APAH Final (Mock Exam) Review

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Monet’s The Saint-Lazare Station exemplifies a central interest of Impressionist artists by…

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Monet’s The Saint-Lazare Station exemplifies a central interest of Impressionist artists by…

rendering an everyday moment to highlight the effects of light on surfaces

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Marie and Julian Martinez developed a black-on-black pottery technique that included the creation of a smooth, high-gloss surface finish which was achieved by…

Firing the pieces in an electric kiln at high temperatures

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By recording the location of the sites where Lapita pottery fragments were found, scholars were able to draw conclusions about the…

Spread of the Lapita culture across different regions of Pacific islands

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Scholars believes that the design of the Silla gold and jade crown suggests the form of a…

Sacred tree in the royal precinct

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In the convent of Santo Domingo in Cusco, the combination of Spanish Baroque architecture with Inka ashlar masonary walls represented…

a transition from worship of the Inka Sun god to worship of the Christian God

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Eugene Delacroix took inspiration for his painting Liberty Leading the People from a…

Political uprising against a ruling king

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Louis-Jacques-Mande Daquerre’s Still Life in Studio makes use of an arrangement of objects reminiscent of traditional still-life painting in an attempt to…

Elevate the artistic status of a new medium

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Nan Madol is believed to have primarily functioned as a…

Ceremonial and administrative center of a royal dynasty

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Faith Ringgold references traditional folk art forms in Dancing at the Louvre by incorporating the technique of…


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Based on the architectural evidence gathered through the excavation of jade congs, many art historians believe that these works served as…

Grave goods that played an important role as part of funerary traditions

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While Caravaggio uses light in The Calling of Saint Matthew to suggest a divine presence within a religious narrative, Joseph Wright of Derby uses light in A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery to emphasize…

The act of learning and education

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In the way it combines human and animal features, the Buk (mask) from the Torres Strait is the most similar to the…

Transformation mask of the Kwakwaka’wakw

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The architects of the Hagia Sophia created an expansive internal space by using…

Pendentives to support the central dome

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Giotto di Bondone’s Lamentation demonstrates a shift from Gothic painting traditions in its…

Plastic modeling of form

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To give his work, such as Old Man’s Cloth, the appearance of flowing tapestry, El Anatsui uses…

Flattened labels from liquor bottle-caps fastened together with copper wire

<p>Flattened labels from liquor bottle-caps fastened together with copper wire</p>
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in Edouard Manet’s Olympia, the influence of Titian’s Venus of Urbino on the work is most evident in the…

Reclining pose of the nude female figure

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Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s sculpture Ectasy of Saint Theresa was designed to be seen by the viewer…

Within a chapel, as though seen on a stage

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The Todai-ji temple complex demonstrates continuity with other works of imperial Buddhist architecture from Asia b/c it was….

Constructed on a monumental scale to express royal authority

<p>Constructed on a monumental scale to express royal authority </p>
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Like the Fengxian Temple that is the part of the Longman caves, Todai-ji includes…

Fierce guardian figures created to protect the complex’s sacred space

<p>Fierce guardian figures created to protect the complex’s sacred space</p>
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The Great Buddha statue located in the mian hall at Todai-ji was constructed of

Cast Bronze

<p>Cast Bronze</p>
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In order to give the viewers the impression that the spirit of the Buddha inhabited the sculpture in the main hall, a monk performed a ceremony in which he..

painted eyes onto the statue

<p>painted eyes onto the statue</p>
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Scholars believes that the sculpture of Apollo from the Temple of Minerva at Veii serves as a…

Part of group figures depicting a mythological narrative

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<p>The sculpture shown can be attributed to the same culture that produced the…</p>

The sculpture shown can be attributed to the same culture that produced the…

Votive figures from Sumerian Square Temple at Eshunna

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In its pilgrimage function and in the way that visitors are intended to interact with the site, the Kaaba in Mecca is most similar to…

The Great Stupa at Sanchi

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<p>The work shown was created by which of the following artists?</p>

The work shown was created by which of the following artists?

