Cell Anatomy & Transport

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micrometer to millimeter conversion

1,000 um = 1 mm

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a cell that is 1-10 um is probably…


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a cell that is 10-100 um is probably…


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cell size is determined by…

  • surface area to volume ratio

  • You MUST have a larger surface area than volume to survive as a cell

    • plasma membrane must be large enough relative to cell volume to regulate passage of materials

    • volume inc faster than surface area so cell must DIVIDE

  • cell size & shape is related to its function

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prokaryotes & eukaryotes both have…

  • plasma membrane

  • cytosol that contains organelles

  • chromosomes which have genes in form of DNA

  • ribosomes

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where is DNA located in a prokaryote vs eukaryote?


  • LINEAR chromosomes contained in membrane-enclosed organelle (nucleus)


  • DNA concentrated in nucleoid region w/o membrane separating it from rest of cell (all jumbled up chromatin)

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free ribosomes


  • synthesize proteins that function within the cytosol

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bound ribosomes

  • Proteins attached to the rough ER will either go into the membrane (and stay there) or be exported out of the cell

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smooth ER

  • rich in enzymes & plays role in metabolic processes

  • enzymes of smooth ER synthesize lipids (e.g. oils, phospholipids, steroids, sex hormones, etc.)

  • also catalyzes key step in mobilization of glucose from stored glycogen (carbohydrate) in liver

    • other enzymes in smooth ER of liver detoxify drugs, poisons, alc, etc

    • frequent exposure leads to proliferation of smooth ER, inc tolerance to target & other drugs

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rough ER

  • esp abundant in cells that secrete proteins

  • as polypeptide is synthesized by ribosome, it’s threaded into cisternal space thru pore in ER membrane

  • these secretory proteins are packaged in transport vesicles that carry them to their next stage

  • also a membrane factory

    • membrane-bound proteins are synthesized directly into membrane

    • enzymes in rough ER also synthesize phospholipids

    • as ER membrane expands, parts can be transferred as transport vesicles to other components of endomembrane system

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Golgi apparatus

  • many transport vesicles from ER travel to golgi for modification of their contents

  • golgi = center of manufacturing, warehousing, storing, & shipping (thru transport vesicles)

  • esp extensive in cells specialized for secretion (bound ribosomes)

  • cis side receives material; trans side buds off vesicles that travel to other sites (products modified in btwn)

  • golgi can also manufacture its own macromolecules, including pectin & other non-cellulose polysaccharides

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  • animal cells ONLY

  • lysosomal enzymes can hydrolyze proteins, fats, polysaccharides, & nucleic acids (e.g. digest food)

  • enzymes work best at pH 5

  • proteins in lysosomal membrane pump hydrogen ions from cytosol to lumen of lysosomes

  • while rupturing one or a few lysosomes has little impact on cell, but massive leakage from lysosomes can destroy cell by autodigestion

  • used to destroy old cells (cell death)

  • lysosomal enzymes & membrane synthesized by rough ER then transferred to Golgi

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  • process wherein a cell binds to the item it wants to engulf on the cell surface

  • draws the item inward while engulfing around it

  • often happens when the cell is trying to destroy something (e.g. virus/infected cell)

  • often used by immune system cells (e.g. white blood cells)

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  • sites of cellular respiration & generating ATP

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  • found ONLY in plants & eukaryotic algae

  • sites of photosynthesis

    • convert solar energy to chem energy for food

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endosymbiotic theory (name at least 3 justifications)

  • mitochondria & chloroplasts evolved from prokaryotes

  • justifications:

    • both have small quantities of DNA that direct synthesis of polypeptides produced by internal ribosomes

    • both can grow & reproduce as semi-autonomous organelles

    • both organelles around size of prokaryotic cell

    • have 2 layers for plasma membrane, similar to prokaryotes

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  • contain enzymes that transfer H from various substrates to O2

  • an intermediate product of this process is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), but the peroxisome has another enzyme that converts H2O2 to water

  • sometimes breakdown fatty acids to smaller molecules that are transported to mitochondria for fuel

  • some detoxify alc & other harmful compounds

  • NOT formed by endomembrane system, but by incorporation of proteins & lipids from cytosol

