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How are the airways kept clean?
- Goblet cells secrete mucus
- Mucus traps the dirt/bacteria
- Cilia (cells with hairlike structures) waft mucus up to mouth
- Mucus is swallowed and destroyed by hydrochloric acid in stomach
What is ventilation?
Movement of air into and out of the lungs
Describe the process of breathing in (inhalation)
-External intercostal muscles contract
- Ribs move up and out
- Diaphragm contracts and flattens
- Volume inside thorax increases
- Pressure decreases
- Air is sucked into the lungs
Describe the process of breathing out
Internal intercostal muscles contract
Ribs move down and in
Diaphragm relaxes and become dome shaped
Volume inside thorax decreases
Pressure increases
Air is forced out of the lungs
Compare inhaled and exhaled air
- Inhaled air contains more oxygen and less carbon dioxide than exhaled air
How are the alveoli adapted for gas exchange?
Large surface area
Good blood supply
Thin walls - short diffusion pathway
Moist - dissolve gases
Describe the effects of smoking on the body
Cilia are paralysed → build up of mucus and pathogens → smoker’s cough → bronchitis
Smoke damages alveolar walls → walls break down → decreased surface area for gas exchange → emphysema
Carcinogens → tumour growth → lung cancer
Carbon monoxide combines irreversibly with haemoglobin in red blood cells → forms carboxyhaemoglobin → less oxygen transported → reduced respiration rate
Why can unicellular organisms (e.g. amoeba) rely on diffusion for movement of substances into and out of the cell?
Large surface area to volume ratio
Short diffusion distance
Why do animals need circulatory systems?
- Surface area to volume ratio is too small
- Diffusion is too slow
- Circulatory system needed to transport oxygen
What is the role of the phloem?
Transports sugars from leaves to growing regions/roots for storage i.e. Both up and down the shoot
Describe the structure of phloem
Sieve tubes with sieve plates in between
Companion cells contain lots of mitochondria for release of energy
What is the role of the xylem?
- Transports mineral ions and water from roots to flowers i.e. Up the shoot only
Describe the structure of xylem
Hollow forming a continuous column - no cytoplasm
Lignin gives the xylem strength and support
List the components of the blood
Plasma- White blood cells (phagocytes and lymphocytes)
Red blood cells- Platelets
What does the blood transport?
Oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body-
Carbon dioxide from other parts of the body to the lungs
Nutrients from the gut to all parts of the body
Urea from liver to kidneys
List substances transported in the plasma
Carbon dioxide- Urea- Glucose- Amino acids- Hormones
How are red blood cells adapted for their function?
Biconcave disc shape - large surface area for transport of oxygen
Haemoglobin binds to oxygen forming oxyhaemoglobin
No nucleus - more space for haemoglobin
How does the body prevent pathogen entry?
Skin acts as a barrier
HCl in stomach destroys pathogens
Hairs prevent entry
Platelets clot the blood at the site of a wound
How do white blood cells attack invading pathogens?
Phagocytes engulf pathogens
Lymphocytes recognise antigens and produce antibodies which destroy pathogens
Antitoxins made
How do lymphocytes destroy pathogens?
Recognise antigens
Make antibodies (proteins) which destroy pathogens by: Causing bacteria to stick together Label pathogen so it’s easily recognisable by phagocytes Produce antitoxins Cause bacteria to burst
Explain how the body usually responds to foreign proteins
White blood cells recognise antigens
Ingest foreign proteins by phagocytosis
Antibodies produced
Memory cells produced
Provide faster response upon reinfection
Describe the movement of the blood around the body starting at the right atrium
Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium via the vena cava
Right atrium contracts forcing blood through tricuspid valve into right ventricle
Blood enters the right ventricle and leaves via the pulmonary artery
Blood flows to the lungs and becomes oxygenated
Blood returns to the heart and enters the left atrium via the pulmonary vein
Left atrium contracts forcing blood through bicuspid valve into the left ventricle
Left ventricles contracts forcing blood into the aorta
Oxygenated flows around the body and is used in respiration
How is our heart rate increased?
Adrenaline increases heart rate
When we exercise, muscles produce carbon dioxide
Receptors in aorta and carotid artery detect increase in carbon dioxide
Electrical impulses sent to medulla
Accelerator nerve raises heart rate
What is the coronary artery?
Blood vessel that supplies the heart with oxygen
What factors contribute to coronary heart disease?
- High blood pressure
- Diet - high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol
- Smoking
- Stress
- Lack of exercise
Explain how coronary heart disease can cause death
A lot of cholesterol can block coronary artery
Less oxygenated blood to heart muscle cells
Less aerobic respiration, more anaerobic respiration
Lactic acid build up causes heart attack
What does single circulation mean?
Blood is pumped from the heart to the lungs and then to rest of the body
What does double circulation mean?
Blood flows twice into the heart for every once around the body
What does the circulatory system consist of?
- Arteries, veins and capillaries
- Blood
Why is the wall of the ventricles thicker than that of the atria
The ventricles have to pump the blood further
Why is the wall of the left ventricle thicker than that of the right ventricle?
- Blood from the right ventricle is only pumped to the lungs
- Blood from the left ventricle is pumped much further - around the whole body
Describe the structure of arteries
-Thick muscle and elastic fibre walls
- Narrow lumen
- High blood pressure
Why are the artery walls so thick?
To withstand the high pressure of the blood flowing inside
Describe the structure of the veins
- Thin muscle and elastic fibre walls
- Large lumen
- Lower blood pressure
- Semi-lunar valves prevent the back flow of blood
Describe the structure of the capillaries
-Thin walls - one cell thick
- Short diffusion distance
- Narrow lumen
Name the blood vessel that takes oxygenated blood to the kidney
Renal artery
Name the blood vessel that takes deoxygenated blood from the kidney
Renal vein
Name the blood vessel that takes oxygenated blood to the liver
Hepatic artery
Name the blood vessel that takes deoxygenated blood from the liver
Hepatic vein