Vassily Kandinsky

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<p>In the work shown, the use of overlapping vertical and diagonal lines suggests…</p>

In the work shown, the use of overlapping vertical and diagonal lines suggests…

Movement and rhythmic energy

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<p>The artist included abstract references to apocalyptic events so that viewers would reflect on the…</p>

The artist included abstract references to apocalyptic events so that viewers would reflect on the…

Changes brought on by new developments in the arts

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<p>The work departs from earlier Western painting traditions because it was inspired in part by…</p>

The work departs from earlier Western painting traditions because it was inspired in part by…

Musical composition

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<p>The abstracted nature and dynamic qualities of the work shown, as well as other works by the same artist, had a significant impact on the work later artists such as…</p>

The abstracted nature and dynamic qualities of the work shown, as well as other works by the same artist, had a significant impact on the work later artists such as…

Julie Mehretu

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In the way it functions to commemorate individuals after their death, the Estrucan Sacrophagus of the Spouses is most similar to which of the following sculptures?

Anavysos Kouros

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<p><span>This work can be attributed to the prehistoric culture that produced the…</span></p>

This work can be attributed to the prehistoric culture that produced the…

Tlatilco female figurine from Central Mexico

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<p><span>The work shown by Henri Matisse demonstrates an interest in the...</span></p>

The work shown by Henri Matisse demonstrates an interest in the...

Flattening of pictorial space with unblended brushstrokes of vibrant colors

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Hokusai's Under the Wave off Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura) demonstrates the influence of European art on his work in its use of...

A composition with a low horizon line, which is indicative of Dutch painting

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<p><span>The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.</span><br><span>The building shown was built in which art historical style?</span></p>

The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.
The building shown was built in which art historical style?

Early Byzantine

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<p><span>The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building. The architects of the building shown likely intended to elicit a sense of wonder from twelfth-century visitors through which of the following features?</span></p>

The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building. The architects of the building shown likely intended to elicit a sense of wonder from twelfth-century visitors through which of the following features?

The clarity of the building's design, which avoids any nonfunctional elements

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<p><span>The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.</span><br><br><span>Which of the following architectural elements were used by the architects of the building shown to give additional support to the ceiling?</span></p>

The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.

Which of the following architectural elements were used by the architects of the building shown to give additional support to the ceiling?

Squinches and pendentives

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<p><span>The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.</span><br><br><span>The importance of the Church of Sainte-Foy as a pilgrimage site is reflected in the building's design through inclusion of which of the following features?</span></p>

The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.

The importance of the Church of Sainte-Foy as a pilgrimage site is reflected in the building's design through inclusion of which of the following features?

An ambulatory and radiating chapels

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<p><span>The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.</span><br><br><span>The building shown is similar to Chartres Cathedral, in that both structures feature...</span></p>

The two images shown are an exterior and interior view of the same building.

The building shown is similar to Chartres Cathedral, in that both structures feature...

A cruciform plan comprised of a nave and transept

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<p><span>The work shown, attributed to Cotsiogo (Cadzi Cody), can be interpreted as an art form that affirms Eastern Shoshone identity because it was...</span></p>

The work shown, attributed to Cotsiogo (Cadzi Cody), can be interpreted as an art form that affirms Eastern Shoshone identity because it was...

Painted on an animal hide using natural pigments and stencils

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<p>The images show the <em>sika dwa kofi</em> (Golden Stool) and the <em>Nkisi n'kondi</em>.</p><p></p><p>Both works are imbued with power from...</p>

The images show the sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) and the Nkisi n'kondi.

Both works are imbued with power from...

Spiritual sources

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<p>The images show the <em>sika dwa kofi</em> (Golden Stool) and the <em>Nkisi n'kondi</em>.</p><p></p><p>Both works were created with materials selected because they are...</p>

The images show the sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) and the Nkisi n'kondi.

Both works were created with materials selected because they are...