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cytoskeleton functions

  • maintains shape of cell

  • fibers act like a geodesic dome to stabilize balance btwn opposing forces

  • provides anchorage for many organelles & cytosolic enzymes

  • dynamic, dismantling one part & reassembling in another to change shape of cell

  • cell mobility (location o cell & limited mvmts of parts of cell)

  • interacts w/ motor proteins

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motor protein

  • carry vesicles or organelles to various destinations along “monorails” provided by cytoskeleton

  • interactions of motor proteins & cytoskeleton circulate materials within cell via streaming

  • recently, evidence is accumulating that cytoskeleton may transmit mechanical signals that rearrange nucleoli and other structures

  • requires ATP

<ul><li><p>carry vesicles or organelles to various destinations along “monorails” provided by cytoskeleton</p></li><li><p>interactions of motor proteins &amp; cytoskeleton circulate materials within cell via streaming</p></li><li><p>recently, evidence is accumulating that cytoskeleton may transmit mechanical signals that rearrange nucleoli and other structures</p></li><li><p>requires ATP</p></li></ul>
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3 main types of fibers in cytoskeleton

  • microtubules

  • microfilaments

  • intermediate filaments

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  • thickest fibers

  • hollow rods abt 25 microns in diameter

  • move chromosomes during cell division

  • acts as tracks that guide motor proteins carrying organelles to destination

  • grow out from centrosome near nucleus

  • resist compression to the cell

  • central structural supports in cilia & flagella

<ul><li><p>thickest fibers</p></li><li><p>hollow rods abt 25 microns in diameter</p></li><li><p>move chromosomes during cell division</p></li><li><p>acts as tracks that guide motor proteins carrying organelles to destination</p></li><li><p>grow out from centrosome near nucleus</p></li><li><p>resist compression to the cell</p></li><li><p>central structural supports in cilia &amp; flagella</p></li></ul>
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  • in ANIMAL cells, centrosome has pair of centrioles

  • found inside centrosome

  • each w/ 9 triplets of microtubules arranged in ring

  • during cell division, centrioles replicate

<ul><li><p>in ANIMAL cells, centrosome has pair of centrioles</p></li><li><p>found inside centrosome</p></li><li><p>each w/ 9 triplets of microtubules arranged in ring</p></li><li><p>during cell division, centrioles replicate</p></li></ul>
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cilia vs flagella

  • cilia usually occur in large numbers on cell surface

    • abt 2-20 microns long

  • usually just one or few flagella per cell

    • 10-200 microns long

    • e.g. sperm cell

  • hwvr, both have same ultrastructure

    • core microtubules sheathed by plasma membrane

    • can move unicellular/small multicellular organisms by propelling water past organism

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  • thinnest class of cytoskeletal fibers

  • solid rods

  • provide rigidity and shape to the cell and facilitate cellular movements

  • w/ other proteins, they form 3D network inside plasma membrane

<ul><li><p>thinnest class of cytoskeletal fibers</p></li><li><p>solid rods</p></li><li><p><span>provide rigidity and shape to the cell and facilitate cellular movements</span></p></li><li><p>w/ other proteins, they form 3D network inside plasma membrane</p></li></ul>
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intermediate filaments

  • intermediate size of all cytoskeletal fibers

  • bear tension and anchor the nucleus and other organelles in place

  • more permanent fixtures of cytoskeleton than are the other two classes

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cell wall

  • found in prokaryotes, fungi, some protists, & plant cells

  • in plants:

    • protects cell

    • maintains its shape

    • prevents excessive uptake of water

    • supports plan against force of gravity

  • consists of microfibrils of cellulose embedded in matrix of proteins & other polysaccharides

  • mature cell wall → primary cell wall, middle lamella w/ sticky polysaccharides that hold cell together, & layers of secondary cell wall

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extracellular matrix (ECM)

  • lacking cell walls, animal cells do have elaborate ECM

  • contains primarily glycoproteins, esp collagen fibers, embedded in network of proteoglycans

  • fibronectins in ECM connect to integrins (intrinsic membrane proteins)

  • integrins connect ECM to cytoskeleton

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in what ways can the ECM regulate cell behavior?

