Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable
Contrasting attitudes towards homosexuality
Roman Catholics: do not support homosexuality, as it does not lead to procreation, which is the purpose of sex and therefore is sinful as the act should not take place
Church of England: will welcome same sex couples into the community and into church, as they believe it is a valid expression of love, however will not allow them to marry
Sex before marriage/ pre-marital sex
Every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage
Contrasting attitudes to sex before marriage
Against: (Anglican and Catholic Churches) sex is for the purpose of procreation and this should not happen outside of marriage, it is not casual or for pleasure
Supportive: liberal Christians believe it can be a valid expression of love, especially if the couple intends to get married or remain committed life-long
Sex outside of marriage/ extra-marital sex
Thou shall not commit adultery
Flee from sexual immorality
Catholic view on contraception
artificial contraception is wrong and goes against God’s natural plan -→ purpose of marriage and sex is to have children and procreate
‘Go forth and multiply’ ‘Fill the earth and subdue it’
Family planning should only involve ‘natural contraception’ e.g. the rhythm method
Heavily against ‘abortative contraception’ e.g. the pill and IUD, which allow the egg to be fertilised before being terminated, in comparison to methods such as the condom which blocks the sperm and egg in the first place.
Contemporary/ liberal views
There are many acceptable reasons why people don’t want to start families -→ medical, social, financial etc
Contraception can develop a couples relationship without the risk of bringing up a child in deprivation -→ modern day commitments
Reasons for divorce
Adultery, irrecoverable differences, disagreements
Catholic views on divorce
Does not officially recognise divorce. Encourage reconciliation and counselling instead (as Jesus reconciled, so humans should too)
Views marriage as a sacrament, and so the marriage vows must be kept no matter what
Methodist and Anglican views
Methodist: accept civil divorce and remarriage under certain conditions
Anglican: can remarry with the bishop’s permission
Jesus’ teachings on divorce
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her
Problems raised by divorce
Might be shunned by community, financial consequences, issues with raising the child and maintaining family life, however depends on how amicable marriage is.
Contemporary views
Marriage is a contract, not a sacrament, therefore contracts can be broken and divorce is acceptable
Catholic church: views it as adultery (unless first marriage was annulled, which is very rare)
Protestant church: recognised, as may bring renewed stability
Quote to support marriage
A man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, so that they become one flesh
Quote against divorce
Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate
Nature of family
Nuclear family: Mother, father and their children. Fulfills God’s plan of procreation
Extended family: other relatives, e.g. aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents
Polygamy, bigamy, homosexual families: polygamy and bigamy = illegal, also goes against God’s plan for marriage to be between one man and one woman.
Quote to support the role of children
Honour your father and your mother
means that children must also support their parents, it is a two way relationship
Purpose of family
Procreation: only supposed to take place between a married couple to form a family unit, God’s purpose is for man to ‘fill the earth and subdue it’
Stability and protection: family and marriage creates a proper environment in which to raise children. Love is sacrificial, as Jesus demonstrated on the cross. ‘If anyone does not provide for his relatives […] he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever
Educating children in the faith: As children are a gift from God, parents have the responsibility to educate them in the faith ‘impress them on your children (the 10 commandments)’ ‘bring them up in the instruction of the Lord’
Quotes to support gender equality
‘Let us make mankind in our image’
‘nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus’
Quotes viewing women as lesser than men
‘I will make your pains in childbirth very severe’
‘Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you’
‘Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord’
Views on gender equality
Are the words in the Bible dictated or inspired? Do we take them literally or fundamentally?
Many Christians see men and women as equal, but with different roles
Many Christians view women equally as men, and with equal responsibilities, because Jesus always treated women with dignity and respect. Marriage is an equal partnership.
The church and women
Catholic Church: does not permit female priests, as Jesus’ apostles/disciples were all appointed by him and were all men, therefore this role can’t be open to women
Protestant and CofE have accepted female priests for a long time, but not without controversy. Women are still not permitted to become bishops.