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what are examples of residential water use
water use in a home
what is xeriscaping
drought tolerant species; in texas for example
how much of the world’s freshwater use is for irrigating crops
sprinkler irrigation loses what percent of water to evaporation
what amount of water is used to manufacture goods, dispose waste, and generate power
what is desalination
removing salt from seawater to make fresh water
what is thermal desalination
water is heated up, then evaporates and leaves salt, a desalination plant moves the salt to water nearby (known as brine discharge)
what is reverse osmosis desalination
pressurized seawater forced through membranes to separate salt out, uses energy
what are the order of the steps to make water potable
intake, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, disinfection
what is intake
large objects are removed with screens
what is coagulation
chemicals are added to help particles stick together/ negative charged particles need to stick so chemicals are added to create neutral charge
what is flocculation
particle binders are added, slow mixing facilitates clumping
what is sedimentation
clumped particles settle to the bottom
what is disinfection
pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites) are killed through chlorination, UV light, or ozone gas before being stored for use.
what is water reclamation
the process of converting municipal wastewater (sewage) into reclaimed water that can be reused
what is the order of wastewater treatment process flow
pump station, bar screens, grit/sludge removal, primary sedimentation, aeration and biological reduction, final sedimentation, and finally disinfection final treatment
what is primary sedimentation
things that aren’t sludge but still heavy, settling
what is aeration
adding oxygen to water so organic molecules can be broken down