  • interconnections from ECM to cytoskeleton via fibronectin-integrin link permit interaction of changes inside & outside cell

  • embryonic cells can migrate along specific pathways by matching orientation of microfilaments to “grain” of fibers in extracellular matric

  • extracellular matric can influence activity of genes in nucleus via combo of chemical & mechanical signaling pathways

    • this may coordinate all cells within a tissue

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  • plant cells have this

  • channels that allow cytosol to pass btwn cells

  • allows neighboring cells to communicate thru direct physical contact

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animal cells’ 3 main types of intercellular links

  • tight junctions

  • desmosomes

  • gap junctions

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tight junctions

  • membranes of adjacent cells are fused, forming continuous belts around cells

  • prevents leakage of extracellular fluid

<ul><li><p>membranes of adjacent cells are fused, forming continuous belts around cells</p></li><li><p>prevents leakage of extracellular fluid</p></li></ul>
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  • also called anchoring junction

  • fastens cells together into strong sheets, like rivets

  • intermediate filaments of keratin reinforce desmosomes

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gap junctions

  • also called communicating junctions

  • provide cytoplasmic channels btwn adjacent cells

  • special membrane proteins surrounding these pores

  • salt ions, sugar, amino acids, & other small molecules can pass

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  • most abundant lipid in plasma membrane

  • amphipathic

    • hydrophilic head

    • 2 hydrophobic tails

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fluid mosaic model

  • membrane is fluid structure w/ “mosaic” of various proteins embedded in it when view from top

  • phospholipids can more laterally (left/right)

  • membrane proteins also move side to side or laterally, making membrane fluid

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how do different types of hydrocarbon tails affect the fluidity of the plasma membrane?

  • unsaturated hydrocarbon tails w/ kinks → more fluid

  • saturated hydrocarbon tails w/ no kinks → less fluid

  • cell should have good mix of both

<ul><li><p>unsaturated hydrocarbon tails w/ kinks → more fluid</p></li><li><p>saturated hydrocarbon tails w/ no kinks → less fluid</p></li><li><p>cell should have good mix of both</p></li></ul>
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integral proteins

  • penetrate hydrophobic core of lipid bilayer

  • often transmembrane proteins, completely spanning membrane

<ul><li><p>penetrate hydrophobic core of lipid bilayer</p></li><li><p>often transmembrane proteins, completely spanning membrane</p></li></ul>
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peripheral proteins

  • appendages loosely bound to surface of membrane

<ul><li><p>appendages loosely bound to surface of membrane</p></li></ul>
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six major functions of membrane proteins

  • transport to substances in and out of cell

  • enzymatic activity

    • protein built into membrane may be enzyme

  • signal transduction

    • protein may have binding site w/ specific shape that fits shape of chemical messenger, such as hormone

  • cell-to-cell recognition

  • intercellular joining

    • membrane proteins of adjacent cells may hook together

  • attachment to cytoskeleton and extracellular matric

    • elements of cytoskeleton may be bonded to membrane proteins

    • helps maintain cell shape & stabilizes location of certain membrane proteins

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what is the role of membrane carbohydrates in cell-to-cell recognition?

  • cell-cell recognition → cell’s ability to distinguish one type of neighboring cell from another

  • interact w/ surface molecules of other cells, helping facilitate cell-to-cell recognition

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how would you expect the saturation levels of membrane fatty acids to differ in plants adapted to cold environments and plant adapted to hot environments?

  • cold → more unsaturated → more fluidity

  • hot → more saturated → less fluidity

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carbs are attached to proteins and lipids in ER & Golgi; the new membrane them forms transport vesicles that travel to cell surface and will merge w/ cell membrane. on which side of the vesicle membrane are the carbs?


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polar vs nonpolar molecules passing thru plasma membrane

  • nonpolar = hydrophobic; lipid soluble and can pass thru membrane rapidly

  • polar molecules do NOT cross membrane rapidly

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transport proteins

  • allow passage of hydrophilic substances across membrane

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passive transport

  • diffusion of substance across membrane w/o energy (including osmosis)

  • e.g. CO2, H2O, O2

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  • diffusion of water

  • affected by concentration gradient of dissolved substances called solution’s tonicity

  • aquaporin proteins move polar water molecules past phobic tails (high to low concentration)

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  • tendency for molecules to spread evenly into available space

