic system based on mass production and mass consumption, popularized by Henry Ford.
Scientific Management
A management theory founded by Frederick W. Taylor, emphasizing efficiency and productivity through the detailed analysis of workflows.
New Feminism
A movement during the Progressive era advocating for women's rights, particularly in terms of labor and birth control.
The Oregon System
A political reform approach that included direct legislation, direct primaries, initiative, referendum, and recall, popularized in Oregon.
Labor Unions
Organizations formed by workers to advocate for better wages, hours, and working conditions.
Eugene V. Debs
A prominent figure in the Socialist Party, known for his advocacy of workers' rights and running for president multiple times.
The Jungle
A novel by Upton Sinclair that exposed unsanitary conditions in the meatpacking industry, leading to food safety reforms.
Hull House
A settlement house founded by Jane Addams in Chicago, aimed at improving the lives of the immigrant poor through services and advocacy.
Women’s Suffrage
The movement aimed at securing the right to vote for women, gaining momentum in the early 1900s.
The legal ban on the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol, which became a key part of the Progressive movement.
Child Labor Laws
Laws enacted during the Progressive era aimed at restricting the employment of minors in hazardous conditions.
Underwood Tariff
A 1913 law that lowered tariffs for the first time since the Civil War and implemented a graduated income tax.
Clayton Antitrust Act
A 1914 law that strengthened antitrust laws, exempted labor unions from being prosecuted as monopolies, and protected the rights of workers.