Instilled with unique properties that channel authority

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<p>The images show the <em>sika dwa kofi</em> (Golden Stool) and the <em>Nkisi n'kondi</em>.</p><p></p><p>In its intended setting, the Power figure (<em>Nkisi n'kondi</em>) likely instilled a sense of confidence in members of the community because it...</p>

The images show the sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) and the Nkisi n'kondi.

In its intended setting, the Power figure (Nkisi n'kondi) likely instilled a sense of confidence in members of the community because it...

Ensured punishment for those who broke oaths or committed crimes

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<p>The images show the <em>sika dwa kofi</em> (Golden Stool) and the <em>Nkisi n'kondi</em>.</p><p></p><p>The display of the <em>sika dwa kofi</em> (Golden Stool) serves to...</p>

The images show the sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) and the Nkisi n'kondi.

The display of the sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) serves to...

Reinforce the object's significance and restricted use

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<p><span>The relief carving shown can be attributed to the Amarna style because it depicts the...</span></p>

The relief carving shown can be attributed to the Amarna style because it depicts the...

Veneration of the sun god Aten by the pharaoh and his family

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<p><span>Due to the style of calligraphic script and gold detailing used in the folio shown, the work can be identified as...</span></p>

Due to the style of calligraphic script and gold detailing used in the folio shown, the work can be identified as...

A Kufic folio from the Qur'an

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<p><span>Works like the one shown from Micronesia utilized abstract geometric lines and shapes because they functioned to record...</span></p>

Works like the one shown from Micronesia utilized abstract geometric lines and shapes because they functioned to record...

Ocean currents and landforms

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Some scholars have theorized that the design of the Great Serpent Mound is linked to astronomical phenomena because of the...

Orientation of its head, which is aligned with the summer solstice

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<p><span>The sculpture shown appears like-like and natural as a result of the...</span></p>

The sculpture shown appears like-like and natural as a result of the...

Sense of balance provided by the contrapposto stance

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<p><span>The formal qualities of the sculpture shown suggest a strong influence by which of the following earlier works?</span></p>

The formal qualities of the sculpture shown suggest a strong influence by which of the following earlier works?

Doryphoros (Spear Bearer)

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<p><span>The choice of iconography of the work shown was strongly influenced by the...</span></p>

The choice of iconography of the work shown was strongly influenced by the...

Establishment of the Roman Empire under Augustus

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<p><span>The sculptor of the work shown chose to show the figure's arm extended to...</span></p>

The sculptor of the work shown chose to show the figure's arm extended to...

Highlight his speaking skills as a gifted orator

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<p><span>The choice of imagery on the breastplate of the individual depicted was most likely intended to elicit which of the following responses from viewers?</span></p>

The choice of imagery on the breastplate of the individual depicted was most likely intended to elicit which of the following responses from viewers?

Appreciation of his services as protector of peace and prosperity

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<p><span>The work shown was intended to elicit a humorous response from viewers by...</span></p>

The work shown was intended to elicit a humorous response from viewers by...

Placing a common object in an unexpected context

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<p><span>Claes Oldenburg's choice of imagery in this work reflects which contemporary concern of the 1960s?</span></p>

Claes Oldenburg's choice of imagery in this work reflects which contemporary concern of the 1960s?

Protests against the Vietnam War on college campuses

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<p><span>In creating the work shown, Claes Oldenburg intended to encourage thoughtful reflection by...</span></p>

In creating the work shown, Claes Oldenburg intended to encourage thoughtful reflection by...

Combining contrasting references to objects traditionally connected with gender stereotypes

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<p><span>Claes Oldenburg's references to popular culture to comment on contemporary American society is most similar to that found in works by...</span></p>

Claes Oldenburg's references to popular culture to comment on contemporary American society is most similar to that found in works by...

Andy Warhol

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The St. Matthew cross-carpet page of the Lindisfarne Gospels invites meditative reflection through the use of...

Complex and repetitive abstract designs created from interlacing linear forms

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<p><span>The choices of sunflower seeds as the subject matter of the work shown was influenced by their association with...</span></p>

The choices of sunflower seeds as the subject matter of the work shown was influenced by their association with...