  • move from HIGH to LOW concentration

  • DOWN concentration gradient


<ul><li><p>tendency for molecules to spread evenly into available space</p></li><li><p>move from HIGH to LOW concentration</p></li><li><p>DOWN concentration gradient</p></li><li><p>NO ENERGY NEEDED</p></li></ul>
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  • ability of solution to cause cell to gain or lose water

  • has great impact on cells w/o walls

  • 3 states of tonicity:

    • hypertonic

    • isotonic

    • hypotonic

<ul><li><p>ability of solution to cause cell to gain or lose water</p></li><li><p>has great impact on cells w/o walls</p></li><li><p>3 states of tonicity:</p><ul><li><p>hypertonic</p></li><li><p>isotonic</p></li><li><p>hypotonic</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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  • concentration of solutes inside cell is same as outside

  • no net mvmt of water

<ul><li><p>concentration of solutes inside cell is same as outside</p></li><li><p>no net mvmt of water</p></li></ul>
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  • concentration of solutes outside is greater than inside

  • cell will lose water (plasmolysis)

<ul><li><p>concentration of solutes outside is greater than inside</p></li><li><p>cell will lose water (plasmolysis)</p></li></ul>
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  • concentration of solutes is less outside than inside the cell

  • cell will gain water

<ul><li><p>concentration of solutes is less outside than inside the cell</p></li><li><p>cell will gain water</p></li></ul>
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turgor pressure

pressure of water inside plant cell pushing outward against cell membrane

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if a plant cell is turgid, it’s in a ____ environment

  • hypotonic

  • firm, healthy state in most plants

<ul><li><p>hypotonic</p></li><li><p>firm, healthy state in most plants</p></li></ul>
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if a plant cell is flaccid, it’s in a ____ environment

  • isotonic or hypertonic

<ul><li><p>isotonic or hypertonic</p></li></ul>
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animal cells survive best in which tonicity?


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how will water move across semi-permeable membrane?

solution A: 100 molecules of glucose/mL

solution B: 100 molecules of NaCl/mL

  • each molecules of NaCl will dissociate to form Na+ ion & Cl- ion

    • → final concentration of solutes is 200 molecules/mL

  • therefore, there will be net mvmt of water from solution A to solution B until both solutions have equal concentrations of solute

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facilitate diffusion

  • type of PASSIVE transport aided by proteins

  • transport proteins speed mvmt of molecules across plasma membrane

  • channel & carrier proteins

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channel proteins

  • facilitated diffusion

  • provide corridors that allow specific molecule or ion to cross membrane

<ul><li><p>facilitated diffusion</p></li><li><p>provide corridors that allow specific molecule or ion to cross membrane</p></li></ul>
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carrier proteins

  • undergo subtle change in shape that translocates solute-binding site across membrane

  • protein can transport solute in either direction (in or out of cell) w/ net mvmt being DOWN concentration gradient of solute

<ul><li><p>undergo subtle change in shape that translocates solute-binding site across membrane</p></li><li><p>protein can transport solute in either direction (in or out of cell) w/ net mvmt being DOWN concentration gradient of solute</p></li></ul>
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active transport

  • uses energy to move solutes against concentration gradient

  • requires energy, usually ATP

  • e.g. sodium-potassium pump

  • sometimes move against concentration gradient

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sodium-potassium pump

  • active transport

<ul><li><p>active transport</p></li></ul>
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membrane potential

voltage difference across membrane

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electrochemical gradient

caused by concentration electrical gradient of ions across membrane

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electrogenic pump

transport protein that generates voltage across membrane

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proton pump

knowt flashcard image
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  • occurs when active transport of specific solute indirectly drives active transport of another solute

  • involved transport by membrane protein

  • driven by concentration gradient

<ul><li><p>occurs when active transport of specific solute indirectly drives active transport of another solute</p></li><li><p>involved transport by membrane protein</p></li><li><p>driven by concentration gradient</p></li></ul>
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bulk transport

  • occurs by exocytosis & endocytosis

  • large proteins cross membrane by diff mechanisms

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transport vesicles migrate to plasma membrane, fuse w/ it, & release their contents

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cell takes in macromolecules by forming new vesicle from plasma membrane

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cell theory

  • all living things are made of cells

  • cells = basic unit of structure & function of life

  • cells are derived from reproduction of existing cells

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light microscope

  • visible light passes thru specimen; then thru glass lenses

  • can see nucleus/chromosomes in dividing cells/central vacuole/NOT other organelles

