the name given to the alliance of great britain, france, US, and russia
action of giving in to the demands of the powerful in order to please/pacify them
atlantic charter
statement signed by roosevelt n churchill pledging that US and great britain would work for a world free of aggression
name given to the alliance of germany, italy, and japan before/during WWII
big three
franklin roosevelt, winston churchill, and joseph stalin
cash-and-carry plan
policy by the neutrality act of 1939 allowing nations at war to buy weapons from US (intended to help GB n France)
d-day (june 6, 1944)
day where a large allied amphibious force attacked axis military positions
douglas macarthur
allied commander in the pacific theater
dwight eisenhower
allied pm andre in the european theater
ban on trading with another country
executive order 9066
authorize creation of relocation camps , many japanese used
political system glorifying the power of the state, advocates private ownership of business, and suppressed any opposition to that
extermination of an entire group of people
harry truman
us president who made the decision to use the atomic bomb at the end of WWII
lend-lease act
allowed nations fighting against the axis to borrow/lease military from US
manhattan project
americas program which built the worlds first atomic bomb
navajo code talkers
helped maintain military security in the pacific, transmitted orders
not taking sides in conflict
nuremberg trials
trails where nazi leaders were judged for war crimes
persuading views for the war and against the enemy through the use of movie/posters
rosie the riveter
symbol of the role of women assumed during the war effort
limiting the use of food/materials used for war
v-e day
war against the japanese ended, ending WWII
victory garden
vegetable/fruits/herbs grown by individuals to reduce demand on the public food supply
yalta conference
meeting at yalta w churchill, roosevelt, and stalin agreeing on post-war policy; creation of united nations