Chairman Mao and China's Cultural Revolution

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<p><span>Ai Weiwei chose to use porcelain to create sunflower seeds because the material...</span></p>

Ai Weiwei chose to use porcelain to create sunflower seeds because the material...

Connects the work to China's long tradition of porcelain production

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<p><span>In the work shown, one reason that Ai Weiwei included over a million handmade sunflower seeds spread across a large area was to...</span></p>

In the work shown, one reason that Ai Weiwei included over a million handmade sunflower seeds spread across a large area was to...

Allude to the volume of Chinese goods in contemporary global markets

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Because of the context in which it was found, the beaker with ibex motifs from prehistoric Susa is believed to have functioned in a way that was most similar to which of the following works?

The funeral banner of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui)

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The Lanzon Stela's importance to the complex of Chavin de Huantar is made evident by its...

Concealment within a series of mazes

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In Lying with Wolf, Kiki Smith decided to depict a woman with a wolf to challenge traditional

Narratives of women as passive characters

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The Pantheon exemplifies Roman innovations in the use of concrete in the creation of its...

Massive coffered dome

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Thomas Jefferson introduced Neoclassical elements in the facade of Monticello by adding...

A Doric portico with triglyphs and metopes

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The most likely reason basalt was used as the primary building at Nan Madol was due to its...

Ability to break naturally into columnar forms ideal for construction

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<p><span>The artist who painted the Greek vase shown created a sense of naturalism by using...</span></p>

The artist who painted the Greek vase shown created a sense of naturalism by using...

Fine lines to depict the muscles and contours of the figure's body

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The Ardabil Carpet demonstrates continuity with Persian artistic traditions by featuring...

Complex patterns created through intricate hand knotting

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In her installation Pure Land, Mariko Mori created an immersive atmosphere by combining...

Scented air, photography, and a 3-D video shown in a small room

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The Great Mosque of Djenne is situated next to a marketplace for which of the following reasons?

To emphasize its role as an epicenter of religious and cultural life

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Because of its complex figural reliefs, corbeled mountainlike roofs, and covered pavilions, the structure shown can be attributed to the same architectural style as that of...

The Lakshmana Temple

<p><span>The Lakshmana Temple</span></p>
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Nan Madol can best be described as a complex that is composed of...

Artificial islands that are protected from the ocean by seawalls

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<p><span>In the Renaissance interior shown, the architect included...</span></p>

In the Renaissance interior shown, the architect included...

Contrasting stone for pilasters and molding to outline the building's geometry

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<p><span>The artist of the painting shown used which of the following techniques in the scene depicted?</span></p>

The artist of the painting shown used which of the following techniques in the scene depicted?

Atmospheric perspective through the inclusion of cool colors in the background

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Frank Gehry selected titanium instead of more traditional materials when designing the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao for which of the following reasons?

To create a reflective effect that utilized surface and sunlight

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<p><span>The facade shown contains which of the following architectural elements?</span></p>

The facade shown contains which of the following architectural elements?

Engaged columns and decorative pediments

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<p><span>The artist of the work shown was able to achieve highly naturalistic textures and luminous color by using...</span></p>

The artist of the work shown was able to achieve highly naturalistic textures and luminous color by using...

Oil paint, whose properties allow for translucent color and the depiction of illusionistic details

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<p><span>The two kneeling figures in the panel on the left are included because they represent...</span></p>

The two kneeling figures in the panel on the left are included because they represent...

The patrons who commissioned the altarpiece for private use in their home

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<p><span>Like other paintings of the Northern Renaissance, the work shown differs from Italian paintings of the same period in that it shows...</span></p>

Like other paintings of the Northern Renaissance, the work shown differs from Italian paintings of the same period in that it shows...

Greater interest in the depiction of details and less concern for perspective

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<p><span>The work exemplifies a central concern of Northern European painting traditions in its inclusion of...</span></p>

The work exemplifies a central concern of Northern European painting traditions in its inclusion of...

Objects from everyday life that communicate deeper symbolic meaning

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