  • can observe LIVING cells

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electron microscope

  • electromagnets focus beam of electrons

  • better resolution than light microscope

  • can only observe organelles in DEAD cells

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transmission electron microscope

  • thin sections of specimen are stained w/ heavy metals for contrast

  • can see organelles (ultrastructure) of cells

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scanning electron microscope

  • useful for studying surface structure

  • sample surface = covered w/ thin film of gold

  • image appears 3D

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cell fractionation

  • uses machine (ultracentrifuge) to separate major organelles for study

  • separates by size/mass (bigger/heavier organelles sink to pellet'; lighter ones in supernatant)

<ul><li><p>uses machine (ultracentrifuge) to separate major organelles for study</p></li><li><p>separates by size/mass (bigger/heavier organelles sink to pellet'; lighter ones in supernatant)</p></li></ul>
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nuclear envelope

  • contains genes in eukaryotes (additional genes in mitochondria & chloroplasts)

  • surrounded by DOUBLE MEMBRANE separated by 20-40 nm space

  • nuclear pores lined by proteins (nuclear pore complex) → regulates passage of molecules in & out

  • nuclear side of envelope lined by network of protein filaments (nuclear lamina) → maintains shape

  • chromatin fibers - DNA + histone proteins

    • wraps into chromosomes (more tightly packed form) during cell division

  • nucleolus → site of ribosome (rRNA) production

<ul><li><p>contains genes in eukaryotes (additional genes in mitochondria &amp; chloroplasts)</p></li><li><p>surrounded by DOUBLE MEMBRANE separated by 20-40 nm space</p></li><li><p>nuclear pores lined by proteins (nuclear pore complex) → regulates passage of molecules in &amp; out</p></li><li><p>nuclear side of envelope lined by network of protein filaments (nuclear lamina) → maintains shape</p></li><li><p>chromatin fibers - DNA + histone proteins</p><ul><li><p>wraps into chromosomes (more tightly packed form) during cell division</p></li></ul></li><li><p>nucleolus → site of ribosome (rRNA) production</p></li></ul>
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endomembrane system

  • directly continuous or connect via transfer of membrane sacs (vesicles)

  • includes nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, & plasma membrane

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vesicles & vacuoles

  • vacuoles = larger vesicles

  • membrane-bound sacs w/ varied functions

  • contractile vacuoles in freshwater protists → pump excess water out/maintain water-salt balance

  • large CENTRAL vacuole in many mature plant cells

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purpose of central vacuole

  • stockpile proteins or inorganic ions

  • dispose metabolic byproducts

  • hold pigments

  • store defensive compounds to defend plant against herbivores

  • large vacuole reduces area of cytosol, so surface area/volume ratio inc

  • water storage makes plants TURGID

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facilitated diffusion w/ ion channels

  • transmembrane proteins form “tunnels” across membrane

  • moves from high to low concentration

  • moves charged ions (Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl-) past hydrophobic tails in center

  • can be “gated” or not

    • gates can open/close in response to electrical/chemical changes

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water potential

  • solute potential (always neg) + pressure potential (always pos) = water potential

  • the greater the concentration of a solute, the lower the water potential (INVERSE relationship)

<ul><li><p>solute potential (always neg) + pressure potential (always pos) = water potential</p></li><li><p>the greater the concentration of a solute, the lower the water potential (INVERSE relationship)</p></li></ul>
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  • cell “gulps” droplets of extracellular fluid into tiny vesicles

  • not the fluid itself that is needed by cell, but molecules inside droplet

  • b/c any & all included solutes are taken into the cell, pinocytosis is nonspecific in the substances it transports

<ul><li><p>cell “gulps” droplets of extracellular fluid into tiny vesicles</p></li><li><p>not the fluid itself that is needed by cell, but molecules inside droplet</p></li><li><p>b/c any &amp; all included solutes are taken into the cell, pinocytosis is nonspecific in the substances it transports</p></li></ul>
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receptor-mediated endocytosis

  • enables cell to acquire bulk quantities of specific substances, even tho those substances may not be very concentrated in extracellular fluid

<ul><li><p>enables cell to acquire bulk quantities of specific substances, even tho those substances may not be very concentrated in extracellular fluid</p></li></ul>
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